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Thread: Dogs are the best people

  1. #21
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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    'Biggest daschund' to lose puppy fat

    OBIE, a five-year-old, 35kg daschund whose owners loved him almost to death, is on a diet and exercise regimen to try to lose weight.

    Portland resident and dog-lover Nora Vanatta first heard of Obie when a relative of the dog's previous owners asked for help, Ms Vanatta explained on a Facebook page.

    "Ageing owners with failing health were simply loving him with food," she said. "They just couldn't say no to those big brown eyes."

    Ms Vanatta said she had no idea what to expect, and was astonished when the obese daschund arrived.

    "He is extremely sweet and loving and is a joy to work with," she said.
    Ms Vanatta, who has a degree in animal science and worked for eight years as a vet, knew what to do.

    Obie (renamed from his previous monicker AJ) was put on a special diet to lose about half his body weight. Once he trims down a bit he will begin swim therapy and go on the treadmill - he may also need to have his excess skin surgically removed.

    Though Obie's teeth are bad, the good news is that a trip to the vet confirmed his blood appears to be normal, giving hope for a long and happy future.

    "My hope is that he can be an inspiration to any person or animal trying to lose weight," Ms Vanatta said. "It is so important to introduce pups and kids to a healthy lifestyle."

  2. #22
    parksey's mum the_butcher's Avatar
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    That's messed up. Poor daschy.

  3. #23
    parksey and gallaway's stillborn child la bazzle's Avatar
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    Parkseys mum
    Terrible stuff. Will defo pull through but. Daschys are the toughest

  4. #24
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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    the owners should be charged with animal cruelty

    no doubt the owners are fatties too - studies have shown that fat people have overweight dogs

  5. #25
    Senior Member front2's Avatar
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    IMO 98% of all canines should be out on the farm and not in suburbia. In my line of work I am subjected on a daily basis to being molested and attracting unwanted attention from errant mutts. Owners in the majority have no idea on how to control or train their beast of choice. I suffered an injury from escaping from a dogs jaws nearly 4 months ago (even though it was a smaller variety of canine, thats no excuse). I ended up in hospital and have had 3 serious leg infections in the process. Half a dozen different antibiotics have left my immune system fcked and some nasty permanent scarring. At the end of the day it is up to the owners to take responsibility and be accountable for their actions and choices. Rant rant rant.....
    Yeah boz your doggie is one of the 2%

  6. #26
    parksey and gallaway's stillborn child la bazzle's Avatar
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    Parkseys mum
    Quote Originally Posted by boz-monaut View Post
    the owners should be charged with animal cruelty

    no doubt the owners are fatties too - studies have shown that fat people have overweight dogs
    I think they had dementia or something.

  7. #27
    parksey's mum the_butcher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by front2 View Post
    IMO 98% of all canines should be out on the farm and not in suburbia. In my line of work I am subjected on a daily basis to being molested and attracting unwanted attention from errant mutts. Owners in the majority have no idea on how to control or train their beast of choice. I suffered an injury from escaping from a dogs jaws nearly 4 months ago (even though it was a smaller variety of canine, thats no excuse). I ended up in hospital and have had 3 serious leg infections in the process. Half a dozen different antibiotics have left my immune system fcked and some nasty permanent scarring. At the end of the day it is up to the owners to take responsibility and be accountable for their actions and choices. Rant rant rant.....
    Yeah boz your doggie is one of the 2%

  8. #28
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by front2 View Post
    IMO 98% of all canines should be out on the farm and not in suburbia. In my line of work I am subjected on a daily basis to being molested and attracting unwanted attention from errant mutts. Owners in the majority have no idea on how to control or train their beast of choice. I suffered an injury from escaping from a dogs jaws nearly 4 months ago (even though it was a smaller variety of canine, thats no excuse). I ended up in hospital and have had 3 serious leg infections in the process. Half a dozen different antibiotics have left my immune system fcked and some nasty permanent scarring. At the end of the day it is up to the owners to take responsibility and be accountable for their actions and choices. Rant rant rant.....
    Yeah boz your doggie is one of the 2%
    Posties need to carry a knife or kick them in the jaw with your steel cappers

  9. #29
    infant member plague's Avatar
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  10. #30
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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  11. #31
    his haikus are shit pistolpete's Avatar
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    That is the greatest thing i have ever seen. Thanks for sharing Boz

  12. #32
    Senior Member BodyNovo's Avatar
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    brought a tear to my eye.

    my bull terrier was butchered by the vet last month and died a very paniful death.

    he was only 2


  13. #33
    parksey's mum the_butcher's Avatar
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    brilliant bozmonaunt

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by pistolpete View Post
    That is the greatest thing i have ever seen. Thanks for sharing Boz
    + 1 million

  15. #35
    Senior Member seldom's Avatar
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    fvckn lol
    I hope he likes prison food.......and penis

  16. #36
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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  17. #37
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    An extremely dedicated dog has continued to show its loyalty, keeping watch on its owner’s grave six years after he passed away. Capitan, a German shepherd, reportedly ran away from home after its owner, Miguel Guzman, died in 2006. A week later, the Guzman family found the dog sitting by his grave in central Argentina. Miguel Guzman adopted Capitan in 2005 as a gift for his teenage son, Damian. And for the past six years, Capitan has continued to stand guard at Miguel’s grave. The family says the dog rarely leaves the site.”We searched for him, but he had vanished,” widow Veronica Guzman told “We thought he must have got run over and died.’The following Sunday we went to the cemetery, and Damian recognized his pet. Capitan came up to us, barking and wailing as if he were crying.” Adding to the unusual circumstances, Veronica says the family never brought Capitan to the cemetery before he was discovered there.

    Cemetery director Hector Baccega says he and his staff have begun feeding and taking care of Capitan. “He turned up here one day, all on his own, and started wandering all around the cemetery until he eventually found the tomb of his master,” Baccega said.”During the day he sometimes has a walk around the cemetery, but always rushes back to the grave. And every day, at six o’clock sharp, he lies down on top of the grave, stays there all night.” But the Guzman family hasn’t abandoned Capitan. Damian says the family has tried to bring Capitan home several times but that he always returns to the cemetery on his own.”I think he’s going to be there until he dies, too. He’s looking after my dad,” he said.

    When you really think about this story it makes absolutely no sense. In fact it’s borderline preposterous. Like you’re telling me this dog who didn’t know where the cemetery was, didn’t know what gravestone his dad was buried in still somehow managed to find it and now lives there 24/7 standing guard? Not possible right? Wrong. It’s not only possible it’s 100% true. Because this is just what dogs do. What’s that old Mark Twain quote?

    “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man”

  18. #38
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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  19. #39
    Senior Member Buddha's Avatar
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    requesting some dogs wearing hats anyone?

  20. #40
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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