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Thread: Daily Australian News Thread 2015

  1. #641
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    Perth issued a show cause notice by FFA over failure to disclose reportable payments.

    FFS, the FFA are after the wrong club.

  2. #642
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    Im sick of hearing from stubbins blah blah blah

  3. #643
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    Take them on Griff

    The behaviour of Tinker and Stubbins is a disgrace and not tolerated in any other workplace in Australia

  4. #644
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    Stubbins giving favours to his new yes boy Mullen.

  5. #645
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    Stubbins giving favours to his new yes boy Mullen.
    I don't think Stubbins will be here long enough for Mullen to have to suck too much cock

    I wonder if the PFA and FFA are complicit in allowing Jets as much rope as they want to hang themselves with the disgraceful player treatment over the last 2 weeks as it is just another nail in the coffin for FFA to take the Licence back??

    Usually the PFA are all over shit like what is happening to Griff and co but they are for some reason being absurdly quiet on the matter and are barely putting up a fight rather than some occasional token PR to warn they might do something.

  6. #646
    Senior Member Jeterpool's Avatar
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    Wait, I know this one
    I mentioned on here a while ago that the club need to be careful how they are treating the players after some posters queried about what laws apply.

    You'll notice the PFA are now warning the club about bullying and harassment of the players.
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimario View Post
    Great. He's gone from Liaoning Whowin to Newcastle Wholose.
    The Championship Chronicles - The Jetstream's review of the 2007/08 season.

  7. #647
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    Definition of workplace bullying (from Fair Work Commission)...

    Bullying behaviour may involve, for example, any of the following types of behaviour:

    * aggressive or intimidating conduct
    * belittling or humiliating comments
    * spreading malicious rumours
    * teasing, practical jokes or 'initiation ceremonies'
    * exclusion from work-related events
    * unreasonable work expectations, including too much or too little work, or work below or beyond a worker's skill level
    * displaying offensive material
    * pressure to behave in an inappropriate manner.

    And since the laws have changed you can go straight to the FWC with an application.

  8. #648
    Quote Originally Posted by R Ramjet View Post
    Im sick of hearing from stubbins blah blah blah
    Same shit every week...My blood boils every time I hear him speak.

  9. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetmaster View Post
    Definition of workplace bullying (from Fair Work Commission)...

    Bullying behaviour may involve, for example, any of the following types of behaviour:

    * aggressive or intimidating conduct
    * belittling or humiliating comments

    * spreading malicious rumours
    * teasing, practical jokes or 'initiation ceremonies'
    * exclusion from work-related events
    * unreasonable work expectations, including too much or too little work or work below , or beyond a worker's skill level
    * displaying offensive material
    * pressure to behave in an inappropriate manner.

    And since the laws have changed you can go straight to the FWC with an application.
    Looks like these boys will have a case easy

  10. #650
    parksey and gallaway's stillborn child la bazzle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idontwannaplaywithhowey View Post
    Same shit every week...My blood boils every time I hear him speak.
    PR guy must be a gypo, thinks he's playing politics repeating the same shit lines #pv4smateout

  11. #651
    Senior Member militiamon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by la bazzle View Post
    PR guy must be a gypo, thinks he's playing politics repeating the same shit lines #pv4smateout
    Well said.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDyl
    You're funnier on the internet than you are in person.
    Quote Originally Posted by q-money View Post
    the NF law...the longer the thread stays open, the probablity that the thread becomes about joel griffiths approaches 1

  12. #652
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    JETS owner Nathan Tinkler appears unlikely to fulfil his own commitment to pay by this week an estimated $400,000 in superannuation owed to his players and staff.

    Having produced $500,000 to appease a selection of creditors eight days ago, Tinkler said: ‘‘The last outstanding thing is superannuation, and we will get that met next week.’’

    After contacting the club on Friday to confirm if the superannuation debt had been settled, the Herald was told the ‘‘paperwork was being processed’’ and it was expected to be paid by ‘‘early next week’’.

    FFA officials have also been advised the superannuation will be paid by Monday. Even if this is the case, it appears Tinkler will still not be in the clear after receiving a ‘‘show cause’’ notice 12 days ago to prove the Jets are a ‘‘stable and sustainable’’ operation under his ownership.

    As one informed source told the Herald: ‘‘Even if he pays the superannuation, he won’t have cleared the debt, not by a long shot.’’

    Despite Tinkler stating eight days ago that ‘‘a million dollars injected into the club will fix all those issues’’, it is understood the governing body also expects him to urgently settle liabilities with the Australian Tax Office in the vicinity of $2 million.

    FFA chief executive David Gallop declined to confirm any time frame at a press conference this week but admitted: ‘‘We are still on a deadline and we think it’s important that the pressure stays on to get these things put in place quickly.

    ‘‘Nathan has made it clear that he will clear those liabilities but we want to see it done quickly ... it’s a matter of days.’’

    Gallop declined to confirm if the deadline was Monday.

    See your ad here
    Meanwhile, midfielder David Carney, one of five players exiled by the Jets, is awaiting a date for his dispute with the club to be heard by an independent arbitrator.

    Professional Footballers Australia players union filed a grievance against the Jets on Carney’s behalf with the National Dispute Resolution Chamber on Monday.

    A directions hearing was held by teleconference late Friday, which was to set a timeframe for submissions from both parties and set a hearing date.

    After initially offering to pay out the final 18 months of Carney’s contract, the Jets moved to sack him with no payout over three alleged breaches.

    Under the collective-bargaining agreement, player contracts can be terminated after four breaches.

    Carney has accepted two of the breaches but has rejected the third, which is understood to involve a private conversation he had with Tinkler.

    Western Sydney are understood to be interested in signing the former Socceroo for the start of their Asian Champions League defence.
    Gone Monday Morning

  13. #653
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    WHEN Sporting Declaration was talking with Professional Footballers Association chief executive Adam Vivian during the week, I posed a question that was largely hypothetical.

    ‘‘At what point would they consider going on strike?’’ I asked, referring, of course, to long-suffering players at the Newcastle Jets.

    Vivian’s response was fairly predictable, given that since the A-League kicked off 10 seasons ago, there have been a variety of cases of players being treated unacceptably, not just at the Jets but across the competition.

    Not once have players responded by withdrawing their labour en masse.

    ‘‘The players know there are ramifications for that kind of action,’’ Vivian said.

    ‘‘It’s not something we’re going to investigate in the first instance.

    ‘‘What we would probably consider in the immediate future would be to look to Football Federation Australia to intervene in these circumstances, as custodians of the game and in the best interest of good governance of the game, to ensure that the interests and provisions of the players are protected.

    ‘‘Rather than going down the path of industrial action, we’d certainly go down the path of seeking the assistance of FFA and asking them to intervene.’’

    Strikes by Australian professional sporting outfits, of course, are virtually unheard of.

    See your ad here
    Super League-aligned teams boycotted the first round of the 1996 Australian Rugby League season before being ordered to return to the field by the Federal Court.

    Australia’s Test cricketers used the ‘‘s’’ word regularly in the late 1990s, leveraging the powers-that-be to improve the pay of Sheffield Shield players under the terms of their collective-bargaining agreement.

    More recently Essendon players have indicated they will refuse to play in this year’s pre-season NAB Challenge games unless the AFL guarantees to backdate any anti-doping suspensions to September.

    Other than those instances, I can’t recall strike action being taken by a collective group of athletes Down Under.

    In the US, however, there have been strikes involving Major League baseballers and several NBA basketball ‘‘lockouts’’, most of which have centred around multimillionaire players seeking even higher wages.

    In Australia, unions such as the PFA prefer to avoid confrontation, perhaps because they have alternative dispute-resolution options that are effective.

    If PFA can prove a club has not upheld its obligations to an employee or employees, it can call on the resources of FFA and even FIFA to impose appropriate sanctions.

    Jets owner Nathan Tinkler may think he can treat unwanted players and staff with contempt, but history suggests he will not beat the system.

    Certainly Newcastle’s players appear entitled to be disgruntled with their working conditions.

    They are collectively owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in overdue superannuation.

    Five of their teammates and three of the coaching staff were sacked without notice.

    The five disenfranchised players have been unable to move on with their lives, after PFA advice not to sign termination papers that apparently do not guarantee all their entitlements. So they continue to train with the club even though they are considered no chance of playing.

    The remaining players, who would not be human if they were not at least slightly demoralised, face the unenviable task of playing another 11 games this season with a depleted, inexperienced roster.

    It would seem some of them have little faith in their boss, rookie coach Phil Stubbins.

    If this was any other unionised industry, the prospect of stop-work meetings, and ultimately downing tools, would presumably have been raised long ago.

    In almost 30 years as a journalist, yours truly has been on strike more times than I can remember.

    Recently such action has seemed fairly futile, in terms of what it achieved, but nonetheless inherently satisfying.

    It would be unprecedented and inconceivable, especially given Newcastle’s players are following the PFA’s advice.

    But imagine if the Jets walked out for Saturday night’s clash with Western Sydney, shook hands with the opposition, then sat down on the sidelines, refusing to play.

    Even if it was only a five-minute protest, it would send a united, defiant message that would be noted around the world and remembered for years.

    A whole new ball game, so to speak.
    Robert Dillon not quite going far enough this time.

    Why the PFA have been so piss weak defending their players who have had their rights violated and walked over needs addressing

  14. #654
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    I swear the PFA could save 1000 kittens from a burning building and you'd still have something negative to say.

    The current PFA actions are consistent with what happened at WSW with the players they wanted moved on in January and lasted a month before all bar one departed, same with victory when ange was down there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimario View Post
    Harper just described our play as constipated. Perfect description of our slow movement that goes nowhere and of our coach who is full of shit.

  15. #655
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pico View Post
    I swear the PFA could save 1000 kittens from a burning building and you'd still have something negative to say.

    The current PFA actions are consistent with what happened at WSW with the players they wanted moved on in January and lasted a month before all bar one departed, same with victory when ange was down there.
    Consistently piss weak

    They have 4 players who have been wrongfully terminated. The employer has failed to follow due process and pay them out. The employer has then ostracised harassed and bullied the players. The employer has caused the players to be publically humiliated

    You treat anyone else that way in this town where a union represents its employees and I guarantee the response from the Union/Employees towards the Employer is a bit more proactive at righting the wrongs.

    Don't forget these are the same parasites who rip millions of $$ out of the game in this country to sustain player wages at an unjustifiable level and then scream to high heaven of being violated when they get offered a bonus on top of what they already get to play in another tourney. Money that could be better spent on junior development making clubs profitable etc

    Now explain to me why you have time for them??

  16. #656
    Senior Member lquiquer's Avatar
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    ‏@JamesGardiner42 · 30m30 minutes ago
    BREAKING: Kew Jaliens set to join @MelbourneCity as injury replacement after accepting mutual termination @NewcastleJetsFC @newcastleherald

    Kew and Connor.......!!!!!
    Dare to Zlatan

    Originally Posted by Grimario

    He won't make that mistake at Newcastle since our team is full of number 2's.

  17. #657
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    Quote Originally Posted by lquiquer View Post
    ‏@JamesGardiner42 · 30m30 minutes ago
    BREAKING: Kew Jaliens set to join @MelbourneCity as injury replacement after accepting mutual termination @NewcastleJetsFC @newcastleherald

    Kew and Connor.......!!!!!
    More importantly when is Griff coming back to play for us???

  18. #658
    Senior Member Thomas477's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lquiquer View Post
    ‏@JamesGardiner42 · 30m30 minutes ago
    BREAKING: Kew Jaliens set to join @MelbourneCity as injury replacement after accepting mutual termination @NewcastleJetsFC @newcastleherald

    Kew and Connor.......!!!!!
    Well I guess that explains why he left us, city offered him a deal and he took it, probably happy to take less dough from us as well.
    Middleby Gone

    Lawrie Out

  19. #659
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    Quote Originally Posted by lquiquer View Post
    ‏@JamesGardiner42 · 30m30 minutes ago
    BREAKING: Kew Jaliens set to join @MelbourneCity as injury replacement after accepting mutual termination @NewcastleJetsFC @newcastleherald

    Kew and Connor.......!!!!!
    Well done Kew.

    Very happy he is picking up some game time after the farce he had to face here.

  20. #660
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    NBN reports Tinks paying more debts, Kew gives up, CEO in place and new signing Boogs.

    Is the big man slowly turning the tide?

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