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Thread: The Politics/Religion/Conspiracies Deathmatch Thread

  1. #4841
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Assange is free.


    Not many people.get to piss off the powerful on both sides of the spectrum.

    Praise Griff for making it happen.

  2. #4842
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Amazing what lengths people will go to to defend the world from a bloke who everyone called Hitler for 10 years straight.

    Looks like there's a lot of social media scrubbing going on right now.

  3. #4843
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    The queen is dead.
    Long live the king.

  4. #4844
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Now, can the good member make just as triumphant a comeback?

  5. #4845
    Senior Member
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    The burn from the celebs is hilarious.

    Bette Midler said she would drink acid if he won.

    Bono said he would drive off a cliff.

    Many said they would leave the country.

    Makes you want San Andreas to crack wide open and swallow these entitled twits.
    Only one bloke on this foz constantly makes me laugh Plague and it ain't you - MFKS

  6. #4846
    Senior Member Buddha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetmaster View Post
    The burn from the celebs is hilarious.

    Bette Midler said she would drink acid if he won.

    Bono said he would drive off a cliff.

    Many said they would leave the country.

    Makes you want San Andreas to crack wide open and swallow these entitled twits.
    Bono first!
    Jaliens gives me the horn

  7. #4847
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    You would hope by the grace of Griff that it should put an end to the 'celebrity' reliance but let's face it, pollies are the biggest star ****ers out there so will always gravitate to the attention they command.

    And also let's remember Trump was a bigger celebrity than all of them anyway and that's probably what won him the job back.

    Certainly wasn't his policies and charming nature.

    Anyway, heres to 4 more years of glory.......unless someone takes him out (heaven forbid).

  8. #4848
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post

    Now, can the good member make just as triumphant a comeback?
    Both persecuted by the woke left for being different
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  9. #4849
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    Why don't sane people understand what "democracy" means.
    It is the choice of government by the will of the people based on the policies put to them by candidates.
    If the chosen party doesn't perform you can boot them out next time.
    The problem I have with left wing politics is that they don't just want to win, they want the other side wiped out because they are "wrong".

    If there is no opposition, there is no democracy.
    Last edited by Jetmaster; 10-11-2024 at 12:54 PM.

  10. #4850
    Senior Member baldrick's Avatar
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    Not sure if this is the right thread to post, but this is an interesting watch.

    An interview with whistleblower Bonita Mersiades on Australia?s doomed World Cup bid.

  11. #4851
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baldrick View Post
    Not sure if this is the right thread to post, but this is an interesting watch.

    An interview with whistleblower Bonita Mersiades on Australia?s doomed World Cup bid.
    Oh, it's the right thread.

    I've never understood why we don't just do what the Americans do for their superbowls and all star games.

    They go to every big city, tell them "whoever pays the most, gets it" and the sit back.

    Why FIFA ever tried to pass it off as some sort of fair process astounds me. Who cares, it's about money, so let money decide.

    The other dumb bit about it is the media and pollies all up in arms about stuff like this. Taxpayers build stadiums, fund teams, then have to pay those same organisations money for their showcase events (grand finals, state of origins etc).

    It's the biggest grift around but no one cares because everyone involved gets a good seat and a photo with the Tina Turner tribute act.

    Def missed my calling as a politician. God I would have been soooooooo corrupt.

  12. #4852
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    We are back baby.

    Throw in 8 years of Ivanka and the eventually Baron era and the world is looking good for the foreseeable future.

    Watching Joe and Kamala have to sit in that front row while Trump listed their failures was some of the greatest tv ever.

    4 more years of that injected straight into my veins please.

    Bring it.

    Hail to the chief.

  13. #4853
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    It's a complete waste of time voting because no matter who gets elected the plutocracy gets whatever policies they want / need and everyone else is left to fight over crumbs.
    I'm not old enough to have ever witnessed democracy in Australia and I'm probably too old to ever see democracy in the future.
    Last edited by The Dunster; 21-01-2025 at 02:33 PM.

  14. #4854
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
    It's a complete waste of time voting because no matter who gets elected the plutocracy gets whatever policies they want / need and everyone else is left to fight over crumbs.
    I'm not old enough to have ever witnessed democracy in Australia and I'm probably too old to ever see democracy in the future.

    Man, I'm just here for the mean tweets and lolz.

    Also, massive props to old Joe for throwing pardons out like confetti today before he left office.

    Didn't think the old dog had it in him.


  15. #4855
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    Watching Joe and Kamala have to sit in that front row while Trump listed their failures was some of the greatest tv ever.
    Watching them sit whilst all around gave standing ovations was a highlight. Joe looked relieved to be out of there. Kamala had a face like a cat's arse.
    Only one bloke on this foz constantly makes me laugh Plague and it ain't you - MFKS

  16. #4856
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    I like the part where VP Trump signed an executive order that changes every US citizen's gender to Female.

    Now, I know he didn't write the order (or read it) but technically speaking the US now has it's first Female President, if Fuhrer Musk allows Trumpette to stay in the chair for a few days that is.

    At this point, no amount of 80s quality Cocaine and an infinite number of screen writers could script the nonsense happening over there right now. Thank **** we don't live there.
    Last edited by Frodo; 22-01-2025 at 11:33 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  17. #4857
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    I like the part where VP Trump signed an executive order that changes every US citizen's gender to Female.

    Now, I know he didn't write the order (or read it) but technically speaking the US now has it's first Female President, if Fuhrer Musk allows Trumpette to stay in the chair for a few days that is.

    At this point, no amount of 80s quality Cocaine and an infinite number of screen writers could script the nonsense happening over there right now. Thank **** we don't like there.
    I counted at least 9 sad talking points. You only had one more to go to reach Mega Sisson level.

    I ask you to read back over your work and submit again.

    Can't wait till they build the project 2025 camps and round all you lot up.


  18. #4858
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    I counted at least 9 sad talking points. You only had one more to go to reach Mega Sisson level.

    I ask you to read back over your work and submit again.

    Can't wait till they build the project 2025 camps and round all you lot up.

    There you go, fixed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  19. #4859
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    One thing I will give the Democrats credit for is they have outed the evil influence of billionaires in politics.

    I can't believe the way the system was so well protected until this one rich guy (Musk) got involved and influenced this one election.

    Its amazing that in America's history that has never happened before and we are only just under 4 years from wiping Trump out and never again having money influence our politics.

    Thank you Democrats, truly the only honest pollies out there who never let any rich people near them to poison their message.

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