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Thread: FFA silliness: The protests and boycotts thread

  1. #81
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftrightout View Post
    Well said, i have to agree with this. isn't something can can just be done in 24 hours.

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by GazFish35 View Post
    What timeline are boycotting groups expecting for FFA to implement the requested appeals process?

    To be done to a standard even remotely close to an acceptable manner, February doesn't seem an unreadable time frame.

    Consult with all fan groups, consult with Police from 5 states, tell hatamoto to **** off, work through legal implications, Formalise a plan, review it all, then table to to FFA board.

    I get its all been empty promises and talk for so long, and after gallops first press conference this week he gave little detail or indication they'd listed to the messages from last weekend, but the Lowy/gallop press conference did a number of things - denounced the media coverage of this issue, admitted they got it wrong, explained some of the complexities surrounding confidentiality of evidence, and most importantly imposed a realistic timeline on themselves to come back with an answer.

    Boycotting IMO wreaks of the rbb and NT and to lesser extent the cove trying to flex their muscle with the FFA and score another point in a fight they won last week.

    Demanding a system be implemented immediately is unrealistic and boycotting because of it actually makes the active fan collective look petulant and unreasonable. Push too hard when the FFA have just given an indicator (the strongest one yet) that they are open to addressing the issue and you lose the support of the other fans..... And that's where this argument will be won.

    The message of "we want a fair process" is being lost on the masses because the FFA have made a reasonable timeline public and the protests have only escalated.
    The message of "they've had 11 years to fix it" doesn't wash either - we all know they've done nothing in that time, some Actives even argue that this 11 years of no action is a reason behind the protests. So an acknowledgement that they've done nothing for 11 years makes the demand of an instant implementation of a complex system even more unreasonable.
    Take up an unreasonable position and ground will be lost.

    Boycotts should have been called off IMO.

    Boycotts can not continue beyond the week and I hope when in discussions with other groups about next week a more reasoned approach is promoted.

    Again I understand the "it's all been empty promises in the past" argument, but if that's the reasoning behind the boycott then that position needs to be held till February at a minimum and by then active support will self implode if it doesn't already drown in a sea of negative media.

    The Big picture is no longer about needing the FFA to implement a fair process (to the average joe, that ball is already rolling), it's now about active fans being seen as reasonable people with reasonable demands.
    Bang on the money with this one.

    The way it pans out from here will largely show the true colours of the likes of the RBB and NT and whether they see themselves as above the game. Their action from here could actually do more damage, but given none of them seem to even loosely acknowledge that they have been part of the problem that got us here, I won't hold my breath.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by GazFish35 View Post
    What timeline are boycotting groups expecting for FFA to implement the requested appeals process?

    To be done to a standard even remotely close to an acceptable manner, February doesn't seem an unreadable time frame.

    Consult with all fan groups, consult with Police from 5 states, tell hatamoto to **** off, work through legal implications, Formalise a plan, review it all, then table to to FFA board.

    I get its all been empty promises and talk for so long, and after gallops first press conference this week he gave little detail or indication they'd listed to the messages from last weekend, but the Lowy/gallop press conference did a number of things - denounced the media coverage of this issue, admitted they got it wrong, explained some of the complexities surrounding confidentiality of evidence, and most importantly imposed a realistic timeline on themselves to come back with an answer.

    Boycotting IMO wreaks of the rbb and NT and to lesser extent the cove trying to flex their muscle with the FFA and score another point in a fight they won last week.

    Demanding a system be implemented immediately is unrealistic and boycotting because of it actually makes the active fan collective look petulant and unreasonable. Push too hard when the FFA have just given an indicator (the strongest one yet) that they are open to addressing the issue and you lose the support of the other fans..... And that's where this argument will be won.

    The message of "we want a fair process" is being lost on the masses because the FFA have made a reasonable timeline public and the protests have only escalated.
    The message of "they've had 11 years to fix it" doesn't wash either - we all know they've done nothing in that time, some Actives even argue that this 11 years of no action is a reason behind the protests. So an acknowledgement that they've done nothing for 11 years makes the demand of an instant implementation of a complex system even more unreasonable.
    Take up an unreasonable position and ground will be lost.

    Boycotts should have been called off IMO.

    Boycotts can not continue beyond the week and I hope when in discussions with other groups about next week a more reasoned approach is promoted.

    Again I understand the "it's all been empty promises in the past" argument, but if that's the reasoning behind the boycott then that position needs to be held till February at a minimum and by then active support will self implode if it doesn't already drown in a sea of negative media.

    The Big picture is no longer about needing the FFA to implement a fair process (to the average joe, that ball is already rolling), it's now about active fans being seen as reasonable people with reasonable demands.
    Exactly what is the need to protest for???
    That banner last week about standing behind the 198 means **** all to me

    The vast majority that are in the 198 I don't want to support as they deserve to be there in the first place.

    NT Cove and RBB just losing what little credibility they have more and more every week by carrying on like flogs

    They are the ones making it out to be all about them.

    Yes we need an appeals process but Plague is bang on the money with a lot of what he has said

    The FFA are not the big problem here. It is the flogs out there that support our game and carry on like dickheads over being pulled up for being dickheads that are causing the problem.

    Protest and walk out because the FFA have banned 198 people because the vast majority are dickheads.
    No doubt some are unfairly treated but spare me the bullshit that this is the issue.

    The issue is dickheads want to be treated better for being dickheads and all of a sudden a mass of gullible people are falling into line to support them

    As for Rebecca Wilson and Alan Jones both are ****wits of the highest order
    The pedo and drink driving stuff and bringing that up just makes football fans look like halfwits themselves

    Both are easily dealt with as their opinions are as hollow uneducated and delusional it isn't funny.

    Football fans really need to stick to playing the ball on this issue as they are too busy playing the man

  4. #84
    brutally rapes small, cute dogs parksey's Avatar
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    make it stop
    Quote Originally Posted by snake View Post
    bridges made the world in 6-8 wks

    he then rested by the corner flag and all was gud
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Stubbins
    Hopefully it’s the four players, but, if not, the three, and if not, the two.
    Quote Originally Posted by Maito Mitch View Post
    Do you ever get bored of sprouting the same old crap? You're about as predictable as the punishment on the field we sit through once a week

  5. #85
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    make it stop
    This thread?
    Nah man, it's up there with the politics thread.
    Especially now that the Member has turned up.
    Game on moles.

  6. #86
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    Just to clarify for ppl who are wondering why the supporters groups across the league are continuing the boycott action, please have a listen to this podcast via the link for the reasons as explained by Grant Muir

  7. #87
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    clear as mud Furns. TBH

    I'm trying my best to make sense of it, more than most would I reckon.

    I still can't see how boycotting fans can say they acknowledge the complexities in resolving the appeals process but still expect it all to be sorted in a consultative manner before the timeframe the FFA have announced.

    "We want action, not words" is a great catchphrase and I agree the FFA's words have little credibility, but demanding action so swiftly is unrealistic and weakens the position of the protests, because "average joe" fans wont continue to support the actives if they perceive the demands to be unrealistic.

    AND... at least put an explicit and realistic timeframe to the FFA. asking the FFA to be "more urgent" allows them to say "we'll do it ASAP", its a bad as DeBohun saying they'll look at it in the near future, or they'll announce something soon.

    put up a realistic expectation and pitch the battle over that, not on unrealistic terms....otherwise goodwill will fade quicker than Arsenal title hope now the Sanchez is cooked.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackmac79 View Post
    I tend to agree with Gav.

  8. #88
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    There are things still being worked on behind the scenes Gaz, hopefully in the next couple of days as part of the collective we will be able to publicise them.
    Be assured its not all groups saying "We are protesting until you immediately announce a new banning procedure", but its worth remembering that most groups across the league have tried in vain on multiple occasions over many years to engage with the FFA on the banning process and the role of Hatamoto and have been fobbed off at every turn.
    Its taken the unprecedented action of all groups presenting a united front to even get them to admit the process needs to be reworked.
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  9. #89
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    I understand this has been coming to a head for a long time.

    What I'm worried about is the damage done to the code and active support by taking an unreasonable position in terms of the timeframe demanded.

    Due to the coordinated protests last week the issues are now becoming more commonly known and far more could have been gained by being seen to take the FFA up on their timeline of early February, then relaunching protests if nothing comes to fruition.

    This will be won or lost by whoever the general masses side with, and to keep them as onside as possible reasonable positions need to be taken - as mush as I'm aware these issues have been breeding for years, the vast majority of fans wouldn't have a clue and don't really care.

    The media will spin this however best suits them, we know that. Taking a reasonable position takes the media heat away from it all and as the objective of having the FFA admit there's an issue and place a timeline on change has happened, retreat (for lack of a better word) engage in the process the FFA undertake and if the FFA fail to meet their own timeline go in hard again, with another coordinated round of protests.

    Push too hard now, and the goodwill of the masses will side with the FFA.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackmac79 View Post
    I tend to agree with Gav.

  10. #90
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furns View Post
    but its worth remembering that most groups across the league have tried in vain on multiple occasions over many years to engage with the FFA on the banning process and the role of Hatamoto and have been fobbed off at every turn.
    it should also be noted that the FFA has tried in vain multiple times to stop fans ripping flares at games and have been fobbed off at every turn
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    And I don't argue with FR. The bloke is a legend and deserves great praise for his contributions to football in the Hunter.
    He is also the second best poster on the entire Foz behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    sometimes there's more to life than just winning
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverRed View Post
    What a deadset ****ing coward **** you are
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Seems like I am WRONG

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    it should also be noted that the FFA has tried in vain multiple times to stop fans ripping flares at games and have been fobbed off at every turn
    wog heros mate

  12. #92
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    wog heros mate

  13. #93
    Senior Member snake's Avatar
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    double eff-aye have been treating the real fans like shit for years.

    real fans - as in single males 18-35. this is the core, not your whoosbag familias with their baseball caps, flags, seats on half-way, carton of chips and a coke zero.

    agree with dunster from a few pages back. this country has gone to shit, and the rate of shittening is accelerating at an alarming rate. a whole stadium of mid-strength at $7 a pop ffs. bring back fight-brau you weak cunce!
    we will loose

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by snake View Post
    double eff-aye have been treating the real fans like shit for years.

    real fans - as in single males 18-35. this is the core, not your whoosbag familias with their baseball caps, flags, seats on half-way, carton of chips and a coke zero.

    agree with dunster from a few pages back. this country has gone to shit, and the rate of shittening is accelerating at an alarming rate. a whole stadium of mid-strength at $7 a pop ffs. bring back fight-brau you weak cunce!
    preach it

    adelaide oval, full strength piss all day, didn't rape anyone, didn't kill anyone had a damn good time. would have taken my 22 if they let me the pricks

  15. #95
    Senior Member snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by q-money View Post
    preach it

    adelaide oval, full strength piss all day, didn't rape anyone, didn't kill anyone had a damn good time. would have taken my 22 if they let me the pricks
    town hall last night. real pub, lotsa dank, good local, retro-fitted electricity etc. not your fancy pants, wifi, water features, meal buzzers and air-conditioning nonsense. even they are full of aids past 10pm. one beer per person per transaction ffs. ****ing internet generation
    we will loose

  16. #96
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    it should also be noted that the FFA has tried in vain multiple times to stop fans ripping flares at games and have been fobbed off at every turn
    for those who refuse to pay attention I repeat - people who have been rightly banned for flares and violence are not the reason for the groups current stance regarding the banning process.
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  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by furns View Post
    for those who refuse to pay attention I repeat - people who have been rightly banned for flares and violence are not the reason for the groups current stance regarding the banning process.
    We all know that, but ask the general punter and they think it looks like the boycotts are for the 198.

    I completely agree the banning process and lack of transparency in any appeals process needs to change, but none of the groups like the RBB will acknowledge that they have and continue to fuel the over policing and regulation of their active groups. The RBB could easily curtail flares and antisocial behaviour in the bays which would account for a large portion of the bannings, but they don't. All you see is an anti-establishment view of the world that they have been harshly dealt with with no consideration of how they add to the issue.

    So until groups look to clean up their act, and acknowledge that like the FFA, they too have an issue, a lot of punters will continue to think that the boycotts are related to all 198. Take away the flares and a large portion of the banning, right or wrongly given, go away.

    Call it sloppy reporting or whatever. We all know the media in this country well enough to know that outside of the small football media, the actual message will be lost.

  18. #98
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furns View Post
    for those who refuse to pay attention I repeat - people who have been rightly banned for flares and violence are not the reason for the groups current stance regarding the banning process.
    Nah man.
    The article came out and the shitstorm started.
    The banning process was in place before the article yet everyone was cool cool and still happy to go watch their team.
    The narrative changed once the shitstorm started that it was now about the appeals process.
    Whilst ever everyone keeps blaming everyone else instead of the morons punching in and ripping flares the longer we'll be here roaming round in circles like Caravella.

  19. #99
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    This is 1982 see if you can spot the seccos or boutique cats piss beer in plastic cups..

  20. #100
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snake View Post
    double eff-aye have been treating the real fans like shit for years.

    real fans - as in single males 18-35.
    Dana White is more than happy to take their cash.

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