Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
What's the official line on conflict between member states of NATO ? I was under the impression that an attack against any NATO member was perceived as an attack on all NATO members.

Has this changed ?

If not then any attack on Turkey would effectively expel a state from NATO membership.

Any warzone involving a NATO member is Trumps problem. That's the terms they signed up for.

As cruel as it sounds the USA are essentially bound to only intervene if Turkey ask for their assistance - then things get interesting - but it won't happen.
I know, weird huh?

Imagine if the people who are pretending to care for the Kurds right now actually went after the people who are going to do the actual crime*, instead of going after the bloke who no longer wants to put his troops in harms way.

Just another lame bit of outrage because Trumps name is involved.

*assuming anything happens.