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Thread: Social fight for life

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by My2BobsWorth View Post
    England on Tuesday
    80% Vaccination
    26628 cases
    185 deaths
    Health system about to collapse
    This is the model the hag is following
    Some very lazy, and somewhat inaccurate application of statistics, but that death rate per case is what, 0.7%.

    Vs 1500 deaths a day in January 2021 and 56,000 cases a day. 2.7% death rate.

    We too, will see another rise in cases over the next maybe 12 months, In my opinion, when we open things up again, there’s bound to be more transmission amongst vaccinated and non vaccinated. The idea of the the vaccination is that it can prevent developing covid, but the main benefit is that if you do develop COVID, the symptoms will not be as life threatening or hospital admission worthy.

    Unfortunately, it seems like something we must learn to live with for the next few years, and like other deadly diseases, we will eventually develop methods and some level of immunity from it and “normal” life resumes.

    Singapore adopted excellent infection control and public awareness from their SARS outbreak which shaped their healthcare system and the benefits of learning from that experience shaped how they approached this.

    Australians seem to have a natural defiance to authority. Restrictions come out, the first thing people do is try to find a loophole or a way to flout the rules or just break them entirely.
    There’s still people having birthday parties and events in “lockdown” suburbs of Sydney.

    The Australian methods sole aim has been to save lives and try to protect our healthcare system. Which is has done pretty effectively until now. We now see a shift in our approach to vaccinate the population and reduce the effects as much as we can as we return to normal operation.

    The alternative approach, no lockdowns, we end up with people dying in the corridors of our hospitals or streets cause the hospitals will be overrun.
    Maybe we reach “normal” quicker, but there will be a hell of a lot more deaths. Don’t get me wrong, the communication and implementation of things by the government has been very questionable at times, but I personally can’t fault their logic to this point.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Plague View Post
    Youre saying the vaccine is useless?
    The vax won't stop you getting covid
    The vax won't stop you transmitting covid
    The vax won't stop you getting very sick, including long covid which will fuk you up for life
    The vax won't stop you dying but it's the best chance of survival we have
    Ask a nurse how fukt the hospital system is right now
    All you fat blokes, put off your heart attacks till next year
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  3. #43
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    The vax won't stop you getting covid True.

    The vax won't stop you transmitting covid True, but it does shorten the period in which you are at your most contagious period, which makes you less likley to transmit it.

    The vax won't stop you getting very sick, including long covid which will fuk you up for life The Vaccine makes it much less likely you will have severe symptoms and, from the small amount of studies, will lessen the chance of long term effects people have been reporting.

    The vax won't stop you dying but it's the best chance of survival we have True.

    Ask a nurse how fukt the hospital system is right now Very True.

    All you fat blokes, put off your heart attacks till next year Good advice, probably the best excuse to get into better health is to avoid covid filled hospitals at all cost. Well done on this one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by My2BobsWorth View Post
    The vax won't stop you getting covid
    The vax won't stop you transmitting covid
    The vax won't stop you getting very sick, including long covid which will fuk you up for life
    The vax won't stop you dying but it's the best chance of survival we have
    Ask a nurse how fukt the hospital system is right now
    All you fat blokes, put off your heart attacks till next year
    Yes, ive read the talking points too and can not, and will not disagree with anything here.

    Im more interested in what's next. How do we move forward. What are employers and employees rights regarding vax? Blokes on here have had some interesting ponts of view on it, all of which are entirely selfish and a fair few hypocritical.
    And that's fine, im one of them and I dont want to get sick either. But its at the point now where leaders (esp elected officials) need to take in ALL factors in reopening society.
    Business needs to reopen, kids need to go back to school, sport needs to start again, people need to travel.
    Theres been an amazing amount of cowardice from all sides of the political spectrum, would be great to see some rise above it.

    Also, am I the only one noticing that people are really really quick to group unvaxxed and covid positive people in the same basket? People need to be careful with that stuff.

  5. #45
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    The Yanks say freedom doesn't come free, and people are going to pay with their lives for old Glads freedom. Hopefully it's her family and not mine.
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by My2BobsWorth View Post
    The Yanks say freedom doesn't come free, and people are going to pay with their lives for old Glads freedom. Hopefully it's her family and not mine.
    Wow, great sob story boss.
    You're right though,Gladys been outside my house throwing buckets of covid on my granny as she gets out of the car.
    Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

  7. #47
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    Just remember. There are many "fact sheets" on this and they are varied.

    You chose the one that suits your POV, quit trying to shove it too far as we can disprove nearly every theory and relax, drink your favourite bevo cause we arent going very far yet.

    Anyone else need a hand?

    vote quimby

  8. #48
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    Fact sheets, yes I remember them, high school I think
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    The vax won't stop you getting covid True.

    The vax won't stop you transmitting covid True, but it does shorten the period in which you are at your most contagious period, which makes you less likley to transmit it.

    The vax won't stop you getting very sick, including long covid which will fuk you up for life The Vaccine makes it much less likely you will have severe symptoms and, from the small amount of studies, will lessen the chance of long term effects people have been reporting.

    The vax won't stop you dying but it's the best chance of survival we have True.

    Ask a nurse how fukt the hospital system is right now Very True.

    All you fat blokes, put off your heart attacks till next year Good advice, probably the best excuse to get into better health is to avoid covid filled hospitals at all cost. Well done on this one.
    Actually, coming from a Woke joke this is incredibly accurate.

  10. #50
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    Dunno what a woke joke is but I'm sure you are not one
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  11. #51
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    Byrons only 50% vaxed and little hitler is going to let the pigs out, spose they deserve it just like .........
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by My2BobsWorth View Post
    Byrons only 50% vaxed and little hitler is going to let the pigs out, spose they deserve it just like .........
    If and a mean if Byron has had the opportunity ie availability of supply to have met higher targets then who is that on ?.

  13. #53
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    Byrons got a lot of hippies and anti vaxers, but the ultra right dickhead just blasts ahead because, he's an ultra right dickhead. Remember the vax numbers are 80% of 80%, not 80% of 100%
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by My2BobsWorth View Post
    little hitler is going to let the pigs out,
    and here i was wondering who the people were that are offended by how many kids a bloke has or which diety he (like 80% of Australians) believes in.

    Anyway so here we are huh.

    Hopefully soon someone can explain to you that you're more than welcome to stay home, wear your mask and live your life online so the big bad covid never gets you.

    Other than that toddle on please, the rest of us are keen for a schooner.


  15. #55
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Plague View Post
    or which diety he (like 80% of Australians) believes in.
    All opinions expressed here are my own.

    "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." -Benjamin Franklin

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    Close contact on day before freedom day. 2 weeks in the hole even though double vaxx. dodgy

  17. #57
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    For what its worth good on Dom. Refreshing just to hear someone talk with glass half full approach, something MSM and the Henny Penny's of this world hate.

    Set a date to get vaxxed - there is little shortage of supply now, anywhere - that date is 1st December. Will be over 90% by then anyway.

    Your choice, not done by then, tough - as it is numbers are still dropping after opening up. The chance of death unvaxxed is 0.03%. More chance the Jets winning the ACL.

    Those that say too early - when do you open then FFS or do you still aspire to view everything on Neflix before you choke to death on pizza?
    Last edited by Jetmaster; 21-10-2021 at 12:04 PM.
    Only one bloke on this foz constantly makes me laugh Plague and it ain't you - MFKS

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Plague View Post
    and here i was wondering who the people were that are offended by how many kids a bloke has or which diety he (like 80% of Australians) believes in.

    Anyway so here we are huh.

    Hopefully soon someone can explain to you that you're more than welcome to stay home, wear your mask and live your life online so the big bad covid never gets you.

    Other than that toddle on please, the rest of us are keen for a schooner.

    Someone should tell him the condom goes on the front, not up yer arse
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

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