Heard Ben Kantarovski taking over at Suns.
Type: Posts; User: straightred88
Heard Ben Kantarovski taking over at Suns.
Do people still watch that Z League ?
Heard Croudace Bay were taking the zone 1 thirds spot
Wonder how Jaffas feel now it?s been outed that Newcastle Football support the new location of the Basketball Stadium and that Jaffas can move to Tarro Park.
Wonder how Jaffas feel now it?s been outed that Newcastle Football support the new location of the Basketball Stadium and that Jaffas can move to Tarro Park.
Maybe they need a meeting to review some of the ridiculous award winners last night.
So they survive by the skin of their teeth just like Cardiff did.
Had plenty of money left now that O Donovan backflipped
He talking about the former Optus TV star
Yeh that respectful he abused him on the dudley hill behind his back but scared to say it to his face.
One thing for sure is they live rent free in your heads. Not even in zone 1 yet and that?s all you want to talk about.
Someone at Olympic seems to have found a fat wallet laying around
Money talks
Well done Suns on going back to back.
Was it their best performance of course not. All that matters is the final result.
You must be crying big time last few weeks
NPL Magic
Zone 1 Suns
Zone 2 Croatia
You have no idea lol
Correct - another poor decision by NF.
Embarrassing decision to play at Myer Park.
Pitch is an absolute disgrace.
A slap in the face to zone 2 and 3 clubs.
Thank you :)
Like I said you think what you want doesn?t bother me.
Don?t bother replying as I can?t be bothered going around in circles with you.
Nothing to clear up. I know what I meant and that?s all that counts. You blokes can think want you want doesn?t bother me.
Forever wants to keep being a troll for my opinion which was Probly 6...
No need for threats just because you don?t like someone?s opinion.
No I am not stop making things up.
Money well spent you reckon?
Clubs taking the piss