Something not right??
16-04-2013, 09:14 PM
this is the most convincing evidence of anything I'e ever seen since they faked 9/11 and the moon landing
more convincing with the black bits inside the letters, that's what the government wants you to think
16-04-2013, 09:17 PM
we're through the looking glass here people
lol about 20 seconds before looking in this thread my mrs shows me a picture of a Facebook group being made a few days ago "in respect to the victims of the Boston bombings"
16-04-2013, 09:28 PM
yeah you can change the name of groups if you have less than 200 members
false flag
black helicopters
SD did 9/11
this is the most convincing evidence of anything I'e ever seen since they faked 9/11 and the moon landing
more convincing with the black bits inside the letters, that's what the government wants you to think
Not saying the thing is bonafide Boz just something I came across on my Interwebs session but the truth is gonna be hidden by the media and the agenda that was behind this incident will be lost and not picked up on for months until the damage is done.
I don't believe half of this shit that goes on ain't for a REASON
reverse vampires everywhere
btw speaking of conspiracy theories I've been reading a bit about illuminati in the music industry over the last couple of months. interesting shit
16-04-2013, 09:35 PM
Lowy stabbed con in the back.
Tinkler was being lined up for months.
It was the way they done it.
16-04-2013, 09:46 PM
reverse vampires everywhere
btw speaking of conspiracy theories I've been reading a bit about illuminati in the music industry over the last couple of months. interesting shit
hahaha you should watch prodigy from mobb deep on alex jones' infowars
fmd so hilarious
16-04-2013, 10:00 PM
one that popped up on my wall....
16-04-2013, 10:16 PM
So a bomb goes off and theres a guy ON THE ROOF.
Just sayin'.
The roof you guys.
16-04-2013, 10:23 PM
Oh and one true Patriot tried to ask the local Guvnor if the attack was "another false flag".
Video here.
“Why were people in the audience telling people to be calm moments before the bomb went off,” the person asked, “Was this another false flag staged attack to take our civil liberties and promote Homeland Security by sticking their hands down our pants on the streets?”
“No,” the Governor said, “Next question.”
Note the guvnor just brushes him.
dang gubmint trying to take errr guns
17-04-2013, 02:59 PM
I'm seriously now, has anyone tipped off Foreverred to this thread?
Bloke can sniff out a conspiracy a mile away.
He would be well useful here.
17-04-2013, 08:43 PM
this is the guy who didn't know we all knew he was a former committee member of the club he said he wasn't involved with?
yeah nah, he wouldn't be much chop
On September 11th, 2001, the US media began chanting “Bin Laden” in unison almost from the moment the attack was reported. The possibility that US government insiders had orchestrated the attack - in order to blame Muslims, launch wars on Muslim countries, and seize near-absolute power - was never mentioned.
Bin Laden's repeated statements that he deplored the 9/11 attacks, considered them un-Islamic, and suspected that American supporters of Israel were behind them failed to penetrate the corporate media bubble. When the FBI definitively stated that Bin Laden was “not wanted” for 9/11 because there was “no hard evidence” of his involvement, the media blacked out the story.
But after the Boston bombings of April 16th, 2013, even the corporate monopoly media could no longer ignore the possibility of a false-flag attack. Yahoo News asked “Who's behind the Boston Marathon bombings?” and offered 4 theories: (1) Islamic jihadists, (2) Right-wing militia types, (3) the government, and (4) a criminally-insane lone wolf.
Numbers (1), (2), and (4), of course, are the usual suspects. But including (3) “the government” on the suspects list is unprecedented for a mainstream news story reporting on a domestic terror incident.
The false-flag meme's growing prominence was underlined at Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick's press conference after the bombings. The first question for Governor Patrick came from Infowars correspondent Dan Bidondi, who asked whether the bombings were “a false-flag staged take away our civil liberties.” Patrick, of course, answered “no.”
Even the Atlantic Monthly, a neocon-lite magazine associated with names like Goldberg and Hitchens, felt compelled to publish a story headlined: “What Is a 'False Flag' Attack, and What Does Boston Have to Do with This?” Amazingly, the Atlantic article stated that yes, there is historical precedent for viewing the Boston bombing as a false-flag event. The author, Philip Bump, even admitted: “If the Boston attack had been a 'false flag' attack, Gov. Patrick would have responded 'no' anyway.”
What has changed since 2001 to bring the false-flag meme into the limelight?
Short answer: The 9/11 truth movement. During the past decade, millions of activists have been working to awaken the American and global publics to the evidence that 9/11 was an American Reichstag Fire. Polls show that 36% of Americans - roughly 100 million people - think it likely that 9/11 was an inside job. Many of these truth-seekers are highly-accomplished scientists, engineers, military and intelligence officers, and other experts. You can meet some of them at and
Since the corporate mainstream media and the foundation-funded pseudo-alternative media have refused to report the facts about 9/11, roughly 100 million Americans consider the media moguls pathological liars. Even among the almost 200 million Americans who are not up-front 9/11 skeptics, the vague sense that something is wrong, and that the media and the politicians are lying, is widespread. A recent Pew Research poll, for example, showed that Americans' trust in government has fallen to an all-time low: Fewer than one-third of Americans trust the government, while more than two-thirds do not.
As the people lose faith in their government, and the corporate media crumbles into bankruptcy, a vibrant new independent media has sprung up on the internet. The Alex Jones media empire, which pushes the false-flag meme about as hard as it can be pushed, now reaches an estimated five to ten million people. Jeff Rense, Mike Adams, Mike Rivero, Veterans Today, American Free Press, and the foreign-run English language outlets Press TV and Russia Today also reach large and influential audiences with honest reporting about false-flag events.
Today, it isn't just a few marginalized radical intellectuals who think “false-flag” when they hear about an alleged domestic terror incident. Millions of people are sharing their suspicions about the Boston bombings on Facebook, Twitter, the blogosphere, and internet media in general.
Are they right?
Though it is too early to know for sure, the Boston bombings featured the most important telltale sign of a false-flag op: A terror drill running simultaneously, mirroring the actual attack. As Webster Tarpley has explained in his book 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, false-flag attacks such as 9/11 and 7/7 are designed as drills that suddenly “go live.” This allows insiders to plot and execute the attacks under cover of the drills, with the “Team B” bad guys actually carrying out the attacks they were supposedly going to feign.
September 11th, 2001 had been previously designated as by far the biggest special operations day in US history, with a total of 46 pre-planned drills and exercises, including live-fly planes-into-buildings exercises, providing cover for the insider attacks. (Google “Tarpley 46 drills of 9/11” for details.)
July 7th, 2005 also featured terror drills that went live. Peter Power, the UK's biggest terror consultant, admitted on live television that all of the actual bombs that devastated London that day exploded at the exact times and places envisioned in the drills.
Were the Boston bombings a drill that went live?
Mobile, Alabama TV station Local TV 15 reported:
University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.
“They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about,” Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15. “It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.”
At 12:53 pm local time, the Boston Globe newspaper tweeted: “Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.”
Then almost two hours later, at 2:50 p.m., bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring more than 100 others.
Just a coincidence? Maybe. But since all of the biggest “terror attacks” in recent US history, including the two World Trade Center bombings and the Oklahoma City bombing, have been inside jobs, and since most of the “terror plots” discovered in the US since 9/11 have been created by the FBI, we have every right to be suspicious.
Terror bombings have only one beneficiary: Governments, and the wealthy families that own them.
As Vincent Vinciguerra, one of the perpetrators of the Operation Gladio terror attacks, explained: “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force . . . the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.”
Whatever the truth about the Boston bombings, it seems that the false-flag meme is infiltrating mainstream discourse. And it isn't going to go away . . . at least not until 9/11 and other false-flag crimes are solved, and effective measures instituted to protect the public against the scourge of false-flag terror. .:popcorn:
18-04-2013, 01:13 PM
and here I was thinking 9/11 was just a bunch of pissed off Muslims.
36% of Americans - roughly 100 million people - think it likely that 9/11 was an inside job.
the same dickheads and more love guns. faux conspiracy theorists=when noone has fk all idea. 9/11 was just another foe of the US(whether islamist or not) havin a go just like the bozzy boys. regardless, islam and christianty wont get along, just have the damn war already.
So who might burn down a church in Dulwich Hill?
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