So, do the Victory now get a show cause notice after last night's flare ?
So, do the Victory now get a show cause notice after last night's flare ?
Cavity search all WSW and MV fans. That will solve it.
May sound harsh but whenever there is an offence, why not just close active support for the next match?
If you want to behave like children....
North terrace just supporting their bro's in the rbb. I expect every active supporters group to do the same.
Seriously though, FFA have drawn the line, they have to hold it now. The precedent has been set, rip a flare, $50k fine for the club and 3 points deduction. For every other club than MV and WSW, both suspended for the first offence.
I can't see how they can do anything else.
Considering every breach of the rules on the field is interpreted differently, I don't see how we should assume or expect the same punishment.
Plus if Victory get one of WSW 'slap on the wrists' can you imagine how rabid the RBB will be.
Gallop should do it just for the lulz and to needle them further.
Will make for good TV.
Will def watch.
Looking forward to "flarewatch" at 5pm today.
So wsw didnt lose any points, ffa spineless twats. suspended sentence is just another chance
The positive in that is that it only punishes the perpetrators and their accomplices and they have to either stop, out the culprits or not see any football.
Team doesn't suffer, staff don't suffer, majority of fans don't suffer and the game goes on. Only negative is drop in atmos.
2 hours to "flaremaggedon".
interesting (hopefully) hypothetical:
what should the following people do if there is a few flares ripped during the game?
- players/coaches
- refs
- police/security
- other fans
- WSW officials
i'm all for shutting suspending the match while the police/security clear out the active area. encouraging boos from the crowd last night when the flare was ripped, so hopefully that happens too.
Last edited by belchardo; 14-02-2016 at 04:01 PM.
Do the WSW ever actually rip them at home?
I got the impression they only ever really pull this crap away. I was amazed they got away with the detonators when they let them rip in Newcastle last season.
sla and i went to an ACL game against one of the korean teams and they put on one of the great self indulgent pyro displays of all time.
i think anything not ffa sanctioned or away is carte blanche for high quality nonsense for these blokes
channel 10 running a "soccer thug" expose at 5pm tomorrow arvo
looks like a bunch of mongs, complete with parkas and scarf-covered faces, have agreed to talk to channel 10 to tell the country how hard they are
may god have mercy on us all