It's how the comp in Sydney runs for goalkeepers at least - 2 13's a 14s, 2 15,s a 16s and 2 18s. For the jets this season at least one or two moved back to play local comp. In Sydney it means you have to be competitive to play even if you are the only one in your age group there's opportunity for a keeper to push you out if you aren't continually pushing to be better.
Can't comment on field players, but when promotion and relegation are on I suspect teams start the season full to minimise the risk of being short on game days. Will probably start happening in Newcastle too.
Last year with my daughter they tried half a game away and at home games it was one full game in goals next home game on the bench. Wasn’t a fan of the two keeper approach as it’s not great for their development don’t get me wrong I do understand pressure for place is apart of the learning but I don’t agree with it being at a crucial stage of development.
If my kid were a keeper, I would be focussed more on their out of match training. I would also prefer the kid to be in a weaker team: more practice.
The kid that was in goals for my son's NPL team was hardly tested over the 4 years as the team was a very strong one. Maybe he would have learned more playing for a weaker one where he would actually have to do more. We will never know.
"It is not that I am afraid to die; its just that I don't want to be there when it happens" - Woody Allen
that also is incredibly difficult, especially semi's and grand final days, overuse injuries do happen, especially after two games and extra time, pick up an injury in the first game and you don't have a registered goalkeeper as anyone outside their age group needs to be registered to play in that age come semis and grand finals. Its not an easy balance and you can't always get it right.
they aren't babies, they are youth players moving towards playing senior football. earning your spot is the potholes along the way, not having things continually handed to you, not sure why people are so keen to continue to baby teenagers. You want them to "learn about potholes" but earning game time isn't that? no wonder people are confused about football in Newcastle.
Pre academy deets. Trials a bit pricey
I guess if you look at it as a trial it does seem excessive, but as a pre-season training opportunity id say its just about on par with every other clinics on offer and if the jets draw on some of the coaches they currently have involved the kids should gain plenty from it.
It is a private academy, just in the Jets name. If all the clubs can run extra training at a price why cannot the Jets. If they can get cash off 10 year olds, that they won't be able to sign for 3 years why not hey.
Jets have monetised every football experience used in clubland to finally make their books balance. Pre-academy, mini world cups, talent I'd training, shadow squads... $$$$$$$