View Full Version : NFL - let's shoot and riot when we want thread
19-01-2015, 07:05 AM
Not sure how many fellow forumites follow American Football, but just a heads-up for a SuperBowl shindig.
The Grain Store in town put on a really good show last year, anticipate the same this time around. The massive Hot Dog gave me the meat sweats.
Anyway, all and sundry welcome, wear your team's gear, no matter if they're in the big game or not (I'll be donning my Bills gear, any excuse)
19-01-2015, 09:05 AM
WolfMan, you should go and hang out with the Newcastle Cobras
19-01-2015, 09:09 AM
Not sure how many fellow forumites follow American Football, but just a heads-up for a SuperBowl shindig.
The Grain Store in town put on a really good show last year, anticipate the same this time around. The massive Hot Dog gave me the meat sweats.
Anyway, all and sundry welcome, wear your team's gear, no matter if they're in the big game or not (I'll be donning my Bills gear, any excuse)
The crown and anchor put up a good show last year too, ribs, wings, hot dogs, budweisers, coors, the lot!
packers hawks game was exo
19-01-2015, 11:13 AM
Chuffed that your namesakes won, hawk?
Chuffed that your namesakes won, hawk?
Pats actually & they'll lose again. Dont mind a bit off Seattle though.
watch 1 game a year
21-01-2015, 03:41 PM
Pats in some strife.
God-damn I hate how people add "-gate" to anything remotely resembling a scandal
21-01-2015, 04:18 PM
Pats actually & they'll lose again. Dont mind a bit off Seattle though.
watch 1 game a year
Your name is Pat?
02-02-2015, 07:58 AM
Anyone take much interest in this match?
Im not really into it but always interested to hear peoples thoughts.
true waterboy
02-02-2015, 09:12 AM
Sadly I cant watch the game with work but will be checking the updates regularly.
Go the Seahawks
02-02-2015, 09:17 AM
Heading to the Grain Store shortly. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale on tap :wub:
Hoping to see Brady win it again and retire so my Bills might have half a chance in the Division haha
02-02-2015, 09:19 AM
Anyone take much interest in this match?
Im not really into it but always interested to hear peoples thoughts.
I used to be hugely into it mid 90's/early 00's. Back when Don Lane used to do 3 hours of highlights and one key game on Tuesday nights at 11pm or something.
I usually try and watch one game a year, usually the Superbowl, but the one American friend I have down here is moving house today... plus after last year's thrashing of his Broncos, he isn't so keen to watch the Seahawks defend the title.
02-02-2015, 02:17 PM
Pretty amazing game.
02-02-2015, 02:24 PM
Some dramatic scenes at games end. I rarely watch the sport but had the alarm set at 10am this morning turned the tv at exactly kickoff.
Have to say that short pass was a very dumb play, I would have passed out to the wings and gone for the touch down there. From there the time seemed to go really slow. Followed by a fight.
Ohh and the halftime show was amazing, Katy perry enough said.
02-02-2015, 03:27 PM
What a terrible play by the sea hawks at the death. Better off running for the corners or jumping over the line.
But a great interception, nonetheless.
Glad the Patriots got there. No real affiliation with any NFL team except Patriots (team I chose on Madden some 10 years ago) and Raiders (saw a game recently). Was great game for a neutral/patriots fan.
Thought Brady had lost his marbles when he failed to hit the open receiver for a touchdown when they were trailing, but he got it next play. One of the greats.
02-02-2015, 04:50 PM
Good to Tom Brady get a break in life though.
Your name is Pat?
lol. i like how those pesky britons are still giving to the yanks.
Carrrrn Pats!!! Im so happy. I should watch it ay. Greg Brady is my favourite player, peter is lame.
18-01-2016, 12:04 PM
Cardinals vs Patriots in Superbowl 50 for mine.
I hope Supercam pulls it off though, would love for them to win.
This weekend was just amazing football. The end to the Cardinals/Packers game was ridiculous, everything about it just amazing.
18-01-2016, 12:17 PM
Panthers only lost 1 all year.... So I'll go Panthers - Broncos... Payton time
18-01-2016, 12:29 PM
Peyton was let down by his receivers today. Didn't throw poorly, just so many drops. And then that fumble by Touissant when it looked like the Steelers were marching down the field to seal the victory... hell of a game.
Loved the different fronts the Steelers came out with, lining up with 1-4 defensive linemen, running blitzes from safety and pulling OLB's back into coverage so they kept 4 pass rushers. So good to watch.
18-01-2016, 05:28 PM
Don't want old man Manning to stink it up on the big stage again
18-01-2016, 07:17 PM
Panthers have this easy
i hope so so much that Cam Newton win this.
Just by being alive and successful he pisses of so many old white dudes its just a joy to behold.
also that Josh Norman is the most entertaining man in the league now that Sherman is out.
20-01-2016, 07:54 AM
i hope so so much that Cam Newton win this.
Just by being alive and successful he pisses of so many old white dudes its just a joy to behold.
also that Josh Norman is the most entertaining man in the league now that Sherman is out.
yeeeeeeee cam get 'em
i love when shit like this happens, deadspin goi sums it up the best
“Seahawk fans aren’t just fans.” Yes you are! You are literally just fans. You are no better and no worse a person than any other sports fan just because your team has been good for a few years. In fact, you are probably a worse person because you’re invoking sick children to make yourself feel better about losing a football game.
Sometimes I think I only watch sports for the brief moments of schadenfreude I get from seeing losing fans throw shit-flinging tantrums. All the better when they try to dress it up in piety. You’re not fooling anyone, Sarah!
20-01-2016, 11:09 PM
Don't forget the letters to the same paper complaining that he has yet to marry the mother of his kid (who he named 'chosen' because Cam is a ****ing boss).
These are the same people who idolise Tom Brady who left his heavily pregnant baby mama to run off with a supermodel.
But that seems ok because, you know, white.
My mate lives in Jacksonville and he's given me a pretty good insight into South Carolina and trust me a lot of folks down there are cheering Cam through gritted teeth.
20-01-2016, 11:11 PM
Oh and that's not a shot at Brady either.
If it's Touchdown Tom against Superman in the Superbowl I'm a happy boy.
I love them both.
Brady left his girlfriend for the Brazilian Model. nice payout$.
Denver @ Denver all day. Pats def always suspect, high score
NFC its pretty close
25-01-2016, 09:53 AM
Into the 4th quarter and the leading rusher for the game is Peyton Manning. :lol:
25-01-2016, 10:43 AM
Broncos Panthers SB. Make it happen, SuperCam
25-01-2016, 11:30 AM
Like last weekend, Panthers are dominant in H1. Fantastic stuff.
25-01-2016, 07:23 PM
Hmmmmm Manning v Newton.
I wonder who white middle America is cheering for?
25-01-2016, 07:53 PM
It's crazy the number of people already cheering for it, wanting him to go out like Elway. **** off i say, Cam is the highlight of this season and i want him to win.
25-01-2016, 08:55 PM
It's crazy the number of people already cheering for it, wanting him to go out like Elway. **** off i say, Cam is the highlight of this season and i want him to win.
yeah there is pretty much no reason to hate Manning, but I've never wanted someone to win this thing as much as I want the Panthers to win it.
Hmmmmm Manning v Newton.
I wonder who white middle America is cheering for?
Trumpy all the way. Sending gen Y's into outraged heart attacks. so lol
25-01-2016, 09:33 PM
Trumpy all the way. Sending gen Y's into outraged heart attacks. so lol
all you rich white folk stick together don't ya
all you rich white folk stick together don't ya
get back to ya fb, there's much outrage to had. like, should be hipsters be cool or shot, oh no
01-02-2016, 09:57 AM
Pro bowl in an hour.
Ahead of it, it seems that Calvin Johnson has informed the Lions that he is going to retire. He's only 30, still one of the elite WR's in the league and he is hanging up the boots.
08-02-2016, 03:39 PM
Broncos D was brutal today.
dont worry Cam buy some chips with that salt. gen y's in mourning with double chi'
The Dunster
09-02-2016, 10:59 AM
Montana ------ Daylight -------- Everyone else.
Manning is very good but he's no Joe Cool.
Newtons about Randall Cunningham standard - and only fans of the game remember him.
broncos defence far too hot
09-02-2016, 08:32 PM
The stage seemed too big for Newton......Broncos defence? , could not handle pressure?.....not sure.....Payt not at his best but experience made a difference in my opinion.....however that was my first Super Bowl I entirely watched.....and really enjoyed it
09-02-2016, 08:51 PM
Was monster D and after that bullshit non completion and then the sack and fumble td, he looked completely out of it.
09-02-2016, 09:38 PM
after that bullshit non completion
NFL is the best advertisement for soccer to never introduce 'captains challenges', or video review (goal line tech a different matter).
Absolute horseshoe no one in that sport can definitavely say what a ****ing catch is.
12-09-2016, 11:19 AM
We back.
12-09-2016, 11:21 AM
Also: jimmy garapolo is very handsome. Touchdown Tom might not get his job* back after his suspension.
*im assuming the Patriots only draft QB's based on their looks.
12-09-2016, 06:28 PM
First 3-leg multi up for the year. Thanks to Derek Carr's big, brass balls and Eli Manning doing his thang
12-09-2016, 06:40 PM
Finally back...
Got a new european stream service with the rights to the NFL (plus NBA, La Liga, EPL for 12 bucks per month) so pretty stoked about that.
23-09-2016, 05:47 PM
Pats last night.. not bad not bad...
23-09-2016, 05:51 PM
Pats last night.. not bad not bad...
3rd string QB and a bunch of tiny white guys and they own the ****ing league.
oh, and Gronk.
23-09-2016, 06:05 PM
3rd string QB and a bunch of tiny white guys and they own the ****ing league.
oh, and Gronk.
haha yup... but the 2 fumbles from punt returns, proved very costly.
23-09-2016, 06:39 PM
haha yup... but the 2 fumbles from punt returns, proved very costly.
yeah that dude is on a boat to siberia as we speak. Uncle Bill don't play that shit.
Pats last night.. not bad not bad...
Falcons attack far too good. Pats more injuries are getting past it
06-02-2017, 02:32 PM
Jesus christ.
What a game.
06-02-2017, 03:03 PM
Touchdown Tom, doing it for Trump.
High Tower sack, edelman catch, brady a 1000 10 yrd passes, white scores 20 pts and cant get mvp. lol falcons had it and choked
28-04-2017, 09:59 AM
It's draft day!!!!!!!
28-04-2017, 12:16 PM
Pretty awful talent pool, but exciting trades as a result
Man that last atl play to stay in the season was rabble.
14-01-2018, 04:42 PM
Man that last atl play to stay in the season was rabble.
The one before it was worse. A shovel pass? please
14-01-2018, 05:00 PM
Man that last atl play to stay in the season was rabble.
team is cursed.
was only ever going to end in heartbreak.
14-01-2018, 05:01 PM
also, Touchdown Tom was very great and handsome again today.
14-01-2018, 08:03 PM
I support gypos
14-01-2018, 08:10 PM
I hope Vikings do it at home...
14-01-2018, 08:10 PM
fk the pats tho
i dont actively support one team or another.
but man is Tom Brady handsome.
fk the pats tho
eat another bag
i dont actively support one team or another.
but man is Tom Brady handsome.
Carn pats. Old logo not new.
Their luck will run out plus brady's arm will fall off from the next tackle
14-01-2018, 08:42 PM
eat another bag
tom brady sucks balls
14-01-2018, 08:46 PM
tom brady sucks balls*
* but you're totally OK with whatever he gets up to
tom brady sucks balls
dont feel deflated.
halo se7en
15-01-2018, 11:48 AM
Steelers win a Super Bowl thanks to their defence making up for one of the worst winning QB performances in history, then today have Big Ben throw 5 TDs for ~470yds, which has to be some sort of playoff record, yet still lose :lol:
15-01-2018, 12:34 PM
some ending there lol.
fmd. just watch vikings replay. no way. Their QB cant believe it. Defence by Williams possibly worst miss in PS history
22-01-2018, 02:03 PM
Tom Brady, still very handsome.
22-01-2018, 05:40 PM
Tom Brady, still very handsome.
22-01-2018, 06:31 PM
Jesus Christ the next 2 weeks of Philly fans is gonna be lit.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/snabto3zmfpeccwcpaqf.gif
Philly cant lose. 20 pt winners
22-01-2018, 07:57 PM
Philly cant lose. 20 pt winners
oh its all gravy from here on in. The Jags opened at +13 last weekend the boys loaded up ill see you all in hell YAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
22-01-2018, 07:59 PM
Philly did open at +6.5 today and everyones already crunching it. Not for any other reason that of the 5 SB wins all have been by only 3 or 4 points*.
The 6.5 makes perfect sense, it will end up about 3.5 though so we may not jump in.
(last year was a 6pt win but technically a 'tie' at full time due to OT win - whatever, its rare for a blowout at anytime from these dudes).
man. the jax screens and off ball running (whatevs ya call it) is sublime. NE had no answer in 1st half
22-01-2018, 09:53 PM
man. the jax screens and off ball running (whatevs ya call it) is sublime. NE had no answer in 1st half
actually this is one of the great things I love about the NFL. All through the coverage the commentators were saying that Jacksonville had half the game to get in front, because Belichick is the greatest at halftime adjustments. he (and his staff) learn the oppositions structure, map out a counter and take away the best parts of their game.
Today the run was killing them, so they stacked the line and made Bortles win with his arm. and being Blake Bortles, he couldnt get it done.
its a fascinating sport, and blokes like Tony Romo and Cris Collinsworth make the breaks between plays very educational.
22-01-2018, 10:48 PM
fuming today, had foles to throw over 350 yards for a packet....into the fkn san antonio spurs.
thanks spurs ffs
22-01-2018, 11:20 PM
had foles to throw over 350 yards for a packet.
You sir, have a problem.
22-01-2018, 11:22 PM
i didn't until the spurs forgot how to shoot
05-02-2018, 09:12 AM
Tom is going to win again isn't he?
05-02-2018, 09:37 AM
balls deep in foles to throw 350 again today :rof:
i like the alternate lines as well. can easily turn into a pats blowout - i think -21.5 was 8:1 last night, dunno what it is now.
05-02-2018, 10:58 AM
Tom is going to win again isn't he?
even when he loses, he still wins.
bless him.
05-02-2018, 11:45 AM
I'm watching at VMAX Kotara after my brother won a double pass. There's maybe 20 people here... If that.
05-02-2018, 12:04 PM
Fantastic half so far
The Dunster
05-02-2018, 01:06 PM
Eagles QB has the ball on a a string. Some incredible passes into pass protection defence.
The Dunster
05-02-2018, 01:13 PM
Brady is a freak. Makes it look so easy.
05-02-2018, 01:53 PM
balls deep in foles to throw 350 again today :rof:
caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarn big foles, 352 yards
05-02-2018, 01:53 PM
balls deep in foles to throw 350 again today :rof:
i like the alternate lines as well. can easily turn into a pats blowout - i think -21.5 was 8:1 last night, dunno what it is now.
352 yards plus. You're in!
05-02-2018, 02:20 PM
What a game. Holy shit
Tom is going to win again isn't he?
5 & 3
My arse
05-02-2018, 02:53 PM
great game.
best team won.
Tom is still handsome.
and if you didnt take the 5.5 on offer 2 weeks ago then i cant help you any more.
The Dunster
05-02-2018, 06:40 PM
Best Super Bowl game I have seen for years.
05-02-2018, 08:14 PM
flipped car, busted balcony.
best super bowl i've never seen.
06-02-2018, 06:23 PM
They've set the standard for a grand final win celebration. Hope we get the chance to better it
08-02-2018, 09:16 PM
They've set the standard for a grand final win celebration. Hope we get the chance to better it
Philadelphia is a notoriously rough and ready demographic.
Not uncommon for their fans to throw batteries etc. at opposition.
Also, their American Football stadium once had jail cells in the basement for the all-too common violent offenders. And a Kangaroo Court of sorts. Hilarious stuff.
Anytime a city has to pre-emptively douse lamp posts with hydraulic oil to prevent people doing dumb shit, it's a warning sign
08-02-2018, 09:27 PM
Also, their American Football stadium once had jail cells in the basement for the all-too common violent offenders. And a Kangaroo Court of sorts. Hilarious stuff.
Old Trafford (and most big stadiums) have them too.
but for sure Philly is one of those cities that embrace everyone thinking they are complete ****wits. they wear it as a badge of honour.
which is just plain weird.
08-02-2018, 09:30 PM
Old Trafford (and most big stadiums) have them too.
but for sure Philly is one of those cities that embrace everyone thinking they are complete ****wits. they wear it as a badge of honour.
which is just plain weird.
sounds like gosford.
14-02-2018, 10:50 PM
as always, these are so very very stupid, but they make me giggle.
because im a child.
21-01-2019, 04:32 PM
Touchdown Tom.
You just cant kill that ****ing team.
The Dunster
22-01-2019, 07:30 AM
as always, these are so very very stupid, but they make me giggle.
because im a child.
Damn you Plague - I'm now addicted to these videos.
04-02-2019, 04:00 PM
Touchdown Tom.
You just cant kill that ****ing team.
04-02-2019, 06:05 PM
Pretty average final for an occasional viewer.
Both defences did their homework and did well. Edelman had a great game. That Brady to Edelman combo is all time.
Happy to say I was able to watch Tom Brady play.
The Dunster
04-02-2019, 06:35 PM
Brady is only as good as his offensive line. Without effective blocking / protection he'd struggle like everyone else.
05-02-2019, 09:40 AM
Brady is only as good as his offensive line. Without effective blocking / protection he'd struggle like everyone else.
yes but to be fair, the line is good because they pay their linemen. They can afford to do that because Brady takes massive paycuts each year in order to get his guys paid.
Hes prob been on about 40% of his market value the whole time hes been eligible for a max contract. He does this on purpose, and that is to win.
The NFL's success model these days is to have quality all across the park. Good coaches can pick the squaddies out on the opposition and torch them.
Last 10 Superbowl winners i think only 1 team has had a QB on max money. All the rest have been cheap/rookie contracts and they have paid their other players.
As much as i like Aaron Rodgers etc, his continual whinge about having crap teammates falls on deaf ears because hes taking all the money.
Blame the salary cap etc, its a valid argument. But the Patriots have it figured out and keep winning. While other teams keep putting all their eggs in one basket.
yes but to be fair, the line is good because they pay their linemen. They can afford to do that because Brady takes massive paycuts each year in order to get his guys paid.
Hes prob been on about 40% of his market value the whole time hes been eligible for a max contract. He does this on purpose, and that is to win.
The NFL's success model these days is to have quality all across the park. Good coaches can pick the squaddies out on the opposition and torch them.
Last 10 Superbowl winners i think only 1 team has had a QB on max money. All the rest have been cheap/rookie contracts and they have paid their other players.
As much as i like Aaron Rodgers etc, his continual whinge about having crap teammates falls on deaf ears because hes taking all the money.
Blame the salary cap etc, its a valid argument. But the Patriots have it figured out and keep winning. While other teams keep putting all their eggs in one basket.
I am assuming that Brady is making more than enough off the field in endorsements to make up for any shortfall in wage for playing football though??
How though does this compare to your other gun QBs ??
Are they in a position to take a pay cut ??
05-02-2019, 09:57 AM
I am assuming that Brady is making more than enough off the field in endorsements to make up for any shortfall in wage for playing football though??
How though does this compare to your other gun QBs ??
Are they in a position to take a pay cut ??
Oh for sure Brady makes plenty of coin outside of football.
Its just that he 'chooses' to take less than he can that makes him an outlier. He is on about $14m as opposed to max contracts like Flacco and Rodgers who are on well over $30m. That $16m per year buys you 'A LOT' of NFL talent in key positions.
Add to that they never pay huge money for wide receivers and running backs (MVP Edlemen is on about $4m, the highest paid receiver in the NFL is on about $17m).
You add up those sort of differences over a 53 man roster and it helps you spread talent much further.
How many sportspeople get paid what they are 'worth', as opposed to getting paid what they can get. Brady can get max money from probably 20 of the 32 teams, and most people would take the money over winning. He doesnt, and its a very rare occurrence in sport (and life i guess).
90% athletes want the biggest contract strictly for ego. they have no idea of how much they get. In the 90's NBA one player actually had a contract that said he had to be the highest paid player in the sport. So every time someone got paid more, he got a payrise to make his contract $1 more. Suffice to say it made the NBA change their whole structure.
and yes, Bradys wife earns way more than him, so i think they are covering the mortgage each month.
05-02-2019, 10:00 AM
Are they in a position to take a pay cut ??
yeah NFL contracts are very team friendly. Most players have very little guarantee and people get cut all the time.
Rodgers etc can go to management at any time and tell them to restructure his deal in order to afford better teammates.
He would then have to trust his owners/management to actually spend that money on good players, and pretty much all NFL owners are shitcunce who cant be trusted, because thats how people become billionaires and be able to own NFL teams.
But in the case of Rodgers, his team recently gave him a payrise for no reason, spending millions more on a bloke they had already paid a bunch of money to.
Again, good on Rodgers for taking the money, and its not hard to cheer on millionaire athletes for taking billionaires money.
05-02-2019, 07:03 PM
Apparently the MLS cup final had about 4000 more fans attend the same venue a couple of weeks ago
Apparently the MLS cup final had about 4000 more fans attend the same venue a couple of weeks ago
That dont mean a lot
I would imagine the NFL took up more space for corprates and those were sold at a premium they wont miss the extra 4k in attendance
05-02-2019, 07:25 PM
Apparently the MLS cup final had about 4000 more fans attend the same venue a couple of weeks ago
Yeah let's not even hint that theres a comparison there.
Atlanta has done a brilliant job with MLS.
But the NFL owns sport in that country and it ain't even close.
The Dunster
06-02-2019, 08:24 AM
Yeah let's not even hint that theres a comparison there.
Atlanta has done a brilliant job with MLS.
But the NFL owns sport in that country and it ain't even close.
Baseball draws four times as many fans to games each year than the NFL.
Major League Baseball: 69,625,244
NFL : 17,788,671
NFL has a higher average attendance but they don't play anywhere near as many games. [67k vs 28k]
Revenue wise NFL supposedly makes more money than MLB but very difficult to determine and estimates vary widely between sources.
I like both sports but if I had to choose it would be baseball without even hesitating. NFL has become ridiculous to the point of being a caricature of its former self.
06-02-2019, 08:47 AM
Baseball draws four times as many fans to games each year than the NFL.
Major League Baseball: 69,625,244
NFL : 17,788,671
162 baseball games vs 16 for NFL isnt anywhere near a relatable stat and even average viewers can be a bit misleading. Teams like Yankees regularly get full houses, where as a team like Miami pulls less than the Jets.
TV ratings-wise, for context, the most watched World Series game was when the Cubs finally broke a 100 odd year curse to win drew just under 50 million viewers domestically. The lowest rated Superbowl of the last 20 years drew 100 million.
Plus the NFL has a much much bigger worldwide audience.
Plus current trends are mostly pointing down for baseball (falling ratings/attendence/ageing demographic) but the NFL is still going up.
In 20 years time I'd be shocked if the NBA isnt the #2 sport.
Apparantly Soccer is a 'sleeping giant' though.
The Dunster
06-02-2019, 09:16 AM
162 baseball games vs 16 for NFL isnt anywhere near a relatable stat and even average viewers can be a bit misleading. Teams like Yankees regularly get full houses, where as a team like Miami pulls less than the Jets.
TV ratings-wise, for context, the most watched World Series game was when the Cubs finally broke a 100 odd year curse to win drew just under 50 million viewers domestically. The lowest rated Superbowl of the last 20 years drew 100 million.
Plus the NFL has a much much bigger worldwide audience.
Plus current trends are mostly pointing down for baseball (falling ratings/attendence/ageing demographic) but the NFL is still going up.
In 20 years time I'd be shocked if the NBA isnt the #2 sport.
Apparantly Soccer is a 'sleeping giant' though.
Baseball has never recovered from the doping scandals that tore the sport apart in the 1990's.
If they ignored the problem / covered it up like the NFL have and do they'd be doing a lot better.
Not a criticism of NFL either - they look after their brand better than anyone. MLB has never paid anywhere near the attention it needed to its brand.
Also, in this very PC world we live in baseball is on a hiding to nothing as well.
06-09-2019, 10:37 AM
Opening day, wooo.
When did the Bears get good? They are dominating the Packers offense right now.
06-09-2019, 11:32 AM
Opening day, wooo.
When did the Bears get good? They are dominating the Packers offense right now.
They were awesome last year but their kicker choked big-time in the playoffs and they lost.
Legit, Google 'bears double doink' for a laugh.
08-09-2019, 07:48 PM
oh Griff bless this sport.
Antonio Brown, considered one of the best WR in the game.
Hates his old team, forces a move and a big payday.
Hates his new team, sacrifices approx $15m and dares them to cut him.
Signs with the reigning Superbowl champs.
All within the space of about 6 months.
08-09-2019, 09:19 PM
It's fantastic, isn't it? I'll be up early tomorrow to watch some games. Going to be good.
The Dunster
05-11-2019, 04:39 PM
Just watched Cowboys vs Giants. Giants were doing well until Dallas stopped their running game - then it was all one way traffic.
You really get an idea of how amateur the A-league is after watching an NFL telecast as well. Somehow they have managed to commercialise the crap out of it yet keep the core game intact.
05-11-2019, 06:27 PM
The cat!
The Dunster
08-11-2019, 12:47 PM
How good is Josh Jacobs ? He's already surpassed Marcus Allen's numbers for a rookie season Running Back and we still have half a season to go.
He dead set must be on castors the way he can change direction.
30-12-2019, 09:27 PM
That 49ers wall at the end of the have today way phenomenal. That goal line stop was worthy of #1 seeding.
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