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Thread: Lawrie departs - good or bad?

  1. #1
    Senior Member turbojetfireV8's Avatar
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    Lawrie departs - good or bad?

    Let the discussion begin... I'll play devil's advocate by saying it is a loss for the leadership of the club as he did keep the club alive when we could have easily sunk (again)...
    Life isn't the same without Con... but it can only improve without Tinks...

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Few good years and it was clear he was bringing something to the table. Reunited the derby a little.
    Ended up a shamozzle and the club went down the shitter on his watch. I commend him for the alleged payments, but also think he needed to sound the alarm sooner.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Thomas477's Avatar
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    Did a lot for the club, but he was also a director of the failed company, so injecting his own cash isn’t as charitable as far as I’m concerned.

    Nice guy, but interested to see what the future holds.
    Middleby Gone

    Lawrie Out

  4. #4
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    I honestly apologize to anyone who's offended by this, but this is one of the happiest days of mine as a Jets fan. I think the guy, even if he was a good person outside of football, was a cancer on the club. He had no clue how to build a functional club from the bottom to the top. At absolutely no point did I feel like we were building towards anything with long term success, I only saw us signing random players, letting talent rot on the bench and no planning for following seasons until it was too late.

    I know we didn't have a massive budget to spend, but for every Nabbout signing, there was Nabbout signing for someone else and us knowing that he made the right choice. We never looked like a good option to entice people, I actually feel like once Pappas is signed I think we will be instantly more attractive as a club next season then even when we had Ernie. Pappas, even if he isn't the next coming of Ange, seems somewhat fresh and an unknown.

    I am also instantly more confident that we will find a buyer knowing that they don't have to talk to Lawrie during any negotiations.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  5. #5
    Another gypo shown the door.
    Griff already stamping his authority.
    Only a few more to go before we purge ourselves completely of that filth.

    McKinna showed he was pretty good at running a stall at the Sunday markets. If we wish to be bigger than that then we need better than gypos running the place.

    Him, his bullshit and his caravan can **** off home.
    Raise the bridge permanently once hes over it.

    Hail Griff.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Buddha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    I honestly apologize to anyone who's offended by this, but this is one of the happiest days of mine as a Jets fan. I think the guy, even if he was a good person outside of football, was a cancer on the club. He had no clue how to build a functional club from the bottom to the top. At absolutely no point did I feel like we were building towards anything with long term success, I only saw us signing random players, letting talent rot on the bench and no planning for following seasons until it was too late.

    I know we didn't have a massive budget to spend, but for every Nabbout signing, there was Nabbout signing for someone else and us knowing that he made the right choice. We never looked like a good option to entice people, I actually feel like once Pappas is signed I think we will be instantly more attractive as a club next season then even when we had Ernie. Pappas, even if he isn't the next coming of Ange, seems somewhat fresh and an unknown.

    I am also instantly more confident that we will find a buyer knowing that they don't have to talk to Lawrie during any negotiations.
    Seconded 100%

    Thanks for injecting your own funds Lawrie, but its definitely time to move on
    Jaliens gives me the horn

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    He was just out of his depth running the club. He is more suited to being a MC for an event or running a trivia night !

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