For people wanting any information or updates on new owners, here's what you need to remember.
We are owned by 3 maybe 4 other clubs. They pay Shane's wages and he follows their instructions.
These other clubs also hired a firm to "fast track" our sale.
The only person within the Jets that would have knowledge of the sale progress is Shane.
He is an absolute roadblock when it comes to information.
He no doubt wants to stay in his employer's good books for future employment opportunities as he probably knows new owners would have their own ideas.
It's not a nice thing to say but Shane is not really a "Jets Man" if you know what I mean.
The only real avenues for information are through the selling firm and the other clubs administration that own us.
I was able to obtain some information from a previous interested party but that was obviously through the buying side, not the club.
I have no idea why Shane made the comment that a deal could de completed by Christmas. We hear nothing from him and then he makes an unrealistic comment like that.
Does anyone know where Shane's local watering hole is ?
Getting on the beers with him at a local karaoke night might be the only way for an update.
I do hear information from time to time from a "source" but I only post something on here if I feel its relevant and in the interests of people on this forum.
One thing that won't surprise me is if we lose a player to one of our owners before a sale is completed !