View Full Version : Absolutely ridiculous rule
06-05-2013, 09:16 PM
If you don't know i live i Nth Qld and i play in the Mackay region. I also referee. On my clubs facebook page the presidents wife of my club has posted 3 things that FQ (football queensland) wants local referees to stamp on this year. The first 2 things have been around for a little while now and whilst i don't necessarily agree with the 2nd rule either (wedding rings for those whose finger has outgrown their ring i think should be an exception), but the third rule i have never heard of and i think it rather ridiculous. The 3 thins are as follows:
1) The wearing of skins – If skins are worn they are to be the same colour as strips or must not be visible at any time. With the exception of the goalkeeper no player is to wear long skins. If at any time during a game incorrect coloured skins are seen the referee will ask the player to remove them.
2) No Jewellery of any description, including wedding rings, is to be worn by players on the field at any time.
3) When wearing tape on socks it must be the same colour as the socks.
Is this sport becoming stupid? How is this even an issue. I understand if someone wraps their whole leg in tape completely changing the colour of their sock but i think its well over the top to have to go and enforce this.
Agree? And is this an issue in the newy area or is this just backwards queensland?
If you don't know i live i Nth Qld and i play in the Mackay region. I also referee. On my clubs facebook page the presidents wife of my club has posted 3 things that FQ (football queensland) wants local referees to stamp on this year. The first 2 things have been around for a little while now and whilst i don't necessarily agree with the 2nd rule either (wedding rings for those whose finger has outgrown their ring i think should be an exception), but the third rule i have never heard of and i think it rather ridiculous. The 3 thins are as follows:
1) The wearing of skins – If skins are worn they are to be the same colour as strips or must not be visible at any time. With the exception of the goalkeeper no player is to wear long skins. If at any time during a game incorrect coloured skins are seen the referee will ask the player to remove them.
2) No Jewellery of any description, including wedding rings, is to be worn by players on the field at any time.
3) When wearing tape on socks it must be the same colour as the socks.
Is this sport becoming stupid? How is this even an issue. I understand if someone wraps their whole leg in tape completely changing the colour of their sock but i think its well over the top to have to go and enforce this.
Agree? And is this an issue in the newy area or is this just backwards queensland?
This has been discussed in the Local Fourm.
From memory it is a FFA Directive that has also come from FIFA and has **** all to do with your local association in Queensland or any of the clubs
06-05-2013, 09:23 PM
This has been discussed in the Local Fourm.
From memory it is a FFA Directive that has also come from FIFA and has **** all to do with your local association in Queensland or any of the clubs
Oh ok. Yeh i don't get on enough to read through the whole forum so yeh i would of missed it. It's absolute bs. Good to know though its a national thing, maybe international and not just my local area/state.
06-05-2013, 09:38 PM
FIFA brought it in..... Send sepp a few million bucks and hell change his mind.
06-05-2013, 10:15 PM
Yep, try being a Lambton Jaffa and getting poo and wee Skinz from your local Rebel Sport.
06-05-2013, 11:17 PM
good for the game
07-05-2013, 05:37 AM
try being a Lambton Jaffa
No thanks.
The skins issue doesn't apply to me as i don't wear skins so i don't care about that. Same with jewellery. Apparently these rules have been in for a while but never enforced properly. I've known about the Jewellery and skins but i have never heard about the tape being the same colour as you socks.
07-05-2013, 07:07 AM
I don't wear them either but it's been an issue at our club due to our colours. Weve been told you can have whatever colour tape you want as long as its not visible (like under the top fold of your socks).
As for the jewellery thing, yeah hasn't that rule been around since day 1 anyway?
The other one I hate is tucking your shirt in to start the game. Once again been round forever but what exactly is the point of that one?
07-05-2013, 08:07 AM
try living in canberra and not wearing long sleeves/skins when it's close to zero.
ffs, good for the game, everybody loves seeing little kids crying because they're cold on the football field.
07-05-2013, 08:14 AM
Jewellry thing has been in for ages.
Got told about the tape thing in our first trial this year and I think it is ridiculous. We played an Adamstown team who, for whatever reason, had no matching shorts and socks at all - there were about 8 varieties out there. The ref said nothing but in the end did it REALLY matter? We still got smashed.
Again, the Skins rule I also think is silly. It's not a professional league. All Age is a kick around.
07-05-2013, 09:00 AM
1) The wearing of skins – If skins are worn they are to be the same colour as strips or must not be visible at any time. With the exception of the goalkeeper no player is to wear long skins. If at any time during a game incorrect coloured skins are seen the referee will ask the player to remove them.
I know the skins have to be the same color, but saying you are not allowed to wear long skins, that's a new one to me
Back in the 90's when I was at the end of my playing days there were no skins but the latest fad was bike pants under the shorts (which did **** all) and the same rule applied then about the same colour as your shorts.
It is a silly rule but at the end of the day if you had white socks surely you can get some white tape and same for other colours.
Long Skins. why cant players wear them? because its a different colour to the kit? Ok, skin colour is different but the ref can seem to tell the difference between milk, caramel, milo, coffee and bonox. I feel that juniors should be ok and if cold enough getem on if you need.
The wedding ring rule is good, 1. let me give you a backhander with one on 2. will lose groupies.
i still don't fully understand the skins rule. teams are allowed to have shorts clashing colours - so the colour of the shorts or the undershorts shouldn't change a single thing.
don't see the problem with having sock tape a differing colour to the socks, if the sock tape colour doesn't clash with the oppositions socks tbh. some teams are really hard to accomodate socks for - you can't find purple tape nearly anywhere, it's taken westlakes until last week to find some for less than $5 a roll. and the purple tape we got, is a lighter shade than the socks & imo sticks out as much as white or dark blue would.. and what about barnsley - they have green socks, but the back is white. are they meant to get sock tape that changes colour at the back?
07-05-2013, 12:52 PM
1. Invent clear tape
2. ???
3. Profit
07-05-2013, 01:09 PM
Question for people who actually play the game: why do you need tape?
07-05-2013, 01:13 PM
1. Invent clear tape
2. ???
3. Profit
Its called sticky office is full of it...$3 a roll and its yours
07-05-2013, 01:14 PM
Question for people who actually play the game: why do you need tape?
shinpad stability ?
07-05-2013, 03:37 PM
Question for people who actually play the game: why do you need tape?
I only use it to hold my shinpads in place because they don't have straps on them.
some people use it to hold socks up or wrap it around their boots to stop their laces from coming undone (gay).
07-05-2013, 03:44 PM
u probably have heaps gay boots anyway parksey, like those pink ronaldo ones
au revoir
07-05-2013, 03:52 PM
Question for people who actually play the game: why do you need tape?
help hold shinpads in place as well as hold socks up.
07-05-2013, 03:58 PM
Cheers fellas.
Didn't really see it as a necessity back in the day but that's probably because I was wearing my shinpads in the same way someone would wear a shirt with their top button done up.
07-05-2013, 04:03 PM
^ gay
edit: yeah my boots are pretty gay
07-05-2013, 04:22 PM
Back in the day, 1/2" elastic. Couldn't feel if someone kicked you in the shin, no circulation in the lower leg.:grin:
07-05-2013, 05:45 PM
imagine how bad it would be playing in 50degree celsius temperatures if everyone had different coloured tape on their socks and wore skins
good thing FIFA is looking out for us and for the players, otherwise this fantastic world cup in nine years would be unworkable
Skirt Boy
07-05-2013, 06:11 PM
Skins? FFS I remember playing when shin pads were not a requirement.
Players today are soft.
Skirt Boy
07-05-2013, 06:13 PM
Ergh oops wrong thread. :P
07-05-2013, 06:15 PM
slobs had a gud story about refs/skins
ref wouldnae let an african player wear black skins becausue they had to be either club colours (green), or "skin coloured".
srsly though, mismatched taped ffs
07-05-2013, 07:52 PM
Sounds like a whole lot of red tape to me.
07-05-2013, 07:58 PM
The other one I hate is tucking your shirt in to start the game. Once again been round forever but what exactly is the point of that one?
Supposed to be tucked in all the time. Theory is it makes it easier to see when shirts are being by pulled/held etc by opposition
07-05-2013, 08:49 PM
^ gay
edit: yeah my boots are pretty gay
to be fair though pretty much all boots have a certain level of gayness to them these days.
you are not alone my friend.
(my last 6 pairs black, black, black, black, white, silver/orange gah kill me)
07-05-2013, 08:51 PM
Supposed to be tucked in all the time. Theory is it makes it easier to see when shirts are being by pulled/held etc by opposition
back in the day that would have been helpful.
now i play centreback, so this rule would suck balls if enforced.
cheers for the info though.
to be fair though pretty much all boots have a certain level of gayness to them these days.
you are not alone my friend.
(my last 6 pairs black, black, black, black, white, silver/orange gah kill me)
#copacrew for lyf
07-05-2013, 08:51 PM
#copacrew for lyf
good point. my bad there.
to be fair though pretty much all boots have a certain level of gayness to them these days.
you are not alone my friend.
(my last 6 pairs black, black, black, black, white, silver/orange gah kill me)
Good old Adiddas Copa Mundial's are still the best boots.
07-05-2013, 09:04 PM
Seem to remember as a young bloke that the laces in boots were that long I had to wrap em under the boots once before tying em up.Then wrapped some tape around tryin to keep em intact.Does anyone else recall this or is it just a bad dream I had somewhere
p.s obviously a question for the older chaps not the softer new generation lads
Seem to remember as a young bloke that the laces in boots were that long I had to wrap em under the boots once before tying em up.Then wrapped some tape around tryin to keep em intact.Does anyone else recall this or is it just a bad dream I had somewhere
p.s obviously a question for the older chaps not the softer new generation lads
tape or a triple knot. why laces that long ill never know.
Supposed to be tucked in all the time. Theory is it makes it easier to see when shirts are being by pulled/held etc by opposition
Can you enlighten me in the Rules of Football where this is said it is so??
Also point out where it also says you can't call out MINE otherwise you incur a free kick.
That one has also stumped me for ages coz I must have missed that page when I read it
Just bring up where it is for me
07-05-2013, 10:14 PM
Can you enlighten me in the Rules of Football where this is said it is so??
Also point out where it also says you can't call out MINE otherwise you incur a free kick.
That one has also stumped me for ages coz I must have missed that page when I read it
Just bring up where it is for me
In Law 12 where it says
A direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any
of the following three offences:
• holds an opponent
An indirect free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if, in the opinion of
the referee, a player:
• impedes the progress of an opponent
goes for any other method of holding or impeding that the referee sees fit
In Law 12 where it says
A direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any
of the following three offences:
• holds an opponent
An indirect free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if, in the opinion of
the referee, a player:
• impedes the progress of an opponent
goes for any other method of holding or impeding that the referee sees fit
So how is calling out mine impeding the opponent??
What does that do to impede their progress to the ball??
Also seeing as you are on a roll the bit where it says your shirt must be tucked in???
07-05-2013, 10:55 PM
They may halt their run thinking it may be a team mate.... therefore their run is impeded.
07-05-2013, 11:10 PM
I always thought that yelling 'mine' fell under the very broad but necessary unsporting behaviour category of the laws of the game, hence why it is usually punished with an automatic yellow.
Edit: Specifically where it says if a player "verbally distracts an opponent during play or at a restart" then it is unsporting behaviour.
07-05-2013, 11:45 PM
probably the stupidest rule out there
08-05-2013, 09:08 AM
help hold shinpads in place as well as hold socks up.
get better socks??? or get in the gym adn bulk those legs up?
08-05-2013, 09:19 AM
to be fair though pretty much all boots have a certain level of gayness to them these days.
you are not alone my friend.
(my last 6 pairs black, black, black, black, white, silver/orange gah kill me)
Good old Adiddas Copa Mundial's are still the best boots.
Copa's have nothing on Pantofola's, Copa's are mass produced in a chinese production line, while the Pantofola's are hand made in italy, and while they have started to introduce more colours, they still always retain the retro look. I have worn them for going on 6 years now and honestly the best boots to will EVER wear, the only ones i have found coming close are Puma King Final i SL.
Seem to remember as a young bloke that the laces in boots were that long I had to wrap em under the boots once before tying em up.Then wrapped some tape around tryin to keep em intact.Does anyone else recall this or is it just a bad dream I had somewhere
p.s obviously a question for the older chaps not the softer new generation lads
I still prefer the long laces, the feel it gave the boot with the lace rapped around and done up on the side.
08-05-2013, 11:13 AM
Copa's are mass produced in a chinese production line.
not actually true.
there are two copas, the ones made in scheinfeld, germany, and the cheaper ones made in indonesia
the german ones are still hand made as far as i know.
the pantofolas are tops though, if you're a squillionaire.
the pantofolas are tops though, if you're a squillionaire.
yep. getting copas for around $110 on prodirect >>>>>> spending double-to-triple the amount on a pair of lazzarinis or whatever they're called.
the "mine" rule - if you disrupt an opponent i believe it's a foul/possible card for reason mentioned above. if an opponent isn't around & you're just saying it to your own players, and no one from the opposition is affected, it's all good. try telling this to old bobby in local league football though - iirc he's given two yellow cards to westlakes players in the last two years for (1) keeper saying "leave it" to his own players with no opposition around (he also gave a penalty, not an indirect freekick, for this), & (2) defender saying "mine" to his fellow defender with no opposition around (he gave an indirect freekick in the beckham zone)
08-05-2013, 12:31 PM
however, if the pantofolas last like copas do, i would see it as money well spent
i am still on a pair i have owned for four years, that have been treated like shit, left wet in bags, filthy etc
the calling stuff is such official dickheadery - the blokes that call this stuff are the kind of blokes who pull the wings off flies
08-05-2013, 12:32 PM
great thread by the way, we have about a million tangents going on here, skins, sticky tape, expensive boots, official cawk-heads, slave labour
only at
great thread by the way, we have about a million tangents going on here, skins, sticky tape, expensive boots, official cawk-heads, slave labour
only at
also, griff <3 (sup, militia)
yep. getting copas for around $110 on prodirect >>>>>> spending double-to-triple the amount on a pair of lazzarinis or whatever they're called.
the "mine" rule - if you disrupt an opponent i believe it's a foul/possible card for reason mentioned above. if an opponent isn't around & you're just saying it to your own players, and no one from the opposition is affected, it's all good. try telling this to old bobby in local league football though - iirc he's given two yellow cards to westlakes players in the last two years for (1) keeper saying "leave it" to his own players with no opposition around (he also gave a penalty, not an indirect freekick, for this), & (2) defender saying "mine" to his fellow defender with no opposition around (he gave an indirect freekick in the beckham zone)
That wouldnt be Bobby Hamilton would it?
08-05-2013, 03:00 PM
Does Puma still make "Kings"
my foot never fit in a copa - too wide.
though i did love how the "good" players would wrap the laces around the heel studs not the middle of the foot.
(they also had one warpped round their head too)
Does Puma still make "Kings"
my foot never fit in a copa - too wide.
though i did love how the "good" players would wrap the laces around the heel studs not the middle of the foot.
(they also had one warpped round their head too)
yeah Puma made Kings but I always felt the Copa's were a better boot than the kings
08-05-2013, 04:07 PM
I only use it to hold my shinpads in place because they don't have straps on them.
some people use it to hold socks up or wrap it around their boots to stop their laces from coming undone (gay).
Buy shinpads with straps????
08-05-2013, 04:17 PM
doesn't look pro unless they are the size of a playing card m8
how's the yearly rumours that go around that the little shinpads are going to be banned, reminds me of this
08-05-2013, 04:20 PM
lol, bloke i used to play with wore kitchen sponges ffs
the blue manc
08-05-2013, 05:09 PM
lol, bloke i used to play with wore kitchen sponges ffs
and they were the thin ones too.
08-05-2013, 05:39 PM
lol, bloke i used to play with wore kitchen sponges ffs
Seen that too!
And thongs - pull the plugs through the sole, great shinnies!
08-05-2013, 05:59 PM
i played with cardboard shinpads once...
08-05-2013, 07:19 PM
never really understood the not wanting to wear shinpads thing - copping studs down your shin ****ing hurts
and it's not like you feel them when they're on or that they affect movement or agility in any way
never really understood the not wanting to wear shinpads thing - copping studs down your shin ****ing hurts
and it's not like you feel them when they're on or that they affect movement or agility in any way
When the rule first came in plenty of people hated the way they felt but I think they more liked the way looked with their socks around their ankles before the rule lol
08-05-2013, 07:44 PM
My shin pads broke my ankle once.
True story.
08-05-2013, 07:49 PM
I remember when they had fence palings in them, and more often than not they would end up at the back of your leg, so a lot of players chucked em
You look so much cooler with no pads
08-05-2013, 10:47 PM
also, griff <3 (sup, militia)
Engineering dungeon meetups :cool:
08-05-2013, 11:46 PM
copas should be phased out
get with the times, people
09-05-2013, 02:05 AM
My shin pads broke my ankle once.
True story.
What...tripped over em after a night on the piss ?
09-05-2013, 07:07 AM
What...tripped over em after a night on the piss ?
Used to wear full wrap around neoprene sheaths that a guard would be slotted into - stopped calf cramps, aided shin splints. They we're a bitch to get off.
I rolled my ankle in a game, and instead of tutting the damn things off the medico folk ripped them over my ankle with an almighty crack.
That wouldnt be Bobby Hamilton would it?
i'm not sure tbh, i just know him as old bobby. he's the old ref who i don't even think is a proper ref anymore, but follows around a few clubs like muswellbrook & jesmond & fills in for them when club refs are needed. he's the ref who likes to give crucial calls to teams that are losing, because he wants to see every game end as a draw so both teams win (his words - in that same game he gave our keeper a yellow for saying leave it, he said he didn't call a handball by the opposition in their own box because if we scored the penalty we would have went two up and that wouldn't have been fair). just look into nearly any muswellbrook match report for this season or last, and you'll see a heap of bobby's masterwork described :rof:
Use to wear a pair of old school hockey shin pads. The things had a sheet of metal instead of plastic and use to offer a fair bit of protection frm a kicking. Use to get away wearing them as refs never really checked shin guards.
Studs yes shin guards no
Use to wear a pair of old school hockey shin pads. The things had a sheet of metal instead of plastic and use to offer a fair bit of protection frm a kicking. Use to get away wearing them as refs never really checked shin guards.
Studs yes shin guards no
I played with a bloke who did the same and the steel slats broke his leg when he was kicked.
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