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Thread: TheJetstream PODCAST

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by furns View Post
    of course they do, but it's not their stadium, they rent it. Knights changed the eastern stand name when they were in charge, now the government runs it and to change the name of the stand is their decision.
    There are plenty of other problems higher on the list at that stadium before the naming of a stand. If you're that passionate about it buy your membership in the western stand in the upper tier and make your own banner to hang every home game.
    Personally i find it a bit gimmicky anyway, would much rather wait and honour our history with a lasting legacy. I was much more impressed with the idea of using projections and banners at the front of the stadium to create a greater feeling of entering the jets stadium, the strange thing is why the original design for the stadium didn't allow for these sorts of things to be easily done. Could be cool to see a rolling history of Newcastle football images projected up on the centre panel of the western stand as you walk in.

    I also liked the answers about the jets championship being honoured at the stadium hopefully they can get it & the knights stuff ok'd by NSW venues.

  2. #42
    Junior Member robnuts's Avatar
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    Both Robbie & Jarrod sounded positive on most questions raised, hopefully they can get NTUA being played pre-game sorted and sounds like they have considered alternate away strips, hopefully they take some notice of the fans before the season starts

  3. #43
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robnuts View Post
    Both Robbie & Jarrod sounded positive on most questions raised, hopefully they can get NTUA being played pre-game sorted and sounds like they have considered alternate away strips, hopefully they take some notice of the fans before the season starts
    Agreed. And most things they didn't jump at, they gave good sound reasons for being hesitant. Calm heads.

    The only thing I didn't like them saying was "hsg have only been here for 2 yrs" ...... Its a legitimate message in some regards, but not if used to deflect from something fans have been wanting for years, not just 8, but since 1978.

    All in all they were great responses.
    It's now actions we need to see.
    I think holding these regularly re. Great wy to keep things on the able, and on the record!
    Last edited by GazFish35; 03-07-2012 at 07:14 PM.

  4. #44
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    5,003 please use this link to subscribe to the Jetstream podcast feed in iTunes as this link gets tracked for popularity as opposed to the direct link I had earlier.

  5. #45
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    Episode 17 is now available. This is an audio recording of the Supporters Trust Public Forum.

  6. #46
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Audio sounds good so at Furns.
    Thanks for recording it.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Fish View Post
    Audio sounds good so at Furns.
    Thanks for recording it.
    Up until the bit where questions from the floor were asked. Heard everything from the people responding but still have NFI about what was being asked!! Forming assumptions and running with it

  8. #48
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    lol, I meant to say "so far"
    still, a great listen

  9. #49
    Senior Member Jeterpool's Avatar
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    Wait, I know this one
    Quote Originally Posted by furns View Post please use this link to subscribe to the Jetstream podcast feed in iTunes as this link gets tracked for popularity as opposed to the direct link I had earlier.
    Great job on the latest episodes Furns. You have done really well.

    Thanks for asking my question as well. I am happy with the response, but disappointed Jim felt I was saying HSG's prices weren't good value. They certainly are. I am very happy with the price and membership inclusions. My point was MORE value for money than we are already getting.

    Still, very solid Pod! Well done. Offer still stands to join in as a member if you need someone else.

  10. #50
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    Cheers mate
    Thanks for the offer, we should be doing a tenzocast in the lead up to the season, maybe as a season prview.

  11. #51
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    Introduced myself to David Eland at the Trust meeting on Monday night, asked him if he would be interested in being interviewed for a Jetstream Fan Forum podcast a la Robbie/Jarrod/GVE episodes I taped last week. He was keen, are people interested and are there many questions people would like to ask him?

    Btw GVE Fan Forum episode will be out in the next 24 hours.

  12. #52
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furns View Post
    Introduced myself to David Eland at the Trust meeting on Monday night, asked him if he would be interested in being interviewed for a Jetstream Fan Forum podcast a la Robbie/Jarrod/GVE episodes I taped last week. He was keen, are people interested and are there many questions people would like to ask him?

    Btw GVE Fan Forum episode will be out in the next 24 hours.

    Yes and yes.
    I'd start a new thread on it, maybe in the local forum section, so it's easier for folk to find.

    I'd like to know more about the "northern alliance" or if nnsw have investigated investing in any all weather facilities that may attract or build a strong five a side comp in the 35+ age group that might elevate some of the pressure on grass pitches throughout the region.

  13. #53
    Senior Member Jeterpool's Avatar
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    Wait, I know this one
    Quote Originally Posted by furns View Post
    Introduced myself to David Eland at the Trust meeting on Monday night, asked him if he would be interested in being interviewed for a Jetstream Fan Forum podcast a la Robbie/Jarrod/GVE episodes I taped last week. He was keen, are people interested and are there many questions people would like to ask him?

    Btw GVE Fan Forum episode will be out in the next 24 hours.
    Where and when you thinking of doing it?

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Fish View Post
    Yes and yes.
    I'd start a new thread on it, maybe in the local forum section, so it's easier for folk to find.

    I'd like to know more about the "northern alliance" or if nnsw have investigated investing in any all weather facilities that may attract or build a strong five a side comp in the 35+ age group that might elevate some of the pressure on grass pitches throughout the region.
    Funny you mention this as I only read today in the herald about NNSW announcing they are now going ahead with their new headquarters at speers point. Will include a new HQ office building & all weather 5 a side pitches, was only a small snippet about it, not online.

  15. #55
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Great minds think alike!

    Don't bother asking my question anymore Furns.

    Ask them the time frame instead!

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Fish View Post
    Yes and yes.
    I'd start a new thread on it, maybe in the local forum section, so it's easier for folk to find.

    I'd like to know more about the "northern alliance" or if nnsw have investigated investing in any all weather facilities that may attract or build a strong five a side comp in the 35+ age group that might elevate some of the pressure on grass pitches throughout the region.
    I am not being a smart arse here but I did hear GVE harping on the other week about the lack of football wet weather facilities available in the Newy region.

    Not being 100% on the subject but are the hockey fields on Turton Road unsuitable for this purpose?? After all they are smooth and flat, a similar sized field, they pump water on them regularly to prevent abrasion and obviously have people falling on them regularly with no notable Ambulance run going from there to John Hunter regularly.

    What is stopping these things from being used??

  17. #57
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Hockey turf isn't the same as football specific artificial turf..... Bounce of the ball and all that.
    Hockey is firmer underfoot and sucks balls to play football on.

    Also, hockey use it.
    Last edited by GazFish35; 07-07-2012 at 05:17 PM.

  18. #58
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    But could it be used as a training facility for the Jets form time to time in the event of really bad weather in Newy without risking any damage to players until something more suitable is available??

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    But could it be used as a training facility for the Jets form time to time in the event of really bad weather in Newy without risking any damage to players until something more suitable is available??
    if you can find a reasonable timeslot, the place is pretty solidly booked. plus the turf floats in really heavy weather, the football pitches are quite different, wider piles and not as much rubber underneath.

    the university should look at putting in an artificial pitch, similar to UNSW who have put one in, in use all the time, great money spinner

    seymour shaw in sutho has made them one of the richest associations in syndey (i think)

  20. #60
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    So what we are talking about is something similar to the plastic pitches introduced in the 80's in England to QPR Preston NE and Luton but with some more modern day technology that will have ironed out some of the flaws these things had

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