Is the grandfinal a Saturday or a Sunday planning my Jamaican party
Is the grandfinal a Saturday or a Sunday planning my Jamaican party
You wanna kiss my lucky egg?
Sanka ... You dead ?
Ya maan!
Would someone remind Cooks Hill to wear their away strip in Reggies on Saturday as Simba are the home team
Cookshill we will smash you go go go simba!!
Speaking of which, I really don't like the "new" system where we have to sign on. Why, exactly, was it brought in? I struggle to get my signature to look the same with an hour in between attempts, let alone every week and just the hassle to chase down players before the game to sign on is a headache enough at times.
So many times over the years (in juniors and seniors) I've overheard people, from my team or from another, say "my signature looks nothing like his/hers!"
So they don't do the thing where ID cards need to be taken everywhere you go now, and if a player is thought to be ineligible you can just check on the spot? Is that why the signing on was brought in?
hi guys i still think the best way to sign on before a game is photo id with your signature , if you leave you photo id at home on the weekends then you cant play silmple. something like a drivers licence would be the go , i also have heard , not naming the side that they were disquallified earlier in the year for same shit they did last year , how many times can a side , club what ever you call them can get away with it so many times , it is obvious the dont care , lets hope it all goes right for the finals.
Most people have smartphones nowadays, this stuff should be available online to refs/officials/club people/etc IMO
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hey dennis you moran , how about you make sure that you grounds are marked the nets are up and everthing else that needs to be done for game day you peanut , last year you spastics you had nothing ready therefor we had to move to uni. remember dingbat it is sunday , see you there maan.