looks like that but a lot thinner red stripe & sleeves white (iirc). they seemed to have plain blue, and plain white jerseys there too, which looked like training jerseys, so not sure what these socceroos-knights-esque ones are for. one thing is for certain - the blue one is in no way contrasting to the home kit, so if that's our away kit then im pretty certain our league is ridicu-fxxxin-Lous when it comes to clashing alternate kits
also there's some weird thing in the jets on going on the sides at the bottom too. didn't see the back
also just remembered arguably the biggest news of the lot. sd, brace yourself.
there were hats there, which i can only assume are the new members hats. they're blue this year.
By the looks of it those new kits must just be training gear
Also remember reading recently that new merch will be on sale at the members launch night. Hopefully it will be worth buying, but if its still the same quality as last year I'll pass.
so are they training tops?
your reporter from the field, pv4
Club has updated the club store with the new gear
Home & Away kits the same but with new sponsor on back.
New Team Polo's
New training shirt
I like the use of the gold trimming, no mention of ifISC got off their arse and raised the standard of the material, I guess that's to be expected, will have to wait to have a look in the flesh.
Last edited by Pico; 17-09-2012 at 03:39 PM.
white training kit & updated playing shorts also in the merch range
Would appear that the coasties have left Hummel and are going with Kappa this season, judging by a pic on twitter by Kevin Airs
These are the Kappa polo shirts, I don't know if the playing kits have been released
Kappa Polo Shirt
Hummel Training Gear
I don't hold a grudge, you give me a new reason to hate you every day.
gypos kit for round 2 v glory for pink ribbon day - I believe a one-off
I think they're still stuck using Hummel training gear until game 1 of the season - I think that's how most clubs set their kit deals up
god i hope it's a one off.