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Thread: Grassroots Football

  1. #501
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    i think this is the point though.
    The clubs are 'supposed' to be going there, and 'supposed' to be sticking to the NNSW program. Last year of all the main teams were using the facility once a week (the other session was at their own ground). The NNSW coaches were there assisting every team in all sessions.

    Fast forward to this year and its clear a lot of the teams arent using the facility at all, and some teams have dropped back to every 2nd week. Reasons have varied, but its either "we dont need the NNSW coaches". "we need more room instead of these smallish courts" to "parents dont want to be taking the kids all the way out to Speers Pt every week".
    personally, I wanted our clubt to be there every week, but majority ruled so we arent. I like the NNSW coaches getting involved. they did different drills, they were a different voice and they kept things on the same path.
    From Aegon Jr's clubs point of view - They don't use Speers Point at all for training. However they have Richard Hartley as a TD at every single training session and the instructions he is giving to the coaches are coming from the SAP coaching curriculum as he's in regular contact with Leo Bertos. RH turns up to the majority of games and is quite hands on when it comes to what he expects from the coaching at the club. I would expect that other clubs TD's should be as visible and they should be the POC's to NNSWF to ensure that training is being done to the curriculum.

    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    its clear now the emphasis has been put on winning games. teams are set up, coached and instructed on field more about winning than they are technique and individual improvement. and thats not just the 'best' teams. lots of the teams that are getting flogged every week are showing no signs of individual improvement. it only takes 5 mins of listening to their coaches on the sidelines to see they dont care about anything other than winning. Seeing a kid take a left foot shot when warranted (and missing) is met with groans of disappointment instead of encouragement for doing the right thing.
    Its about coaches approaching parents at the end of last year to get kids to come trial at their clubs, instead of maybe working harder with the kids they have.
    This is crap, no ifs buts or maybes about it. Super happy with the coaching my boy is getting if this is the norm.

    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    i think its clear that the program is not panning out the way it was intended, and whether it is a good thing or not will probably not be found out in 10 years when we are bemoaning that there are no local kids coming through the Jets. i admire NNSW for trying something different, but they prob need to put their foot down to make sure its done 'their way' and not left for all the clubs to dictate.
    This isn't a NNSW initiative, NNSW run it within the region but this is the direction from FFA.

    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    again though, NNSW aint blameless here. their communication with the clubs esp with scheduling has been pretty poor. if they want everyone to buy in (and pay for it) they need to be way more organised.
    I certainly hope the club is receiving more direction from NNSW, as from my perspective they are non-existent. Draw releases have been woeful, pre game organisation especially on the grass fields is abysmal, I could keep going on but I won't.

    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    Also, and apologies for the rant, but im going to give a big shout out to Olympic and Magic. They are portrayed on here by some in ways that i dont agree with, but their approach to SAP has been top notch. their teams are full of really skilled kids, their coaches are great to the kids and they 'seem' to have been really really loyal to the majority of the kids they started the program with last year. I havent seen much of Olympic this year, but id say this year there are a few other teams that are right up at the level of Magic and Olympic, and its been great to see. Rather than be jealous of teams like that, others have aspired to join them. i hear plenty of negative comments about those clubs on here, and you all prob have your reasons why. but from what ive seen, they dont have a magic wand they wave over players to make them better, they put in the effort and it brings results.

    If every club had the same approach (and some do) its gonna bring on a higher level quality of kids for the future.
    Both teams have been awesome for the boys to play against. Great competitive games at a high skill level where the coaches are obviously telling the boys all the right things.

  2. #502
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by londonboy View Post
    Well said mate. The second kids stop enjoying it their development will go backwards. That’s why I feel a more competitive community comp would be beneficial - it would allow those talented kids who are not mentally ready for a higher pressure environment yet to thrive. It would be good to see some proper grading at U8 and U9 community level to give those kids the chance to compete against each other.

    We’re fairly new the Newy. Are there good private coaching available? I’ve also been told about a futsal comp in the summer. Any thoughts on that? Are there other summer comps?
    Private coaching by Jobe Wheelhouse Football -
    Not sure if anyone else runs any academies or coaching clinics in the area? If they do it's not well advertised.

    There are various Futsal comps, just choose a centre close to you:

    With regards to summer comps I have absolutely no idea. The only one I know of is by Newcastle Football at Wallarah oval for Under 10's but this is by invitation only? Details I received as per the below:

    The Newcastle Football Summer Program is very popular and participation is by invitation. The program is post SAP season and involves 1 training session on Tuesdays and 1 game on Friday evenings. The games are 9 v 9. Last year the cost was $150 which will be the same or lower this year. The program consists of 14 games, (10 Fridays and 4 Tuesdays) and each player is provided with a full UMBRO kit.
    SAP players finish the season on the weekend of the 7/8th September. The Summer Program will start the following week but Tuesday training for participating (invited) SAP players is voluntary for the first month. I certainly realise the workload for some lads this year but it has been pointed out to me by a parent that once SAP is over the boys cut back to 1 night training and 1 game as opposed to two nights and two games with SAP. With the summer program 8 equal squads of stronger u9 and u10 players make for a competitive competition. Some boys played in it last year as u9s. More details about this great program will be provided in the coming weeks. The program concludes at the end of November to allow December and January as the R and R months.

    I think they use the Newcastle Football Holiday clinic and nominations from clubs to select the players to play in this comp?? Not 100% sure though.

  3. #503
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by londonboy View Post
    We’re fairly new the Newy. Are there good private coaching available? I’ve also been told about a futsal comp in the summer. Any thoughts on that? Are there other summer comps?
    i think Jobe Wheelhouse is the go-to dude here. Have heard plenty of good things about him and his programs. Theres prob plenty of people in and around SAP that would have dealt with him directly so you wont have to go far to hear more.

    Futsal and stuff im not sure of. Plague Jnr has played some before but its only been a muck around with his mates. I am reluctant to do any summer comps etc as I want Plague Jnr out doing other sports/interests over summer in order to recharge his batteries. Soccer takes up a lot of the kids time, and by the end of it you can see a lot of them just need a little break. by the time the trials are done and the season is back on they are ready to rip in.
    the break does my kid good, others are prob keen to carry on 12 months a year though.

    Plague Jnrs coach and the NNSW blokes have given me plenty of good tips on what to work on during the down months anyway. they really really emphasise the core skills of contact, first touch and dribbling so we do a lot of muck around stuff like that, but nothing structured. again, i want him enjoying his sport in 10-20-30 years time whatever level hes at. being the super bestest kid right now doesnt matter, im proud of him whatever he does. i just want him to be happy and doing it for himself, not for me or anyone else.
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    And I don't argue with FR. The bloke is a legend and deserves great praise for his contributions to football in the Hunter.
    He is also the second best poster on the entire Foz behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    sometimes there's more to life than just winning
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverRed View Post
    What a deadset ****ing coward **** you are
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Seems like I am WRONG

  4. #504
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    i think this is the point though.
    The clubs are 'supposed' to be going there, and 'supposed' to be sticking to the NNSW program. Last year of all the main teams were using the facility once a week (the other session was at their own ground). The NNSW coaches were there assisting every team in all sessions.

    Fast forward to this year and its clear a lot of the teams arent using the facility at all, and some teams have dropped back to every 2nd week. Reasons have varied, but its either "we dont need the NNSW coaches". "we need more room instead of these smallish courts" to "parents dont want to be taking the kids all the way out to Speers Pt every week".
    personally, I wanted our clubt to be there every week, but majority ruled so we arent. I like the NNSW coaches getting involved. they did different drills, they were a different voice and they kept things on the same path.

    its clear now the emphasis has been put on winning games. teams are set up, coached and instructed on field more about winning than they are technique and individual improvement. and thats not just the 'best' teams. lots of the teams that are getting flogged every week are showing no signs of individual improvement. it only takes 5 mins of listening to their coaches on the sidelines to see they dont care about anything other than winning. Seeing a kid take a left foot shot when warranted (and missing) is met with groans of disappointment instead of encouragement for doing the right thing.
    Its about coaches approaching parents at the end of last year to get kids to come trial at their clubs, instead of maybe working harder with the kids they have.

    i think its clear that the program is not panning out the way it was intended, and whether it is a good thing or not will probably not be found out in 10 years when we are bemoaning that there are no local kids coming through the Jets. i admire NNSW for trying something different, but they prob need to put their foot down to make sure its done 'their way' and not left for all the clubs to dictate.

    again though, NNSW aint blameless here. their communication with the clubs esp with scheduling has been pretty poor. if they want everyone to buy in (and pay for it) they need to be way more organised.

    Also, NNSW coaches are at the games, and TSP was kind of a trial based system so all those teams mentioned will get their kids in if they are good enough. they are still being seen.

    Also, and apologies for the rant, but im going to give a big shout out to Olympic and Magic. They are portrayed on here by some in ways that i dont agree with, but their approach to SAP has been top notch. their teams are full of really skilled kids, their coaches are great to the kids and they 'seem' to have been really really loyal to the majority of the kids they started the program with last year. I havent seen much of Olympic this year, but id say this year there are a few other teams that are right up at the level of Magic and Olympic, and its been great to see. Rather than be jealous of teams like that, others have aspired to join them. i hear plenty of negative comments about those clubs on here, and you all prob have your reasons why. but from what ive seen, they dont have a magic wand they wave over players to make them better, they put in the effort and it brings results.

    If every club had the same approach (and some do) its gonna bring on a higher level quality of kids for the future.
    Clubs were offered the opportunity to train at LMRFF but clubs declined Northern's offer. Our club attends every Tuesday afternoon and the improvement that our Under 9's have shown is really encouraging. We've gone from big touch ups and not competing to tighter games with the occasional win but we compete in every match which is encouraging. Individually all the players have improved as a result.

    The help of the NNSW Advisors especially Neil Orr has played a big part in it. Our coach is very happy work with them and it's showing

  5. #505
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aegon View Post
    12years current SAP program. the Newcastle teams (both getting run by NNSWF) are getting towelled. Is this due to dilution of talent due to other Newcastle Football initiatives such as NET? Or a poor indictment of NNSWF coaching.
    Definitely not anything to do with coaching. Their U11 just won State Title and U12 came in 5th, ahead of Hunter Hawks and Emerging Jets who finished last and second last.

    Newcastle U12 teams this year are a bit light on with numbers which is good for the kids as they get more game time. Plus 3 kids are only U11 but pushed up to test themselves more.

    Other thing is that many sides are only playing 1 team and therefore are playing their State sides each and every week. These same sides play to win by not playing equal time amongst squad and players in set positions.

  6. #506
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reds Forever View Post
    Definitely not anything to do with coaching. Their U11 just won State Title and U12 came in 5th, ahead of Hunter Hawks and Emerging Jets who finished last and second last.

    Newcastle U12 teams this year are a bit light on with numbers which is good for the kids as they get more game time. Plus 3 kids are only U11 but pushed up to test themselves more.

    Other thing is that many sides are only playing 1 team and therefore are playing their State sides each and every week. These same sides play to win by not playing equal time amongst squad and players in set positions.
    My point is more that the Newcastle teams used to run 2 teams each year and dominate. Now the kids have options are they playing NET with a club rather than playing for the NNSWF teams? Macquarie and Hunter Valley don't have anything similiar in the 11's or 12's that I know of. TBF I have no idea what kids are part of the teams or who is coaching them. Just that Newcastle and the emerging Jets used to compete for top honours in these age groups with the occasional decent macquarie or coast teams.

  7. #507
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    This sounds Iike a good initiative. So, teams are a mixture of u9s and u10s? Any idea if the 8 teams are one from each of the stronger clubs (1 from Jaffas, 1 from Olympic etc) or are boys mixed-and-matched once they start training?

  8. #508
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    Quote Originally Posted by londonboy View Post
    This sounds Iike a good initiative. So, teams are a mixture of u9s and u10s? Any idea if the 8 teams are one from each of the stronger clubs (1 from Jaffas, 1 from Olympic etc) or are boys mixed-and-matched once they start training?
    Regarding which comp?

  9. #509
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Negative Police View Post
    Regarding which comp?
    I assume he’s talking about the Newcastle Football Summer Program.

    To answer the original question - I have no idea. I am under the assumption that RH does his best to create 8 evenly matched teams with no club affiliations.

    Aegon Jr received an invitation as an U9 to the same comp today. From everything I have been told it is a good competition and great for player development.

  10. #510
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    Yes, sorry - fat fingers failed to include the post I was replying to!

    I was indeed asking about the summer NET comp. It does sound good.

    Well done to Aegon Jr. Was he selected by RH or nominated by his club? Are others from his u9 team going along as well?

  11. #511
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by londonboy View Post
    Was he selected by RH or nominated by his club? Are others from his u9 team going along as well?
    He was selected by RH, The details he provides around the selection are:

    Players from Newcastle Football u/9s and u/10s who are identified from the NET and SAP programs, along with the better players selected from Newcastle Football clinics are placed in equally formatted teams.

    With regards to your second question, I have no idea yet as we only received the invitation yesterday,

  12. #512
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    Sounds like Jr has done well. Sounds like RH is out watching games then?

  13. #513
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by londonboy View Post
    Sounds like Jr has done well. Sounds like RH is out watching games then?
    He watches a lot of the SAP games that involve Jaffas and Olympic due to being the TD for both clubs SAP. Not sure if he watches other Newcastle Football SAP teams. I assume he watches a large amount of the NET games as well.

  14. #514
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aegon View Post
    He was selected by RH, The details he provides around the selection are:

    Players from Newcastle Football u/9s and u/10s who are identified from the NET and SAP programs, along with the better players selected from Newcastle Football clinics are placed in equally formatted teams.

    With regards to your second question, I have no idea yet as we only received the invitation yesterday,
    Quote Originally Posted by football_macigian23 View Post
    Clubs were offered the opportunity to train at LMRFF but clubs declined Northern's offer. Our club attends every Tuesday afternoon and the improvement that our Under 9's have shown is really encouraging. We've gone from big touch ups and not competing to tighter games with the occasional win but we compete in every match which is encouraging. Individually all the players have improved as a result.

    The help of the NNSW Advisors especially Neil Orr has played a big part in it. Our coach is very happy work with them and it's showing
    Which SAP clubs do train at the LMRFF? My youngest wants to do SAP next year but probably won’t make the Olympics, Magic, Jaffa’s. I think he’d benefit from NNSW input so it may be worth steering towards those clubs who embrace it a bit more.

  15. #515
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by londonboy View Post
    Which SAP clubs do train at the LMRFF? My youngest wants to do SAP next year but probably won’t make the Olympics, Magic, Jaffa’s. I think he’d benefit from NNSW input so it may be worth steering towards those clubs who embrace it a bit more.
    I have a mate of mine who's boy is in Warners Bay SAP. I "think" they train one night at the gardens and one night at the LMRFF. I think New Lambton might train there 1 night a week as well but not 100% positive.

    The advice I was given before Jr joined this season was to shortlist several clubs and get him to trial at them. There is no harm in trialing with Jaffas, Olympic or Magic as it will give you a good gauge of where your young lad stands. If he doesn't make it there have a couple of others you follow on facebook or something and watch for when their trials are as well.

  16. #516
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aegon View Post
    I have a mate of mine who's boy is in Warners Bay SAP. I "think" they train one night at the gardens and one night at the LMRFF. I think New Lambton might train there 1 night a week as well but not 100% positive.

    The advice I was given before Jr joined this season was to shortlist several clubs and get him to trial at them. There is no harm in trialing with Jaffas, Olympic or Magic as it will give you a good gauge of where your young lad stands. If he doesn't make it there have a couple of others you follow on facebook or something and watch for when their trials are as well.
    Good advice mate. Thanks.

  17. #517
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    Quote Originally Posted by londonboy View Post
    Good advice mate. Thanks.
    Hi londonboy, Aegon might have gotten Warner’s Bay & Wallsend mixed up there but that’s alright.
    I’m Dan & I’m the SAP Coordinator at Wallsend FC. We do train at The Gardens & LMRFF while catering for boys and girls as in 2 years there will be a direct path from our 9’s SAP through to our NewFM NL1 men youth grades (currently applying for NPL licence) and our Women’s Premier League youth grades.
    We always try our best to give the best product at an affordable price, $650 for new players gets you everything, no hidden costs.
    Flick me an email if you want more information or want to get your young one to watch a session & see if it’s for you in 2020.

  18. #518
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan View Post
    Hi londonboy, Aegon might have gotten Warner’s Bay & Wallsend mixed up there but that’s alright.
    I’m Dan & I’m the SAP Coordinator at Wallsend FC. We do train at The Gardens & LMRFF while catering for boys and girls as in 2 years there will be a direct path from our 9’s SAP through to our NewFM NL1 men youth grades (currently applying for NPL licence) and our Women’s Premier League youth grades.
    We always try our best to give the best product at an affordable price, $650 for new players gets you everything, no hidden costs.
    Flick me an email if you want more information or want to get your young one to watch a session & see if it’s for you in 2020.
    100% correct. I got Warners Bay and Wallsend confused. My apologies.

  19. #519
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aegon View Post
    100% correct. I got Warners Bay and Wallsend confused. My apologies.
    No need to apologise mate👌🏼

  20. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan View Post
    Hi londonboy, Aegon might have gotten Warner’s Bay & Wallsend mixed up there but that’s alright.
    I’m Dan & I’m the SAP Coordinator at Wallsend FC. We do train at The Gardens & LMRFF while catering for boys and girls as in 2 years there will be a direct path from our 9’s SAP through to our NewFM NL1 men youth grades (currently applying for NPL licence) and our Women’s Premier League youth grades.
    We always try our best to give the best product at an affordable price, $650 for new players gets you everything, no hidden costs.
    Flick me an email if you want more information or want to get your young one to watch a session & see if it’s for you in 2020.
    Thanks Dan - really appreciate the information. I’ve heard Wallsend really focus on kids development as opposed to wins, so you’ll definitely be on our radar if we go down the SAP route.

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