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Thread: Active Support Feedback Thread

  1. #201
    Senior Member militiamon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furns View Post
    I am suggesting a tweak to our call and response chant.
    Timmy will usually start a "Who are we?" and the bay will answer "We are Newcastle". Then (after an indeterminate number of calls and responses) it will then lead into "We're Newcastle, ole ole, ole ole ole ole"

    I am thinking maybe we can get a better reaction to it if the call is sung by bay 2, then bay 1 responds, it gets repeated a total of 4 times, then we all sing "We're Newcastle, ole ole, ole ole ole ole" four times, then start it again. Once the rest of the stadium hears it a few times (not continuously though), the call can then be be bay 1 and 2 together, then we can point to the Southern Hill or Western Stand for the response, and hopefully it can spread through the stadium.

    We have been able to engage a lot of the stadium with the Jets and Come on, Newcastle chants, maybe this could get more people involved as well.

    Good idea imo, hard part will be getting the message out but that shouldn't stop us. The call and response chants have been some of our better ones this season, no reason not to up the game.

    Should point out that the response is just "Newcastle" I believe, no "We are" part.

    Edit: Also, long pauses between call and response is good, don't want to do it too quickly otherwise it loses the effect.

  2. #202
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    I actually typed that wrong, should say "We're Newcastle"
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  3. #203
    Senior Member
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    Who do we sing for?

  4. #204
    Senior Member WolfMan's Avatar
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    Who are, The Players?

  5. #205
    Senior Member lquiquer's Avatar
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    Hey Furns hope u okey mate. Sat in bay 67 and I think I could guess what was happening at the end of the game!!!.. It's ****ing disgraceful, embarrassing and disappointing to witness it!!!... some people standing near where u drum don't belong to that section or the game actualy.. U doing a great job and hope those pricks won't keep u away from our club.... We need you and more genuine blokes to build a bigger and better active support group... Hope to hear that drum next Saturday and in Gosford the week after...

  6. #206
    Senior Member weston's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lquiquer View Post
    Hey Furns hope u okey mate. Sat in bay 67 and I think I could guess what was happening at the end of the game!!!.. It's ****ing disgraceful, embarrassing and disappointing to witness it!!!... some people standing near where u drum don't belong to that section or the game actualy.. U doing a great job and hope those pricks won't keep u away from our club.... We need you and more genuine blokes to build a bigger and better active support group... Hope to hear that drum next Saturday and in Gosford the week after...
    Another small minority ruining things for everyone??

  7. #207
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    Did one of the police take a swing or push TimmyV? Looked that way from Bay 55. What was the issue at the end, saw some pushing and shoving with security/police and then the drums were marched. If thats the way its going to be, say by to the atmosphere.

    On the flare though, credit to the squadron for the self policing in getting rid of the flare and then what looked like the majority of the bay outing the perpetrator to security. Was pretty funny watching security having a few goes at putting it out.

  8. #208
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    Sitting in Bay 12 had a good view of a lot of the incidents

    Flare was sorted quickly with the idiot identified and pointed out to the authorities. No Issue

    As for the incident involving Furns can't comment on what started it what was said etc as I was a bit too far away. Furns got dragged away from some bloke and then returned to continue the argument. After that both looked like they were being asked to leave

    Did see Timmy V getting pushed by the cops. Don't know what that was over though. May have just been a little too close to the cops and they were pushing him away to get some space and protect themselves from the confusion going on amongst the mob

  9. #209
    Senior Member militiamon's Avatar
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    Was clearly the octogenarian with the plastic bag slowly walking up the stairs who lit the flare. Susest bloke out. Old mate with no shirt and scarf wrapped around his head was quite obviously framed.

    Edit: and fxxxing lol at the seccos trying to put the flare out with water

  10. #210
    Senior Member WolfMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by militiamon View Post
    Was clearly the octogenarian with the plastic bag slowly walking up the stairs who lit the flare. Susest bloke out. Old mate with no shirt and scarf wrapped around his head was quite obviously framed.

    Edit: and fxxxing lol at the seccos trying to put the flare out with water
    I LOL'd

    Picked a good time to toddle up those stairs didn't he?

    Furns, we all love you. Please don't let these Bay 1 Bellends keep you or your passionate drumming away.

    God, imagine how out-of-time the chants would be without the drumming!

  11. #211
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    i didn't know they were in time

  12. #212
    Senior Member WolfMan's Avatar
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    Lol exactly! Any semblance of pace or rhythm would be shot without the good work of Furns

  13. #213
    Senior Member militiamon's Avatar
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    Second half was great in that all the cardboard cutouts pissed off, and Aida went off for the first time. Excellent work.

  14. #214
    I'm not going to stop trying until I see you smile Mitchy's Avatar
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    No pyro no party
    Novocastria Youth

  15. #215
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the support at the game, on FB and in here lads

    Just to clarify, I had basically had enough of the usual suspects in bay 1 spending the entire game acting like complete ****tards towards anyone in bay 2. They have been giving myself and especially TimmyV bucketloads of abuse for two seasons now, and when they had spent most of the game starting up shithouse 7-11 chants, singing over the top of bay 2 and directing abuse towards TimmyV I started to not drum and look in their direction, hoping they would get the hint to actually support the lads on the field and not act like complete tosspots.
    All they did was shout at me that the game was behind me and to watch it instead of looking at them. When 90 minutes came around and we started singing NTUA, all they did was stand there and keep paying out on everyone who had actually taken part in supporting the team for 90 minutes in shit conditions and during a 0-0 draw. So I decided enough was enough and went off at them. One of them came over and threatened to throw his drink in my face, which is when I slapped it out of his hand and told him to have a ****ing go, considering he did **** all for the entire match except act like a wanker to the people who actually gave a shit during the game. He laughed in my face and then walked back over to his mates, and kept giving me the big ones so I walked over and after some words with him and four of his mates, I shoved him to show I wasnt intimidated by him or any of his friends, which is what they were hoping I was. This is when the cops told me to leave.
    I will put my hands up and say that the cops were quite within their rights to ask me to depart, and I accept any consequences of my actions. However, they didnt ask me for any details, I left as soon as they asked me to and since I started attending games in 2006, thats the first time I have either been ejected or even left a game before the fulltime whistle.
    I have turned my back, and let anything these retards have thrown our way go past for 18 months now (despite myself and others being targeted by them most games) but tonight I had enough. A line had to be drawn.

    This post is not meant to excuse my actions, but I hope it does explain why I did what I did.
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  16. #216
    Senior Member seldom's Avatar
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    get 3 or 4 blokes on drums....that'll fvck em
    I hope he likes prison food.......and penis

  17. #217
    brutally rapes small, cute dogs parksey's Avatar
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    yeah furns!

  18. #218
    brutally rapes small, cute dogs parksey's Avatar
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  19. #219
    parksey and gallaway's stillborn child la bazzle's Avatar
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    Parkseys mum
    Need more gallaway support songs

  20. #220
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    ive seen them antagonise Tim And Furns many times, now im sure all our parents have told us, to never raise your fist to a girl, but those dickheads have been doing it since i remember standing in row 3,

    sometimes the best thing to do is ignore the trolls, but when it keeps on happening game after game, sometimes people just lose there cool... im proud to have Furns as a drummer, trust me it isnt easy what he does, ive tried (and failed) regardless how shit our singing is from the 10 minute mark to the 85th minute mark, you will always hear the beat of the drum because of Furns,

    not that i can speak for the squadron, but i would like to hopefully say, he has the whole of bay 2's support,
    but i can speak for myself, and i can proudly say, he has my support


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