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Thread: TheJetstream PODCAST

  1. #1
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    TheJetstream PODCAST

    Okay, the real Furns is on holiday in Bali at the moment and has asked me to relay the following message....

    "TheJetstream Podcast has confirmed we are interviewing Gary Van Egmond & a senior player as well as Jets CEO Robbie Middleby & HSG Commercial Director Jarrod Johnstone on 26/6/12.

    This will be a fan forum interview where all of your questions will be put to the interviewees and responses recorded for the podcast.

    Please email all questions to or tweet @newyboys with #jetstreamfanforum by 6pm 24/6/12"

    This was posted on the foz's fb page before the foz was resurrected..... So I imagine you could just add your questions in here too.

    To the fake Furns who registered on here before the little drummer boy got a chance.... Well played you cheeky scoundrel.

  2. #2
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    To the fake furns, I have now taken over this account - so its now the new reality.

  3. #3
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    To everybody else, I need all questions posted in here, emailed to or tweeted with hash tag #jetstreamfanforum by midnight tonight.
    I am interviewing GVE and a senior player (Jobe/RyGriff/Bridges), then Robbie Middleby and Jarrod (HSG) so any and all questions you want to ask the club/HSG, now is the time to ask them.

  4. #4
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    Q : Would the club consider having a Members Player of the Year Award, voted on by all the members that join up before say the final third of the season starts. This player award would be presented at the annual jets award's night, preferably by a lucky member who voted for them, personally I'd be like to see it selected from the junior members as it would give them a kick giving an award over to their fav player. Ideally this would be expanded to include the player being awarded the members number "12" for the next season, should the player leave the number would be retired for the season until the next members player is awarded, this would of course wait until after Jobe has retired as he currently holds the number. I think it would help engage members and give another great benefit to being a member & would help create our own piece of tradition emphasizing membership.

  5. #5
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    For HSG, what lessons have you learned about football that suprised you.

  6. #6
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    Q. After months during which the Jets have made many changes, from wiping out the advisory board to releasing most of the Jets experienced players - replacing them with unknown, unproven, inexperienced and more importantly, cheaper youngsters - why should Jets fans renew their memberships, when it seems as though the Jets main objective in the off-season has been cost cutting?

    Q. The club has not filled either of their two marquee positions - why not? Other clubs do not seem to have such difficultly in finding appropriate players to fill these roles.

  7. #7
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    Q. Will the club consider re-introducing the post match function ? It was very popular with the previous ownership and allowed fans to mingle with the players.

  8. #8
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    Q. Branko Culina received a lot of criticism for scheduling the majority of pre-season games against local opposition. How will this years pre-season match schedule differ ?

  9. #9
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    are the plans to play feature friendly matches against real Madrid, Barcelona, arsenal, manure, etc still in the works, and when will these be happening? also, what time of year actually suits to play these matches, seeing as though our season starts then finishes during theirs?

    what is the situation with Joel griffiths? adelaide united fans have been able to have active communication via a non-FFA website made by Adelaide united, and they have been able to ask and receive the most up to date info on where Marco Flores stands as a possible transfer target, his contractual standpoint, and have been informed as to the clubs movements towards getting him back as it is clear he is the one and only thing the fans want. can we have an update on whether or not the jets have been listening to the fans, and have made movements to sign griffiths to the team as a permanent signing? if there have been movements at all, can we have the same details (how much money he's asking, how much is available from the jets side of the negotiations, how keen the jets actually are to signing him) that Adelaide fans have been gifted with Flores?

    last seasons podcast, jarryd & Robbie said a fan-designed jersey is a thing they would look into but not for last season as isc struggled to even make kits for back then. when can we expect to be able to have input into jersey design? when are we going to see some emerald and cinnamon in our kits?

    will our keepers be wearing yellow jerseys, the same colours as our main rivals, next season as they did this season?
    Last edited by pv4; 24-06-2012 at 08:12 PM.

  10. #10
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    demand: make an emerald and cinnamon kit.

    end: communique.

  11. #11
    brutally rapes small, cute dogs parksey's Avatar
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    the return of furns

  12. #12
    his haikus are shit pistolpete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    the return of furns
    Prefer Ferns tbh

  13. #13
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    my question is for furns:

    when you said senior player (jobe/ryu/bridges) are those the three the club said they might send to it, or were they the only senior (aka over 21) players you could think of in the squad?

    also, how was bali?

  14. #14
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    Q: With the club adopting the Blue & Red kit for home and the fact it won't be changing much is the club looking at changing the Alternate kit more often, say change the Home kit every 2-3 years but change the alternate each year the home does not change. With Western Sydney now in the competition with club colours of black white & red this seems like a great chance to change our alternate kit to pay some respect to the formation of KB united in 1977 & next season would be a good chance to recognise the 5th anniversary of newcastle's maiden championship all whilst avoiding clashes.

  15. #15
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    West sydney have announced plans to "de-eel" parramatta stadium (see link) to make the venue more "football" ..... Does HSG plan to make moves towards seeing Hunter stadium reflect the fact that the ground is shared...

    1 Perhaps naming the new stand after a footballing identity.... Reg date, Cheryl Salisbury, ray baartz.
    2. Putting up a "Champions 2008" fence sign like the knights premierships have been posted for some time.
    3. Where ever you we a knight badge, put a jets one next to it.
    4. Name the hills - KB United hill.

  16. #16
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    On that Subject with what the Unicorns are planning to do with Parra Stadium Fish you have missed the most logical.

    Where is the renaming of stand to commemorate Newy heroes??

    Joel Griffiths Stand
    Steve Eagleton Stand

  17. #17
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Trying to be realistic

  18. #18
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    if furnz is still taking questions..

    what is the status in regards to the hsg-owned-and-built club for fans to drink at pregame, and during away games? if i recall correctly there was talk of something like this in the podcast last year.

    if this is still in the works, is there provision in the plans to have a pool?

  19. #19
    Senior Member Jeterpool's Avatar
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    Wait, I know this one
    Question - Does the club intend to re-introduce National Youth League games at Hunter Stadium on match days to offer fans who want greater value for their money to attend?

  20. #20
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    Question - Does the club intend to re-introduce National Youth League games at Hunter Stadium on match days to offer fans who want greater value for their money to attend?
    Greater value?
    How much do you want for $6?

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