Quote Originally Posted by The Magician View Post
Why shouldn't clubs charge if they are hosting, Maitland when they were in NewFM had no problem charging the NBN clubs that were playing Solo Cup as Cooks Square Park, if clubs are allowed to in the regulations you would be negligent on behalf on your club not to add that to your income stream. If you are a true supporter of your team then the $5 entry fee should not be an issue... if paying is a problem then your're probably one of them types that has an esky and a maccas family box hidden in the ute , and you leave the glass empties on the grass as your exit the venue. To you i say you are a disgrace and should bar yourself from every venue.

NPL clubs were asked who wanted to host, Magic were the last club to accept their hosting duties after most other clubs had already responded and one position was available and club were re-asked at the all clubs meeting. If you feel so strongly about hosting maybe you should notify the federation that you intend to forfeit South Cardiff's participation in the FFA Cup if they get drawn to play at a NPL venue. Because at the end of the day it is about the football and clubs should have every opportunity to participate on the best facilities that would otherwise be out of reach. Compared to NPL clubs playing on cow paddocks, cricket pitches or near chicken sheds. Magic will be charging entry and it will go far to recoup the costs in ensuring the facility is in optimum condition for its guests. Should you wish to move from behind your keyboard i'm sure many NPL clubs will relish the opportunity to take $5 off you and possibly add $2 for your car if you cant make the distance with your walking frame.
This post summarises why local footfall fans hate the arrogant cash grabbing from clubs who think they're something.

Any club who charges for this pre season cup can get fkd.

Yes you have every right for the grab. When the season proper starts put ya prices up to $20 for all I care. You'll never be that good anyway.