View Full Version : drugs and gambling in sport
07-02-2013, 02:37 PM
au revoir
07-02-2013, 02:41 PM
i'm concerned about the repercussions this will have for everytime i jokingly say "the fix is in" and reference asian betting syndicates.
07-02-2013, 02:57 PM
clearly there are no performance enhancing drugs being used in the a-league, have you ever sat through a ****ing game? jeez.
^ lol. indeed.
I'm not particularly concerned about Essendon, I think it's a storm in a teacup and an investigation will clear the players. It does open up a window for the average joe to see what sports science gets up to behind closed doors though - injecting vitamins etc to aid recovery. Not sure if it was mentioned this morning but Matt Orford (NRL) was injected with blood from a baby cow to assist recovery from a groin injury a few years ago. some weird shit goes on behind closed doors.
Going by the selections at the Jets of late maybe GVE is wrapped up with the Asian crime mob and match fixing :)
07-02-2013, 03:40 PM
Didn't Hleb or some Arsenal player have cow placenta inserted into a muscle tear a few years back as well?
Crazy stuff.
07-02-2013, 03:44 PM
Horse placenta is used a lot.
The wrap injured ankles in it.
Teh Dutch are into in a big way.
Van Persie fixed his ankle a few years back using it.
While at PSV Van Nistlerooy is reported to have wrapped his face in it while sleeping. No side effects at all apparently.
07-02-2013, 05:08 PM
07-02-2013, 05:24 PM
ch10 news mentioned that Knights were among a bunch of clubs being investigated internally by the NRL
David Gallop was briefly shown saying that "football wasnt mentioned in these reports but we stand behind the measures that need to be taken"
07-02-2013, 05:52 PM
It was Joe the Cameraman
07-02-2013, 06:24 PM
What's the big deal? I don't know the effects of these drugs all that well, do they effect the players bodies badly?
Biggest drama for OUR game will be if the rumoured drug issues surrounding Barcelona prove true.
What would happen to all the titles they have won and Spain's success on international front???
Would really pale into insignificance Lance Armstrongs TDF issues
07-02-2013, 08:05 PM
Biggest drama for OUR game will be if the rumoured drug issues surrounding Barcelona
Would really pale into insignificance Lance Armstrongs TDF issues
The only drama with that is how the **** are the entire first team squad going to fit on Oprahs couch?
07-02-2013, 09:04 PM
What's the big deal? I don't know the effects of these drugs all that well, do they effect the players bodies badly?
Well, some of the substances that have allegedly been used aren't approved for use in people.
Would you let someone give them to you to take ?
07-02-2013, 09:18 PM
Well, some of the substances that have allegedly been used aren't approved for use in people.
Would you let someone give them to you to take ?
I guess some people would rather sacrifice their long term health than sacrifice their short term career.
07-02-2013, 09:30 PM
I guess some people would rather sacrifice their long term health than sacrifice their short term career.
Maybe they should ask Flo-Jo how that worked out for her
07-02-2013, 09:48 PM
Not sure if it was mentioned this morning but Matt Orford (NRL) was injected with blood from a baby cow to assist recovery from a groin injury a few years ago.
Into his calf no doubt...:lulz:
08-02-2013, 07:54 AM
Isnt cheating just another word for "playing better then the rest"?
08-02-2013, 08:46 AM
Biggest drama for OUR game will be if the rumoured drug issues surrounding Barcelona prove true.
What would happen to all the titles they have won and Spain's success on international front???
Would really pale into insignificance Lance Armstrongs TDF issues
If this turns out to be true Craig Foster will top himself !
Agree with what GVE that most drugs are to build bulk and is more unlikely in football - the recovery sort of stuff is more likely.
I say check out Gosford with its links.......
08-02-2013, 09:03 AM
LEADERS of the Hunter's football codes do not believe players in local competitions are using performance-enhancing substances despite the Australian Crime Commission's report stating "sub-elite athletes" are doping and are considered a high-risk group for the practice.
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Newcastle Rugby League general manager John Fahey, Northern NSW Football chief executive David Eland and Newcastle and Hunter Rugby Union president Phil Payne spoke to the Newcastle Herald after the ACC's report was released.
Black Diamond AFL football operations manager Garry Burkinshaw said he could not comment because of a directive from the code's hierarchy.
The ACC report said sub-elite athletes were a high-risk group for doping because of the "highly competitive environment in attaining a position in elite sport; and the ability to make significant gains in strength and power through the use of PIEDs [performance- and image-enhancing drugs]".
It said peptides and hormones were being used at the sub-elite level in a number of sporting codes and were easily obtained by motivated athletes.
Fahey, Eland and Payne said drug testing was not carried out at top local levels because of the costs involved. There is also no drug testing in the BDAFL.
The absence of testing means no one is sure about the use of performance-enhancing drugs in Hunter sport, but the trio of leaders who spoke to the Herald doubt it occurs.
The Newcastle Rugby League threatened clubs with drug tests in 2001 after concerns the practice was rife, but no tests were conducted.
Fahey said he "never heard even any whispers" of performance-enhancing drugs being used during his time in charge.
"But obviously it's hard to pinpoint from the situation we are in."
He said the Newcastle competition would be in "uncharted territory" if doping was uncovered, but sanctions would be handled by the Country Rugby League.
Asked if the scandal would affect participation levels in Newcastle, Fahey said: "It's how sport reacts as a whole to this that's going to be critical.
"If action is swift, and it appears as though it's going to be, you make sure all your ducks are in a row in relation to this so that we can move in a positive manner."
Eland was confident Hunter soccer was free of the drug use outlined in the ACC report.
"I would be extremely surprised if there was any drug use among our players, and I have never heard even a whisper of anything in that regard," he said.
"I would never have given it a second thought before today."
Eland said motivation to cheat in the pursuit of elite positions was only a minor factor in the Northern NSW State League because only a small percentage of players would still have aspirations to play professionally.
He said any player found doping would probably be punished under Football Federation Australia's code of conduct.
He believed the report would not damage soccer participation levels in Northern NSW.
"Our registrations are so far removed from this issue, I don't believe it will have any impact on grassroots participation," he said.
The NHRU has experience with performance-enhancing drugs from a case involving former Waratahs prop Luke Troy in 2009.
Troy was banned for two years after Australian Customs and the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority found he had ordered two types of steroids over the internet in 2006.
Payne believed it was an isolated incident in Hunter rugby.
"Nothing else has come across our desk other than that Luke Troy incident," he said.
"I would have to say it is extremely doubtful that there is drug use, but you never know. I think it would be highly unlikely."
He said in signing registration forms, rugby players gave permission to be drug tested, although these were not carried out.
Any player found doping would be punished by the World Anti-Doping Authority, he said.
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He believed it was extremely doubtful the ACC report would have an impact on rugby registration numbers.
Hunter Academy of Sport chief executive Ken Clifford said his organisation had no direct experience of drug cheating in its 24-year history.
"We've been on the case for 20 years," Clifford said.
"We have not had direct experience with it and I doubt, from my experience, whether there is a lot going on at the junior or development level of sport."
Anyone have any opinion on this?
Surely it is naive to think that the NBN state league is totally clean. Be it performance enhancing drugs or party drugs, no sport is clean.
08-02-2013, 09:34 AM
Biggest drama for OUR game will be if the rumoured drug issues surrounding Barcelona prove true.
What would happen to all the titles they have won and Spain's success on international front???
Would really pale into insignificance Lance Armstrongs TDF issues
messi IS a confirmed drug cheat
08-02-2013, 11:12 AM
The use of drugs in Semi Professional as opposed to Professional levels will simply be the actual drugs used.
Local NBN/New Fm, local League and Union, AFL, Netball, basketball, baseball etc are all in the same poition. NO ONE KNOWS AND NO ONE CARES!
Recreational ........ for gods sake, if any stands up and claims they aren't being used they are totally removed from reality.
Performance enhancing .... does any local players actually know the number to call to see if a medication or suplement or food is on a banned list or contains something banned? How many actually checked if their asthma spray is okay or not? Did we ask the physio exactly what was in the rub/lotion they used on our calf that time?
Does it occur yes, does it help.. considering the lack of knoweldge of the person using it I doubt it.
If football ahs a concern it needs to direct its education at our teenagers on the talent identification systems. They are the real risks because they are both too young and too nieve to know the consequences but see the dream of a professional footballer and are willing to do what might ne thoght necessary to get there. I 16yo being told by his coaches he needs to get into the gym and build up his upper body strength is a vunerable person. Forget the amatuers, test the professionals and educate the future.
For those parents out there, most of our kids nowdays during primary and infants attend the Life Education out at Edgie or have the van come to the sschool and they do touch on the topic and possible health concerns already, so the first step is there, the code just needs to build on it.
08-02-2013, 11:41 AM
what about the semi-pro player trying to get into the pro leagues? they would also be at risk in my opinion.
but i generally agree with your argument, and i don't think anybody would expect that testing would go down to those levels.
i suspect they would find a lot of alcohol in the systems of all-age players :D
What's the go these days in the NBN State League?
Back in my day at that level we were all subject to the pissing in a bottle plan and had to sign some acknowledgement etc to say we understood we could be stopped for a piss test. Not that it ever happened but we were eligible.
Are the current players still required to do this??
Plenty of blokes I played with would have failed a breath test every week before games and a few of them would have been failing a drug test also.
never once heard of a drug/alcohol test in state league tbh. if i had to sign something saying it could happen, i obviously skimmed that part.
a fair few clubs/players have big reputations on being on this & that, and it's noticeable who is doing what, but i was under the impression that nnsw just let what is, be.
08-02-2013, 12:22 PM
asthma spray is on band list, you must have clearance from doctor to use and the dosage.
"Eland said motivation to cheat in the pursuit of elite positions was only a minor factor in the Northern NSW State League because only a small percentage of players would still have aspirations to play professionally."
Do I take from his statement that our top level competition IS NOT an elite competition?
08-02-2013, 12:48 PM
asthma spray is on band list, you must have clearance from doctor to use and the dosage.
**** me I'm a drug cheat, just like fellow cancer survivor Lance
my take on the whole drugs in football thing
Cocaine - not very good, you tend to have too much energy in short bursts, confidence obviously higher than ability, leads to **** ups and too much talking
Amphetamines - gives you good engines for a bit, though you tend to overheat, over sweat and just overdo everything - heading the ball can really hurt your jaw if you're a tooth grinder
Ecstasy - similar to amphetamines, obviously - tends to feel better, particularly the running around and light breezes on the back of the neck and arms - diuretic effects can lead to issues
Marijuana - really good to play on, improves performance, is a bronchodilator which helps breathing - tends to make you quite relaxed and calm on the ball, you care more about fluidity of movement and virtuosity and feel like you've got more time
Alcohol - awful, makes you uncoordinated, stupid, lairy, loud, aggressive and vomit
Heroin - never tried it, but probably would make you steal things and run off to sell them
asthma spray is on band list.
hope they play a good set.
What about LSD boz?
08-02-2013, 05:17 PM
08-02-2013, 05:31 PM
**** me I'm a drug cheat, just like fellow cancer survivor Lance
my take on the whole drugs in football thing
Cocaine - not very good, you tend to have too much energy in short bursts, confidence obviously higher than ability, leads to **** ups and too much talking
Amphetamines - gives you good engines for a bit, though you tend to overheat, over sweat and just overdo everything - heading the ball can really hurt your jaw if you're a tooth grinder
Ecstasy - similar to amphetamines, obviously - tends to feel better, particularly the running around and light breezes on the back of the neck and arms - diuretic effects can lead to issues
Marijuana - really good to play on, improves performance, is a bronchodilator which helps breathing - tends to make you quite relaxed and calm on the ball, you care more about fluidity of movement and virtuosity and feel like you've got more time
Alcohol - awful, makes you uncoordinated, stupid, lairy, loud, aggressive and vomit
Heroin - never tried it, but probably would make you steal things and run off to sell them
Definitely the best thing ive ever read on here (Y)
08-02-2013, 05:39 PM
08-02-2013, 07:02 PM
So it looks something like this running out of the tunnel
The Dunster
08-02-2013, 08:35 PM
Boxing kangaroos, tables n chairs, black dots, and microdots.
See pic above.
08-02-2013, 11:00 PM
From my experience most (not all) of Newcastle football has a problem with party drugs. not sure about PEDs - nothing would surprise me though.
bonjour imposteur
09-02-2013, 12:37 AM
Biggest drama for OUR game will be if the rumoured drug issues surrounding Barcelona prove true.
What would happen to all the titles they have won and Spain's success on international front???
Would really pale into insignificance Lance Armstrongs TDF issues
Llega la peste, llega el madridista, con esos cuernos que saltan a la vista, el madridista, hijo de puta, los Boixos Nois con su muerte lo disfrutan. 202%20Years%20barcelona%20barcablog%20barca%20blog %20barcelona%20Barcelona%20Drug-Taking%20Cheats%20Become%20Spain%20Heroes%20Every% 202%20Years%20barcelona%20barcablog%20barca%20blog %20barcelona.jpg
09-02-2013, 11:23 AM
Media outlets connected with the NRL are in full-spin mode when it comes to the current crisis.
Most of the stories so far lead with 'massive bet on soccer game' - referring to the alleged $49m placed in Asia on a Adl v Victory game - but this game is not even under investigation. Moreover, massive takings don't automatically equate with corruption. It may have just been a plunge and the market has followed. You see bigger 'goes' on Wednesday night meetings at Happy Valley. $49m sounds like a lot of money, but HK races can see pools of bigger than $200m across all bookies.
So, the story leads with some random note about the $49m but does not say anything else; essentially avoiding hot water but giving the impression to the 92.8% of Australians who are clinically stupid that something fishy is going on. Then, buried at the end of the story is the line (with metaphoric hand over mouth and mumbling through the teeth): 'oh, and by the way, lots of NRL clubs are embroiled in a in an actual doping scandal and have a real history of betting scandals.' But back to that $49m, let's imply that it is typical of those effnix to do dodgy betting on their sport.
Have a look at Fairfax and Murdoch publications - they have brooms and carpets ready. They'll also be preparing the fire to burn the witch that is football the second they see a slip up. Not conspiracy theory, watch it happen. And it will be coordinated...the world is a sinister place.
Enjoy the sunshine, Capt VJ
09-02-2013, 12:41 PM
the real surprise is that it's taken this long to realise the entire country is on the juice
go out in newcastle and it would appear that the local pastime for the common man is crushing rocks and lifting anvils
every man and his dog is jacked up on testo-max or hyper-bulk or some kind of supplement that no doubt makes your willy smaller, you'd expect your professional sports playing dullard would be in on the act as well, most probably on an industrial scale
09-02-2013, 05:42 PM
the real surprise is that it's taken this long to realise the entire country is on the juice
go out in newcastle and it would appear that the local pastime for the common man is crushing rocks and lifting anvils
every man and his dog is jacked up on testo-max or hyper-bulk or some kind of supplement that no doubt makes your willy smaller, you'd expect your professional sports playing dullard would be in on the act as well, most probably on an industrial scale
dont forget your beefcake 200
But have any of these guys been tested for DMAA?
10-02-2013, 10:42 AM
Dont know what anyones on about.
Clearly no match fixing in football.
Media outlets connected with the NRL are in full-spin mode when it comes to the current crisis.
Most of the stories so far lead with 'massive bet on soccer game' - referring to the alleged $49m placed in Asia on a Adl v Victory game - but this game is not even under investigation. Moreover, massive takings don't automatically equate with corruption. It may have just been a plunge and the market has followed. You see bigger 'goes' on Wednesday night meetings at Happy Valley. $49m sounds like a lot of money, but HK races can see pools of bigger than $200m across all bookies.
So, the story leads with some random note about the $49m but does not say anything else; essentially avoiding hot water but giving the impression to the 92.8% of Australians who are clinically stupid that something fishy is going on. Then, buried at the end of the story is the line (with metaphoric hand over mouth and mumbling through the teeth): 'oh, and by the way, lots of NRL clubs are embroiled in a in an actual doping scandal and have a real history of betting scandals.' But back to that $49m, let's imply that it is typical of those effnix to do dodgy betting on their sport.
Have a look at Fairfax and Murdoch publications - they have brooms and carpets ready. They'll also be preparing the fire to burn the witch that is football the second they see a slip up. Not conspiracy theory, watch it happen. And it will be coordinated...the world is a sinister place.
Enjoy the sunshine, Capt VJ
The rather ironic thing with this is everytime the Aussie cricket team plays whether that be ODI Test or 20-20 against anyone I would guess Asian bookmakers (legal/illegal is irrelevant) would be holding 10 times the amount of money in the game No one bats an eye lid at this.
JUst coz there was 50 million bet on our sport means nothing. If thugby League and tardball had an international profile they would be bet on as well. But as no one plays these games why would asians be betting on it???
Every sport is a worthy target if there is a buck to made. Not only will it continue but will grow. Always has been always will, only the methods change
15-02-2013, 05:02 AM
FFA refute gambling reports Omnisport Editorial 15 February 2013 04:24
FOOTBALL Federation Australia has revealed that reports claiming almost A$50 million was bet on an A-League game were incorrect. It was reported last week that Hong Kong bookmakers held A$49 million on one match - the clash between Adelaide United and Melbourne Victory at Hindmarsh Stadium last December - and that the game was subject to an investigation by law enforcement agencies.
FFA have now said the amount wagered on the match was actually A$5 million, and that the error came about when investigators gave the media the figure in Australian dollars rather than the actual currency of Hong Kong dollars.
The Federation also confirmed that no A-League fixture was under investigation by authorities.
"FFA wants to correct the coverage that has cast a shadow over one Hyundai A-League match," FFA CEO David Gallop said.
"Our integrity systems gave us the assurance that there were no concerns with the match at Hindmarsh Stadium.
"FFA has sympathy for the clubs, players and officials in that match who got caught up in that story. It's a reminder that everyone must be careful to deal with the real evidence. The facts can have a calming effect and this is a case in point."
Gallop attended a meeting of Australia's Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports in Melbourne on Thursday - a week after the Australian Crime Commission's damning report into performance enhancing drugs - and said his sport had no pressing issues to be concerned about.
"The AFL and NRL indicated that they are involved in ongoing issues, but that the focus is not on match fixing," Gallop said.
"All sports confirmed that they have strict drug and integrity policies in place. We will all review those policies as appropriate.
"I reiterate that no specific concerns have been raised in relation to football, but as a sport we will remain vigilant in this area.",ffa-refute-gambling-reports.aspx
15-02-2013, 09:06 AM
bet that doesnt get corrected in the mainstream media
15-02-2013, 09:11 AM
My thoughts exactly. How are they going to hide the "oh, and by the way, four NRL clubs are under investigation for drug use" at the end of an article about match fixing and irregular betting when $5m isn't even enough to warrant a story?
probably only chance is Phil Rothfields piece in the terror, he has a close relationship with gallop and has been dropping bits and pieces lately, MLS guy being signed, Liverpool & Manu game info.
18-06-2014, 07:10 PM
shit is definitely getting real down in victoria.
Vic workcover looks like they're going to prosecute 11 clubs for dodgy drug schemes
get ready for a shitstorm.
22-08-2014, 11:05 AM
anybody care to explain to me how you can 'backdate' a ban when the banned players have been playing week-in, week-out for the period they have supposedly been banned for? i just don't understand it! :what:
22-08-2014, 12:30 PM
Agree. Just saw it then :s.
Murder someone, on the run for 25 years. Get a life sentence, "can you backdate that to the day I committed the crime, thanks", walk free.
As if ASADA have any integrity now
The way they have ballsed up the entire thing from the start is a disgrace.
If these blokes are guilty then throw the book at them with the full sanctions. After all they have denied it in the past so if they are guilty they deserve everything that comes their way.
These punishments look like some half arsed approach as the blokes are guilty of something yet ASADA can't prove it and wish to save some face out of the debacle without walking away empty handed for all the damage they have done
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