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Thread: Football on TV & TV rights thread V2.0

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by militiamon View Post
    They are still the real workers of this game, they deserve to enjoy the benefits. That's why I can sympathise with the arguments made by the PFA about an increase in income should result in an increase to players wages, but obviously it's not as simple as that given the current financial situation of the league.
    In principle I agree with your thoughts that they the talent should get the rewards. My complaint at this point in time as the they have been "OVERPAID" for the last 8 years. FFS our salary cap compared to TV income/Other forms of revenue is way above the percentages enjoyed in the NRL and AFL. Paying a salary cap of $2.5million per club for a TV revenue of $17million a year across the board is ****ed

    The deal the PFA got them when the HAL was set up has been bordering on criminal extortion. The money hasn't really been there to pay them what they were entitled to under their agreement and as a result the game has suffered as a consequence. For the last 8 years the club owners, fans and the code have been paying the price and taking it up the arse from the PFA.

    I will be pretty pissed if the club owners/FFA allow the PFA any significant increase at all. The players should wear it this time round to get a bit of stability and money into the clubs and then push on for the next deal in 4 years time. I think if the PFA play their cards right and take one up the arse now they will benefit big time in 4 years time for doing so.

    Unfortunately Trade Unions don't see it that way

  2. #42
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    I don't think players going to University while trying to be professional footballers is a good thing.

    To be the best at anything you need to be 100% dedicated to it. That's just not possible for a footballer when trying to balance University studies as well.

    By going to University a player is signalling to me that they are not 100% dedicated to their sport.

    The time for University is towards the end of a players career not the beginning.

    I'd probably prefer not to waste the salary cap on such players .

  3. #43
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Puzz struggled, left the game.
    Tim brown too.

    One or the other.... Not both at the same time.

  4. #44
    Senior Member namwob99's Avatar
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    Kanta at uni. Maybe needs to give one up.

  5. #45
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    I cannot understand why anyone would bother doing a three or four year degree when you can now purchase a masters degree - which most if not all Human Resources people think is a step above anyway. Because, at the end of the day it's the Human Resouces people that hand out the jobs.

  6. #46
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    Virgili was doing Radiography at uni. Pretty sure I've seen an article in the Herald saying he has deferred Uni. Pretty sure Pepper is at uni. And a couple of Youth players are at Uni.

  7. #47
    brutally rapes small, cute dogs parksey's Avatar
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    uni is a piece of piss anyway. these guys wouldn't even go to classes.

  8. #48
    Senior Member namwob99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    uni is a piece of piss anyway. these guys wouldn't even go to classes.
    My Facebook news reel disagrees!! Have heard once or twice that the tests are hard.

  9. #49
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    Not any more - just depends on how rich your mum and dad are...

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by namwob99 View Post
    My Facebook news reel disagrees!! Have heard once or twice that the tests are hard.
    Opening a jar of vegimete is hard for most khunts with facebook accounts. Let alone a uni degree.

  11. #51
    Senior Member Jeterpool's Avatar
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    Wait, I know this one
    Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
    Opening a jar of vegimete is hard for most khunts with facebook accounts. Let alone a uni degree.

  12. #52
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    SBS2 to be 'home of domestic football' and 'binge' TV

    SBS will push into the young-skewing digital TV space by re-launching its SBS2 digital channel with a raft of edgy new shows and A-League football.

    That digital space has been transformed in the last two years following the launch of the commercial digital TV channels Go, 7Mate and Eleven.

    SBS managing director Michael Ebeid is confident SBS2 can slice into that space with an expanded offering while remaining faithful to SBS's core values.

    The new channel would be a "bold, provocative channel" aimed at a 16 to 39-year-old audience.

    At an industry launch, SBS's director of TV and online content Tony Iffland announced a new schedule for SBS2, focusing on edgy shows including the US comedy Community and the British series Russell Howard's Good News.

    Mr Iffland said the channel would also carry a 15-minute evening news bulletin with 30-second news headlines integrated to the channel's online offering.

    The shorter, bite-sized news service would be pitched at the channel's audience who "do not engage with a traditional 30 minute bulletin," he said.

    Mr Ebeid said SBS was "close" to securing a newsreader for the channel, as well as key presenters.

    The channel would also carry SBS's A-League coverage, including a flagship weekly game in a 7.30pm timeslot on a Friday.

    "That blockbuster Friday night game will be on SBS2. This channel will be the home of domestic football," Mr Iffland said. "This is a fabulous defining piece for this channel."

    In a dramatic departure from traditional television scheduling, Mr Iffland said the channel would offer every episode of three key series after the broadcast of the first episode on the "linear" channel.

    He said SBS was aiming that move at the segment of the audience who liked to "binge" on TV content.

    "This is how they like their television," Mr Iffland said. "What else are they going to do? They'll go to Bit Torrent."

    He said it was not something SBS would do with every show but something they would offer with "key titles".

    The three series which will be available in their entirety via SBS On Demand are the edgy Canadian comedy Bullet In The Face, the travel/adventure series Don't Tell My Mother and the documentary series The Tale of Nights.

    "This audience wants their media consumption in a new and different way," Mr Iffland said.

    The re-vamped channel launches 6pm on April 1.

    Read more:
    wonder what else they will have, presumably a highlights/analysis show.

  13. #53
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    just in time for the aleague offseason hope they show ZPL as a subby

  14. #54
    Senior Member Buddha's Avatar
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    not enough porn on SBS anymore, whatever happened to the good old days of Sex Before Soccer?
    Jaliens gives me the horn

  15. #55
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    I think that is the idea of appealing to the 16-39 year old market and remaining faithful to SBS values.

    Friday nights will see some Euro Stick Flick then the HAL then some more stick flicks soft porn to see the night out

    If thats the case I ain't going to games on Friday nights any more

  16. #56
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    This thread should prove interesting with SBS stuff starting tonight with Thursday FC and Santo Sam and Eds Total Football on FS1 on monday along with the general HAL coverage.

    not to mention live streaming for those o/s
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  17. #57
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    Am thinking that SS&E will be immensely superior......the thought of Zdrilllic's increased profile this season troubles me.

    And Lucy Zelic just looks, and sounds, too much like her brother !

    Will view a couple of times I think.

  18. #58
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    SBS are going to regret not getting Santo and his mob signed up straight after the last WC.

    The B-League numpties will be out of a job I reckon, or might get santo Sam and Ed writing better gags for them

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetmaster View Post
    And Lucy Zelic just looks, and sounds, too much like her brother !
    look at her chest then m8

  20. #60
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    This is like a hour version of the B-League with shitter production levels

    Zdrilic is not a comic ffs he is trying too hard
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