Honestly who cares. If Cardiff want a forfeit, it says more about the club rather than wanting to just play the game.
Honestly who cares. If Cardiff want a forfeit, it says more about the club rather than wanting to just play the game.
It's football, not s***er!!
They did want to play the game
Poor form from the Westlakes committee. If 30 guys are kitted up ready to play and the previous 2 teams have played... then you play the match.
I am a neutral but looking at the CCFC Facebook page the video that they uploaded makes it clear that the field was playable and the sun was shining??
Questions need to be asked
Ok all before this really gets out of hand, here is what happened.
Pres during ressies, 2nd half, says i'm pulling the flags out, game will be off.(yes it did rain)
Cardiff went out and did there up, no rain during this as the rain had stopped.
Westlakes waited and eventually did their warm up.
both teams entered the field of play ready to start, but were told after 5, the games off, Pres has called, when i spoke to him he sat on the fence as there were others there.
Depending on who you talk to, the ref agreed and disagreed the game shouldn't be played.
yes, Cardiff will be salty and pissed off, as we believe there is a process to calling games off which we don't think has been followed. (yes, Westlakes know how their ground handles the weather better than outsiders) and if we have to travel one Tuesday night so be it.
During the 1st round very similar weather when we played Swansea, flogged down 2 lower grades played, with the rain coming and going that day. During the warm up it belted down and didnt stop for quite a bit, same ref as yesterday pulled both clubs into a discussion and called it off, both agreed, and everyone went home believing the correct decision had been made.
If this process had been followed, yes still a bit pissed we didn't get to play, but process has been followed.
Yesterday was farcical at best, as we now believe the rules on calling games has changed, no longer up to the ref as i think most thought, we were told yesterday a club can call a game at anytime
and if you don't like it send an email on it and we will decide later if the decision was correct, has a new precedent been set for calling games off?
Thats the issue, we have swapped games several times this year, even when our ground was only just playable just to get games played and to watch this play out yesterday was disappointing.
Last edited by Jardelsimage; 28-07-2024 at 08:24 AM.
intelligence doesnt seem to be your thing on this subject lofty. Its not about wanting forfeit points for the sake of it. Cardiff had their 1s warming up while Westlake cats were under the shed hoping their prez would call it. I get they didnt have a full team and needed players from ressies but thats not Cardiffs problem.
So it is about a club calling a ground off that referees were happy to play, and it is about not going back to Westlakes on a Wednesday night in a competition already backlogged with games to play a game that was 100% already playable.
Forfeit loading
Westlakes are too far behind from making a finals charge but also safely ahead of a relegation battle. So what benefit did they have of not playing yesterday? We seem to be hearing a lot of finger pointing from a Cardiff point of view but I think I will reserve judgement until I have heard more from Westlakes side of the story.
Not like Cardiff to carry on or overreact when things dont go their way either? You especially Vincent tend to carry on like a two year old and exaggerate when any situation doesnt completely favour the orange tigers. So you can understand why neutrals on this forum are a little hesitant to take your constant little rants and complaints seriously.
Last edited by Zonal Marking; 28-07-2024 at 09:16 AM.
As I said. All you need to do mate, jump over to the Cardiff city Facebook page.
There?s no two sides to a story when there is actual proof. Have a look at the videos. They were taken at 230pm.
They had 9 warming up. The rest were playing ressies. So not being able to field a fully fresh 1s team makes it more benificial for them to wait until a midweek game where only 1 game is being played
Mind you, Cardiff 1s had 6 first graders out. So they were depleated also, but an added fixture to an already massively backlogged season wasn?t needed if the game could have easily been played. They need to be held responsible.
Forfeit loading
And as I pointed out Westlakes are not making finals and wont be getting relegated so why would they care about it being more beneficial for them to wait and play at a later date? If anything this might suit the Tigers as you could have come of those 6 first graders back for the rescheduled match?
The referee has authority on a match, sounds pretty simple to me. Whatever he says stands.
Has nothing to do with promotion or relegation mate,
their starting 11 won?t have 2 blokes that played a full game of ressies if games are played at a later date, and yes Cardiff will hopefully have players back but Westlake cats wouldn?t of know they had players out.
They never wanted to play, they stayed under shelter while the sun was out and ressies were playing on a perfectly fine field. I?ve never seen 9 blokes less keen to warm up to play in my life
If you weren?t there on the day. All you need to see is the state of the ground via videos on Cardiff city Facebook page. Video is all the proof you need.
3 forfeit points loading
Suns vs auzzri was washed out
So whilst can't comment on yesterday but did notice they closed grounds again today. So i am sure there is more to it than one game not wanting to be played.
i have been an admin of a club for a lot of years and have not seen where a ref has the right to continue a game if the host club deems ground unfit.
if you take responsibility away from clubs who are licensee of park then the Refs have to take on all liability.
at our club we have been warned about damage by council but if referee association take on all liability we would not even inspect our park and wait for a refs call.
Finally heard back from an actual Westlakes player! He tells me they had 10 in their warmup, with the 11th arriving right on kickoff time, which was well known to them beforehand.
So no, they weren?t scared to play. Infact what Jardel says lines up with what I was told. Westlakes waited maybe an extra 5 minutes for the rain to stop, because why bother getting wet if you don?t have to. They then warmed up with the intent to play.
As to the conversation between the refs and club officials, that?s between them and the reports that get sent in.
All this drama has surely turned the replay into a much watch game now!
Vincent, how bout you load up a break from the keyboard.
I dont know who this Vincent is but he has made Cardiff look like a bunch of mugs on more than one occasion now. Picking fights with other clubs. Maybe its time someone from the Cardiff hierarchy has a word because quite frankly the actions of this poster are just embarrassing.
This has been an entertaining read haha. It rained all morning, with the grounds being wet but playable, so thirds and ressies went ahead. It then came down pretty solid for at least 15 minutes or so during the second half of ressies. At this point the bottom field was closed (the ongoing junior game was abandoned at half time) while ressies game was completed on the top field. Presumably refs wanted to finish that game then make an assessment before starting firsts. We were told as were cardiff players that first grade was most likely off. So no, we didn't go out and warm up as the rain was finishing off.
As the sun came out it looked like we might end up playing, so we went out to warm up. I was told just before kickoff time that the refs had made the decision to call it - I didn't speak to a ref directly.
Is it frustrating to walk away without playing when the sun was now out, yes. The players were ready to play from both teams. However there were multiple areas on the ground that had turned to mud, its not that hard to see why it was called. Whether you can see it on whatever video cardiff recorded, I have no idea and doesn't really bother me.
Suggestions of a conspiracy to call the game off due to low players are laughable - I think there was only one bloke going to play firsts that had already played that day. The lower grades were thin on Saturday, and as Moz said, if some call to wait for a date with better numbers was going to happen then it would make way more sense to have the ground would be closed from the start with the whole day called off, like many other games were that day.
My teacup is looking a little stormy this morning..
If the videos were not enough proof, unsure why it wouldnt be enough tho, but Go on westlakes Facebook page. Read comments from parents saying it was also fine. Not sure what else you guys want to read. Would hate to see you on jury duty. Before you get high on that horse. Go read comments from both pages. Should be enough ammo for this argument.
Forfeit loading almost complete
My son played reserve grade and said it was terrible, couldn?t keep your feet, he?s an honest lad.