KOTH is a bit different for me - as i don't like backing things particularly early in the market unless i know the value is there from past runs. plus i'm behind - so i'm chasing, which as we all know is always a disaster.

real money punting wise, i subscribe to a ratings service who provide their best for the day on weekends, which i will then frame into my own market if sydney or melbourne, or trust their judgement in other cities. has played decently so far. i watch a fair whack of replays and do speedmap work from 2 sources, which to be honest, i've found only really pays off if you do it religiously, i.e. you can't just lob in on a friday night after a few cans and expect to know everything! my best runs have come when i put in upwards of 5-6 hours a week doing proper form work.

KOTH has been a very good experience actually, as it's great to see the way other people play things over the period and the returns on sticking solid. might go crunch some of the data out of it at the end and put it up. i.e. SPs, returns and profiles