View Full Version : The Q&A forum

15-11-2013, 09:28 AM
As the more perceptive of you may have spotted, the Ask the CEO forum is back.
Not only has David Eland (CEO of NNSWFF) agreed to return to respond to users questions and comments, Robbie Middleby and the Jets have agreed to join us as well.
There is also a generic login being supplied to the admin staff at both the Jets and NNSWFF to be able to answer questions also, so as not to have just the CEO's responding to everything. They will respond where appropriate and at the bottom of each post will supply the name and title of the staff member responding to the query.

Needless to say, this is a great resource and no other supporter forum has both the CEO's of their club and federation available to them so we would like it treated properly. Read the posting guidelines in the Ask the CEO forum first before posting. Any users failing to follow the guidelines will have their posts deleted and will be banned.

15-11-2013, 09:44 AM
Additionally, Gary Fisher who is the Club Development Officer at NNSWFF and is in charge of implementation of the NPL also has his own specific login as we assume there will be quite a few questions for him in the coming months.

15-11-2013, 09:57 AM
Needless to say, this is a great resource and no other supporter forum has both the CEO's of their club and federation available to them so we would like it treated properly. Read the posting guidelines in the Ask the CEO forum first before posting. Any users failing to follow the guidelines will have their posts deleted and will be banned.

Damn it.

15-11-2013, 09:59 AM
Additionally, Gary Fisher who is the Club Development Officer at NNSWFF and is in charge of implementation of the NPL also has his own specific login as we assume there will be quite a few questions for him in the coming months.

should I change my alias so as not to confuse folks.

i could be "the forumite formerly known as Gary Fish" or TFFKAGF

15-11-2013, 10:01 AM
that didnt even occur to me


15-11-2013, 10:35 AM
Credit to those of you who worked to set this up.

It is an excellent opportunity to interact with the club and I hope it is not abused.

15-11-2013, 10:59 AM
kudos mods/those involved in setting it up. excellent work.

15-11-2013, 11:16 AM
Good work. Hopefully they'll be able to answer the questions for real, and not fill the answers with the usual CEO-talk mumble we see on Jets Insider questions!

I just noticed that MFKFC made a new thread for his own questions. Why not just have a single, stickied thread in the sub-sub-forum?

15-11-2013, 11:19 AM
he didnt, he tacked his questions onto yours, i split it off into its own thread

Its easier to have the questions in separate threads rather than one huge single thread, to help minimise duplicate questions.

15-11-2013, 11:58 AM
This is a great initiative. Kudos to those that set it up and to the Jets and NNSW for coming on board. Hopefully a few smartarses/keyboard warriors don't screw it for everyone.

15-11-2013, 12:05 PM
I am going to be my ever cynical self and say "it worked so well last time we invited people in to answer questions..."


15-11-2013, 10:09 PM
Have renamed to The Q&A forum, as its not just the CEO's who will be answering.