raph was the worst - angry dude that had the worst weapons.
michelangelo > leonardo > donatello > raphael
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raph was the worst - angry dude that had the worst weapons.
michelangelo > leonardo > donatello > raphael
donatello > angry leader dude > stoner dude > angry whiny dude
I'd go Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo. Though from experience my opinion is the Sai are the coolest weapon to use
if you're going to hijack a thread, at least do it with boobs
can't read the letters TMNT without getting this stuck in my head:
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Cheez TV>agros cartoon connection
and to continue the boobs theme. Sailor moon one of cheez tvs best
cheez tv > martin skrtel
can all mancs please **** off out of this thread?
sven tells gerrard to leave liverpool if he ever wants to win the epl.
sahin says he wants liverpool in top four after signing for them.
charlie adam is counting the days till he's gone.
just watching Liverpool go out against Hearts
you can't miss this many opportunities and stay in, this will come back to bite them
I'm am Jack's complete lack of surprise
I think Suarez heard me swearing at him and decided he'd actually try to put it away this time instead of **** about with it
wow that was painful at times, BR needs to get the strikers fixed ASAP or it will be same story as last season except with prettier passing.
We will be the new Arsenal.
Here's hoping the next 24 hours are good to us and we get a striker!