Believe it or not I've seen this happen at least a dozen times in Perth. Western Power (Ausgrid equivalent) are about as difficult to deal with as you'd expect a corporatised monopoly to be
Type: Posts; User: sh10
Believe it or not I've seen this happen at least a dozen times in Perth. Western Power (Ausgrid equivalent) are about as difficult to deal with as you'd expect a corporatised monopoly to be
Times like these make me really really appreciate being a part of the GVE 1.0 era, before our club became a revolving door of shitness paid for in mangoes and light fittings
Thoughts from the eastern stand last night:
1. Brown is honestly a terrible, terrible footballer
2. Hoffman could've easily had 2 assists in the first half if O'Donovan was out there. Kept getting...
Parking the bus doesn't seem to be working so well right now
I have no more jizz left to give
Parkesy pls
Top spot kents
Is this real life?
Lol, good reminder
Why did we get rid of Chapman?
I reckon we score 2. Dont like our chances of not conceding another
Too cute up front, not incisive enough
First game i have seen this year. We look better than last year but some of the defending has been comical
Just had a terrible hamburger at the takeaway in Branxton, staleish bun, bland patty and all round crap
Was pretty good up until the goal. One moment of switching off can cost you the game as a keeper :(
Aaaaaand there it is. Have missed this
Great to see Nev back
Have given up on the win
We hate coast scum
Well they allow Howard Webb to ref against Liverpool...literally against us
So how much are we selling him for after the World Cup?
Looking forward to Ali Abbas: 2015 Australian of the Year
Moyes = United's Hodgson. Your words are exactly how I would describe Woy at Liverpool. At least look at the bright side - you haven't signed Christian Poulsen
but i cant say im not enjoying it
Graham Poll has gone with the "weak" line rather than "corrupt" but still the same outcome
Yes. Liverpool missed 2 golden chances inside 5min then generally dominated after about half hour. Arse played more like the away team. Sanogo looks promising - very strong and gets in good...