Quote Originally Posted by boz-monaut View Post
anyone who voted against statehood in the 1967 referendum is a traitor to Newcastle

so basically anyone over the age of 66 should be hung from a lamp post and shot if you ask me
You do realise that these C$%S need shooting for this. FMD

Can you imagine what we could have achieved as a State in 45 years?? Think of the possibilities

There would have been a completed fence keeping the ****ing Gypos out of this great land for a start.

We may have even went the whole hog and then declared independance from Australia. Imagine that ??

Playing Crucial WCQ at Hunter Stadium
Qualifying for World Cups
We could start our own National League
Sending a Newy team to the Olympic's
Could then set up Border Control with armed guards on the fence
A passport system to definitely keep any gypos out
Declare War On Gypoland
Buy nukes from the coal royalties and point them at Bluetoungue and wipe that vile race out
Start a war against some other nation
Someone from Newy would be PM

FMD this is gold