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Thread: The Politics/Religion/Conspiracies Deathmatch Thread

  1. #1581
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    Well there you go, bronwyn bishop resigned. Probably because she was distracting people from shorten rather than she feels she's done anything wrong.

  2. #1582
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    What makes you think I wish to listen to a word from that hypocritical beyond reproach leftist stooge??

    That bloke has nothing to say that isn't propaganda for a cause
    Lol. Me or waleed?

  3. #1583
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belchardo View Post
    Well there you go, bronwyn bishop resigned. Probably because she was distracting people from shorten rather than she feels she's done anything wrong.
    lets just hope she's set a precedent and anyone else busted for the same stuff also fall on their sword.

    It will wipe them out quicker than the virus in World War Z.

  4. #1584
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Distracting people from shorten?

    My concern is what was going on that she really was distracting us all from.

  5. #1585
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    Shorten is a complete waste of space like the rest of his party. Best thing Labour could do would be to phone the electoral office and ask that they be deregistered by the close of business Monday.

  6. #1586
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    ok, i haven't been up to date as of late.
    i hear the comrades are adopting big Scotty Moz's boat policy, but the Greens are against it.

    are the Greens and Labor a coalition? (i was under the assumption that the 2 party pref poll was based on Lab/Grn alliance).

    Has anyone asked the question if they will go to the election with a united stance on this policy or will it be carbon tax part 2?
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    And I don't argue with FR. The bloke is a legend and deserves great praise for his contributions to football in the Hunter.
    He is also the second best poster on the entire Foz behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    sometimes there's more to life than just winning
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverRed View Post
    What a deadset ****ing coward **** you are
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Seems like I am WRONG

  7. #1587
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
    Shorten is a complete waste of space like the rest of his party. Best thing Labour could do would be to phone the electoral office and ask that they be deregistered by the close of business Monday.
    That's why politics has become a joke in this country. The Abbott Government is probably the worst in history but the alternative is not much better. If there was a truly viable 3rd choice, I reckon most Aussies would give them a go because neither the LNP coalition or Labour inspire any sort of confidence that they have a vision for the future of this country.

  8. #1588
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stopper2 View Post
    That's why politics has become a joke in this country. The Abbott Government is probably the worst in history but the alternative is not much better. If there was a truly viable 3rd choice, I reckon most Aussies would give them a go because neither the LNP coalition or Labour inspire any sort of confidence that they have a vision for the future of this country.
    PUP is the logical choice.

  9. #1589
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stopper2 View Post
    The Abbott Government is probably the worst in history
    and what do you base this assumption on?
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    And I don't argue with FR. The bloke is a legend and deserves great praise for his contributions to football in the Hunter.
    He is also the second best poster on the entire Foz behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    sometimes there's more to life than just winning
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverRed View Post
    What a deadset ****ing coward **** you are
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Seems like I am WRONG

  10. #1590
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    Quote Originally Posted by GazFish35 View Post
    Lol. Me or waleed?
    Waleed if I wasn't clear enough

  11. #1591
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    See, I don't believe that Waleed Aly 'totally nailed it' either.

    Firstly he implied the booing (and racism) began with the war dance, when in fact it had been going on for a few weeks prior.

    Everyone keeps talking about 'minorities' in this discussion.
    The only 'minority' that should be singled out is the .1% of the population booing Goodes. The other 99.9% of Aussies either support him or don't care enough to get involved. But the first sign of a minuscule percentage of 'us' doing the wrong thing means the usual fart sniffers jump to the old 'see, all da whities is raycess' line.

    Single out the booers, shame them and hopefully they see the error of thier ways. It worked with the 13 yr old chick apparently.

    Blokes like him and Rebecca Wilson just want to stare down the TV and say 'see, this is YOUR fault'.

    No, it's the people booing Goodes. That's who's fault it is. Find them and it goes away.
    Continue to lump your average Joe into the same group and you're gonna get pushback.

  12. #1592
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    and what do you base this assumption on?
    By their very own drunken sailor criteria for spending the current government are a failure.

    Government spending as a percentage of GDP is higher under Abbott than it was under any labour government back to and including Whitlam.

    Oddly enough, it is this very spending that is keeping the country from falling down the shitter.

    The problem with any of these parties is their ideolgical / religous beliefs are far stronger than any commitment they have to the science behind their decisions or indeed any facts that might get in the way.
    Last edited by The Dunster; 03-08-2015 at 11:34 AM.

  13. #1593
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
    By their very own drunken sailor criteria for spending the current government are a failure.

    Government spending as a percentage of GDP is higher under Abbott than it was under any labour government back to and including Whitlam.

    Oddly enough, it is this very spending that is keeping the country from falling down the shitter.

    The problem with any of these parties is their ideolgical / religous beliefs are far stronger than any commitment they have to the science behind their decisions or indeed any facts that might get in the way.
    Yeah I'd say you could go back and find some economic category that statistically a particular govt would be poorly rated on.
    You'd be able to prob find social policy failures from each one as well.
    Let alone foreign policy disasters/failings.

    It just intrigues me when someone is adamant that one in particular is "the worst".

    Like saying which coastie is the biggest **** innit?

  14. #1594
    Senior Member WolfMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lquiquer View Post
    Yeah but you forgot the War Dance champ
    You must hate the African Cup of Nations then...

  15. #1595
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WolfMan View Post
    You must hate the African Cup of Nations then...
    Hey man, don't forget about all those people hating on the Haka.

    They even do the throat slitting gesture and everyone is cool with it.

    But Goodes, yep it's def the war dance that has earned him all this hate.

  16. #1596
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    and what do you base this assumption on?
    No vision at all for the future
    Selling our land off to overseas interests
    Selling our jobs off to overseas interests
    etc etc I could go on but I'll give an example of a guy I know who is a Manager for a company involved in the Manufacturing industry.
    During the years of the Gillard government he absolutley despised her and was ecstatic when she got shafted and then Rudd was ousted.
    Now under Abbott he says that WE ARE WORSE OFF and he is totally despondent with the way this country is heading....need I say anymore!

  17. #1597
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stopper2 View Post
    1.No vision at all for the future
    2.Selling our land off to overseas interests
    3.Selling our jobs off to overseas interests
    etc etc 4.I could go on but I'll give an example of a guy I know who is a Manager for a company involved in the Manufacturing industry.
    During the years of the Gillard government he absolutley despised her and was ecstatic when she got shafted and then Rudd was ousted.
    Now under Abbott he says that WE ARE WORSE OFF and he is totally despondent with the way this country is heading....need I say anymore!
    oh man, I've numbered these so we can go through them one by one.
    1. No vision? As opposed to the land of milk and honey we've been on track for for the past 115 years? You may come to find that Pollies are awesome at 'saying' they are gonna do something and actually going through with it. (i.e they are all full of shit).

    2. OK dude, you may want to go back and look at who actually owns all this prime farming land that is getting sold off. You might find an overwhelming % is privately owned (i.e farming folks and private companies). They have decided to take the best offer they can for their assets. I can only imagine you would be sweet when you are selling your house that the Govt came in and made you take less (or not be allowed to sell it) despite someone offering you over the odds. Yep, I'm sure you'd be all like "yeah cool cool ill take the financial hit TO KEEP DEM DARN CHINESE OUT OF OUR SUBURBS GADAMNIT".

    3. The jobs you speak of are generally in the manufacturing industry yeah? cool, well then go look at Your car, fridge, tv, phone, clothes etc etc etc. The jobs aren't going anywhere because of the govt, they are going OS because people like you and me buy shit cause its cheaper to get it from OS. you want tariffs back? protectionist policies. dear oh dear, lets just build Donald Trumps wall and be done with it. dang foreigners.

    4. OK, so one dude out of a population of 24 odd million is not a good sample size. but anyway, can you define the term "better off". because people equate that with cash in hand at the end of every week. try factoring in health care, national security, your retirement, roads, environment, education etc etc etc. just cause its not in your hand every week doesn't mean its not being spent on you.

    im ok with your generalisations but seriously dude, think a bit more about the way the world works before spouting nonsense like this. to act like none of this isn't our fault is naive.
    Last edited by plague; 04-08-2015 at 10:55 AM.

  18. #1598
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    oh man, I've numbered these so we can go through them one by one.
    1. No vision? As opposed to the land of milk and honey we've been on track for for the past 115 years? You may come to find that Pollies are awesome at 'saying' they are gonna do something and actually going through with it. (i.e they are all full of shit).

    2. OK dude, you may want to go back and look at who actually owns all this prime farming land that is getting sold off. You might find an overwhelming % is privately owned (i.e farming folks and private companies). They have decided to take the best offer they can for their assets. I can only imagine you would be sweet when you are selling your house that the Govt came in and made you take less (or not be allowed to sell it) despite someone offering you over the odds. Yep, I'm sure you'd be all like "yeah cool cool ill take the financial hit TO KEEP DEM DARN CHINESE OUT OF OUR SUBURBS GADAMNIT".

    3. The jobs you speak of are generally in the manufacturing industry yeah? cool, well then go look at Your car, fridge, tv, phone, clothes etc etc etc. The jobs aren't going anywhere because of the govt, they are going OS because people like you and me buy shit cause its cheaper to get it from OS. you want tariffs back? protectionist policies. dear oh dear, lets just build Donald Trumps wall and be done with it. dang foreigners.

    4. OK, so one dude out of a population of 24 odd million is not a good sample size. but anyway, can you define the term "better off". because people equate that with cash in hand at the end of every week. try factoring in health care, national security, your retirement, roads, environment, education etc etc etc. just cause its not in your hand every week doesn't mean its not being spent on you.

    im ok with your generalisations but seriously dude, think a bit more about the way the world works before spouting nonsense like this. to act like none of this isn't our fault is naive.
    1. Governments vision is whatever the top 1% of wealth holders tell them it is.
    2. You are forgetting that groups succesfully lobbied the Howard administration for changes to super and the like which artificially doubled the prices of land / houses overnight.
    3. The models of free trade are little more than text book wankery. Once you introduce money, uncertainty, product differentiation, and finite supply and demand constraints things aren't quite so cherry. You are arguing against tarriffs from a perspective where tarrifs are what lined the pockets of those currently praising free trade.
    If the world ran like a textbook than certainly free trade with nil tariffs would be the way to go - but that's not how the world works.
    4. I would determine life expectancy as the best guide to peoples well being. Many, many indexes of human well-being exist with varying degrees of relevance.
    Currently governments are not spending enough on healthcare, jobs... and so on.

  19. #1599
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
    2. You are forgetting that groups succesfully lobbied the Howard administration for changes to super and the like which artificially doubled the prices of land / houses overnight.

    4. I would determine life expectancy as the best guide to peoples well being. Many, many indexes of human well-being exist with varying degrees of relevance.
    Currently governments are not spending enough on healthcare, jobs... and so on.

    2. Increased house prices were great for sellers, bad for buyers. Great for govt with increased revenues from stamp duty, good for people wanting to use equity to fund investments.

    No one is forcing anyone to fork over $1/2 million for a one bedder in Iso. You want to snap up cheap real estate, do your homework, change your expectations. Whinging ain't gonna lower those prices.

    Tariffs are great for some, bad for others.

    Heck, there's even a helicopter company out there who think that Pollies abusing their travel allowances is great.

    People crying at pollies for spending $5k on a helicopter ride won't bat an eyelid at spending $20b of 'their' money on submarines regardless of the price we can get them for elsewhere.

    (Selective outrage just makes me giggle).

    My gripe is that people who think that every government policy should be beneficial to everyone are delusional.

    4. This is probably the best answer to this question I've ever heard. Cheers.

  20. #1600
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    I don't have a problem with Bronwyn Bishop spending 5k on a helicopter ride.

    The spending adds to aggregate demand and via a multiplier effect incomes increase.

    What I do have a problem with is Bronwyn Bishop preaching about the importance of reduced spending here and there - without even the most basic understanding of the economics behind her ideological ramblings.

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