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Thread: Jft96

  1. #1
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Jun 2012


    All unfolding.
    The truth is coming out.

  2. #2
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    about time

    Subscribe to The Jetstream Podcast

  3. #3
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Thought David Cameron spoke really well.
    Was the Sun a Rupert Murdoch paper back then?
    Sounds like nervous times for some of the former Yorkshire police hierarchy. Some of the stuff written about them in the report was despicable.

  4. #4
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    Was the Sun a Rupert Murdoch paper back then?
    Pretty sure it was
    Thatcher had him in her pocket and wanted any of the underclass treated as criminals simply for getting out of bed.

  5. #5
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Jun 2012

    The cover up was/is disgraceful.
    I'll admit complete ignorance to most of this and after reading through the PDF I linked in the post above and other articles released today, I'm lost for words.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Something I found this morning.

    1989, just another game, was it just a football match, and did I die for blame? April was the month, 15th was the date, time was on my side you know, cos I was never late. Butties for my journey, money off my dad, scarf around my little neck, I am my Mothers lad.

    Oh the mighty reds, semi final day, couldn’t wait to see my team, I wasn’t drunk okay? Singing on the coach, waving mum goodbye, blow a kiss and see her smile, I didn’t mean to die? Got my ticket here, in my tracksuit top, it was red and white of course, like my old famous Kop.

    What an atmosphere, walking to the ground, thousands of supporters sing, I’m feeling safe and sound. Turn-style over there, feel a little push, what’s the need to swear at me, this copper in a rush? Something isn’t right, feeling threatened now, hoarded like an animal, but I’ll get in somehow? I can see gate C, there is something wrong, men on horses lose control, I still hear that song.

    This anthem was my last, frightened on my own, I lost my dad along the way, my need to walk alone. The gate was opened wide, they let us in as one, released my fear and said a prayer, where has my daddy gone? Carried by a wave, women kids and men, there was no escape for me, inside this little pen.

    Nowhere left to go, crying for my dad, Mum I need a little help, cos this is really bad. Coming up for air, there was not enough, taking breath that wasn’t there, already out of puff. Falling to the floor, someone help me please, lift me up and carry me, just get me off my knees. What is going on? Why am I in here? I have come to watch my team, instead I shed a tear.

    Why is that man still? Horror on his face, get me out before I die, my only saving grace. The song I love has gone, replaced with cries and screams, this is not what I came for, so distant from my dreams? Lost within a wall, of dying souls like me, my eyes they close as I give up, I’m drowning in this sea.

    I gasp again for air, but it is way too late, my fight has gone with my last breath, resigned I am to fate. Oh my Mammies tears, the Mersey they will fill, the sorrow of this Saturday, will have to wait until. Justice being served, I’m angry that I’m dead, amongst the 96 that day, I was to blame they said?

    The sun they printed truth, of lie’s upon their lie’s, with politicians who were bent, the men I now despise. The police who got it wrong, the carers I don’t trust, the paramedics lied to me, to cover up a must? Say a prayer for me, for I have sorely gone, and long before my time I add, this justice for no one.

    I am a lonely soul, who longs to be a peace, my mum and dad need peace as well, their pain will never cease. But on this special day, the truth is plain to see, that I was not to blame that day, this truth is sent by me. My spirit lingers on, cos we shall not be moved, a son who went so far away, a sin that will be proved.

    I stand in silent awe, beside my loyal friends, the 96 including me, our resting now depends. On evidence so clear, the public my domain, I’ll rise above deceitful men, to be with you again. The light that shines for me, exonerates the blame, the truth is out and I will live, as your eternal flame.

    I Love you mum and dad, I love you Merseyside, I love you all across the park, together we have pride. The time has come to rest, so please don’t be too sad, I’ll get the truth to you somehow, so trust in me your lad.

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