Quote Originally Posted by Grimario View Post
Anyone watched 13 Reasons Why? My brother won't shut up about it but from hearing it blaring in the lounge room while I am at work, it sounds like an angsty teen fiction book.
Just started it, don't know what the fuss is about atm, it's literally like a John Green "Fault in our stars"-esque targeted to teens show. Which is quite dangerous given the focal point of the show.
I guess it brings some accountability of people for their actions, may make some people re-consider their actions.
But it scarily romanticises depression/self-harm and suicide. A show with such heavy themes directed at teenagers is a potential disaster.
It's something though, a book, a piece of art, a angsty teen drama, it's up to people what they take from it, without becoming a nanny state.
I'll reserve complete judgement until i finish it.