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Thread: General Newcastle Inner-City Business Thread

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    General Newcastle Inner-City Business Thread

    IT could be the best of both worlds: a solution to Newcastle’s never-ending rail woes that keeps the heavy line but links the CBD and foreshore.
    The concept was developed by Shaddock Smith architects for a recent exhibition and envisages crossing the rail line and Hunter Street with a pedestrian park.

    Peter Shaddock said the idea was inspired by High Line park in New York, where gardens are built on a disused elevated rail line through the city.

    In Newcastle’s case, the gardens would be set above the working rail line and cascade into a foreshore plaza that Mr Shaddock said could be a focal point for the city centre.

    ‘‘I was inspired a bit by the Suters report [that showed concept designs for Newcastle if the rail line was removed],’’ Mr Shaddock said.

    ‘‘I haven’t seen a solution that keeps the rail line and makes it look good.’’

    He said the plan recreates the ‘‘Dangar axis’’, which is supposed to link the cathedral and the harbour.

    Restaurants and bars at Queens Wharf are moved under the raised pedestrian park in the plan, and the infamous Queens Wharf tower removed.

    The firm has decided to release its idea to stimulate debate about how to reinvent Newcastle.
    we had the old figs thread on ye olde foz - now we can have a new one for plans that won't go anywhere.

    all hail king robbo etc.


  2. #2
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    will there be a station called #5 Union St Station?

  3. #3
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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    did you know that the Large Hadron Collider cost $5 Billion for a 27 km circular tunnel, built to a tolerance of a billionth of a metre and packed with some of the most technologically advanced kit ever made

    to remove 2.7 km of rail line in Newcastle, the cost estimate provided to the NSW Government was $550 Million - putting the rail line underground apparently costs much, much more than this

    so getting rid of a rail line in NSW costs more per metre than the most technologically advanced machine ever made

    sounds legit

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    you'd laugh if it wasn't so disgraceful.

    how newcastle remains in the dark ages when you look at what it's sitting on, which to be honest is probably one of the prettiest working harbours in the country is dead-set shambolic. to think of what it could be when you see what has been done in other places round the world brings a tear to the eye.

  5. #5
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Im a keep the rail line kind of guy.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Brügglifeld's Terraces, Switzerland
    definately beyond a joke... There needs to be a viable public transport option to the center of the city. I.e all the way to the newcastle station....

    We will end up with some half arsed job, like most major projects in australia
    Amigos Aarau

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Last edited by hawk; 22-07-2012 at 08:51 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    The rail doesnt stop any go forward. Best excuse ever for gullible novos, bobo's...
    There are financial backers ready to go for the CBD but we cling to keeping all historical buildings at the expensive of economical progress.
    Maybe the bolton east can remain historical and rip a new 20 storey cbd in west hunter st.
    Last edited by hawk; 22-07-2012 at 08:53 PM.

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