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Thread: Members Forum

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Members Forum

    Registrations are now open on the clubs site.

    Absolute ****ing sham that they want questions etc early in advance.

    Let the people speak their ****ing minds and let it be a reflection on what we think.

    Not what others think we should think

    Looks like a rort already

  2. #2
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    There will be an open question section as far as I am aware
    So not all the questions will be presubmitted. I think its just an easier way to see what the general topics and questions everyone wants answered rather than people getting up and repeating questions in a slightly different way.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by furns View Post
    There will be an open question section as far as I am aware
    So not all the questions will be presubmitted. I think its just an easier way to see what the general topics and questions everyone wants answered rather than people getting up and repeating questions in a slightly different way.
    Maybe someone should bring up the communication aspect of the club interacting with their fans needing to improve.

    If there is questions from the floor spell it out.
    The way they have presented it has no mention of it at all and it appears pre sanctioned questions and topics only. Shame if someone smarter than me has a good idea and it never gets heard as we are sitting through topics that really aren't important or should be addressed quickly

    They wonder why people go off half cocked and it could be easily avoided by presenting the information in a way people are fully aware of what they are conveying

  4. #4
    Senior Member Couscous's Avatar
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    It's commonsense to set aside part of the forum to pre-submitted questions. It allows a broad range of questions to be responded to.

    If you don't do this, the event can be derailed by persistent/repetitive questioning focusing on one or a small number of issues, leaving many members' concerns unvoiced.

  5. #5
    So the forum goes for 2 hours? People submit questions? I thought this was about having a say, not about asking them what their opinion was. I want them to listen, not speak. The thing on the website makes it clear that all questions have to be pre-registered. "If you would like to ask a question at the forum, please register it below under the appropriate theme." No registration, no question.

    Derailment could be easily solved by giving a person a maximum of 2 minutes to speak at which time they will hear a bell and have 15 seconds to sum up their point, then move on.

    The thing that will leave many members' concerns unvoiced is the capping of the meeting to 2 hours, which is an unnecessary restriction. Why can't they stay until midnight if they have to? Are we in a business as usual situation? 2 ****ing Hours??? Is that all we are worth?

    Let people have a say in an orderly fashion. It if is the same thing time and again in different ways, then maybe the club will get the hint that this is important to people.

    I think I'll stay away from this meeting. It might frustrate me too much to attend.
    Last edited by tha_hauss; 05-06-2015 at 10:59 AM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Jeterpool's Avatar
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    Wait, I know this one
    If questions are pre-submitted, doesn't this allow the club to prepare responses so people can get answers? Doing so will allow more time for expansion and follow up questions. Realistically, there will be common themes that come up during the night. I want as many questions asked as we can and this may be a medium with which it is achieved.

    I actually want them to speak. I want to hear what they have planned and what is in the works. It can't be them sitting up on a stage just copping a barrage of abuse.

    I'm heading into this with an open mind and have asked a number of questions on the registration form. I'm going to adjust my approach to suit how the club and FFA choose to run their forum so that my point is made.
    Last edited by Jeterpool; 05-06-2015 at 11:00 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimario View Post
    Great. He's gone from Liaoning Whowin to Newcastle Wholose.
    The Championship Chronicles - The Jetstream's review of the 2007/08 season.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Jeterpool's Avatar
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    Wait, I know this one
    Quote Originally Posted by tha_hauss View Post

    The thing that will leave many members' concerns unvoiced is the capping of the meeting to 2 hours, which is an unnecessary restriction. Why can't they stay until midnight if they have to? Are we in a business as usual situation? 2 ****ing Hours??? Is that all we are worth?

    Let people have a say in an orderly fashion. It if is the same thing time and again in different ways, then maybe the club will get the hint that this is important to people.

    I think I'll stay away from this meeting. It might frustrate me too much to attend.
    The sub-committee met on Wednesday with the club. To address your first concern I specifically requested the club raise the risk with the FFA that one forum for members may not be enough and that preparation should be made to hold additional forums if needed. They said they would. This was in addition to other suggestions about the structure and locations of the forums.

    You have some excellent ideas. For you to stay away would be a shame. Frustration shows you care and this is an opportunity to help initiate change.
    Last edited by Jeterpool; 05-06-2015 at 11:05 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimario View Post
    Great. He's gone from Liaoning Whowin to Newcastle Wholose.
    The Championship Chronicles - The Jetstream's review of the 2007/08 season.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    The sub-committee met on Wednesday with the club. To address your first concern I specifically requested the club raise the risk with the FFA that one forum for members may not be enough and that preparation should be made to hold additional forums if needed. They said they would. This was in addition to other suggestions about the structure and locations of the forums.

    You have some excellent ideas. For you to stay away would be a shame. Frustration shows you care and this is an opportunity to help initiate change.
    No, its not my ideas that I care about. I don't want to stand up in front of people. My ideas should stand or fall on their own as presented on here. If I were going, I would just go to listen to others.

    My concern is that other people get a say and are not corralled down a narrow path that restricts their engagement. This is what would frustrate me. If they have future meetings I might attend one of those. That would at least show that they are serious about it.

  9. #9
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    An open ended forum with nothing but questions from the floor would be nothing but a whinge fest and very little contructive progress would come from it.

    Pre-submitted questions will allow reasonsed and genuine responses.

    I agree they should let it be know opne questions will occur.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    If questions are pre-submitted, doesn't this allow the club to prepare responses so people can get answers? Doing so will allow more time for expansion and follow up questions. Realistically, there will be common themes that come up during the night. I want as many questions asked as we can and this may be a medium with which it is achieved..
    Yes, but they should say that. Like any good meeting they should publish an agenda. We have to try an piece it together from a mishmash of comments:

    The panel will be present to share key updates with Members, but it is the Members who will be encouraged by the moderator to offer their opinions and views.
    If you would like to ask a question at the forum, please register it below under the appropriate theme.
    The two statements seem to contradict each other. I wouldn't like it if people thought they could ask a question on the night based on the first quote and then are told that if they wanted to speak they should have registered based on the second quote.

    Just put out an agenda

    6.00 to 6.30 Arrival
    6.30 to 6.35 Introduction of the panel
    6.35 to 6.45 Key updates on the club
    6.45 to 7.15 Registered Questions - we will quickly read out and respond to registered questions
    7.15 to 8.00 Open mic. Each person will be given 2 minutes to talk, at which time a bell will sound and they will have a further 15 seconds to sum up their point, if needed.
    8.00 Meeting closed

    This ends all confusion and stops any "Well the club said they will do this" type stuff. It gives people time to prepare. They have to work out how to make a point in under 2 minutes. It also shows that a maximum of 20 people will be able to have an open mic on the night.
    Last edited by tha_hauss; 05-06-2015 at 11:44 AM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by GazFish35 View Post
    An open ended forum with nothing but questions from the floor would be nothing but a whinge fest and very little contructive progress would come from it..
    What is constructive progress? Isn't letting people speak about their club constructive progress? Furns, what happened at the Jets last supporter forum after I walked out? Was it a whinge fest or did people make constructive comments? I got the impression that there was some consensus, particularly over the coach travel.

  12. #12
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tha_hauss View Post
    What is constructive progress? Isn't letting people speak about their club constructive progress? Furns, what happened at the Jets last supporter forum after I walked out? Was it a whinge fest or did people make constructive comments? I got the impression that there was some consensus, particularly over the coach travel.
    I dont think we arguing against each other on this matter.
    i agree with everything youve put forward, members should be able to voice there concerns, they should be able to do it on the night.

    my point is that without pre-submitted questions - the night has the potential to turn into an unconstructive one.

    yes. fans voicing their frustrations and anger at what has gone on is constructive and things need to be vented and put out into the open, but for us all to build from the situtaion we are now in, we need to make sure the night isnt a two hour whinge fest and people repeating questions over and over. a littel structure and pre-sumbmitted questions can reduce ther chances of this happening.

    i went to the WSW forum at Rooty Hill as I was working in MtDruitt at the time and questions from the floor were longwinded, agenda driven, and repetitive - i would hope this is not what happens for us.

    i agree whole heartedly that an agenda as you have suggested should be forthcoming.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by GazFish35 View Post
    i went to the WSW forum at Rooty Hill as I was working in MtDruitt at the time and questions from the floor were longwinded, agenda driven, and repetitive - i would hope this is not what happens for us.
    I don't think we are arguing against each other either. I am simply arguing for more clarity than what is currently offered.

    The possibility of long winded, agenda driven comments would be curtailed by restricting each person to 2 minutes (with a 15 second summary so the windbags don't fluff their chance to hit the point they originally intended to make) AND by letting people know the process beforehand so they can prepare. It shouldn't be down to hope, it should be down to good organisation. I still think that 2 hours is too short though.

    The FFA and the Club needn't supply answers in that part of the meeting, as it would just chew up time and prevent others from speaking. Just let people have their say and take note of it - active listening. Yes, if people want a specific question answered, register it. If they want to have a say without an answer, open mic. Take your pick or do both.
    Last edited by tha_hauss; 05-06-2015 at 01:54 PM.

  14. #14
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    On the points mentioned above, yes have a whinge and vent your frustrations at the past but also put up something constructive on what needs to be done to improve things in shaping the club for the future. This is what this Forum is about....the Future for the Newcastle Jets and I hope everyone who attends this meeting has this same agenda, otherwise don't bother wasting your own time and other people's time by taking up valuable speaking time.

  15. #15
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    Agreed...this is about the future for all members. Opening the floor would become a blamefest. FFA also have the right to be prepared. Nothing worse than asking questions and hear "we'll have to follow that up for you".
    Also think of those that do not wish to speak publicly in front of an audience but have a serious question.
    Just appreciate that this forum will be held...if it goes well there will be more I'm sure.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Jetmaster View Post
    Opening the floor would become a blamefest.
    How do you guys all know this? OK, I concede the point about registering questions but I find it incredible that we are so willing to prevent or restrict an "opening to the floor". Sure, I know many Jets supporters who are windbags but I would trust most of them to speak in the best interests of the club. Just let em at it. I trust them and should I be proven wrong, so be it.

  17. #17
    Senior Member Hunter403's Avatar
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    I will be there.

  18. #18
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Shame if someone smarter than me has a good idea
    i dunno, lets ask them and find out
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    And I don't argue with FR. The bloke is a legend and deserves great praise for his contributions to football in the Hunter.
    He is also the second best poster on the entire Foz behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    sometimes there's more to life than just winning
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverRed View Post
    What a deadset ****ing coward **** you are
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Seems like I am WRONG

  19. #19
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  20. #20
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    And I don't argue with FR. The bloke is a legend and deserves great praise for his contributions to football in the Hunter.
    He is also the second best poster on the entire Foz behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    sometimes there's more to life than just winning
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverRed View Post
    What a deadset ****ing coward **** you are
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Seems like I am WRONG

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