Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
Is anyone else a bit sick of seeing England act like the bastions of world peace and denouncing anyone they play against as racist Neanderthals that don't deserve to even have a national side... Even though England still has a huge and deep rooted problem with racism themselves???

I get why Bulgaria should be in trouble, racism is ridiculously shit, but the UK media and the team spent weeks stirring the pot and incite the ultras to do it. And then cried like little school girls once it happened. Then had to gall to sing songs about how racist Bulgaria were as if they've never thrown a banana at a player, or made monkey faces at them, or sung anti-Semitic songs during games...

**** any racist football fan or racist person in general, but also **** any British person right now acting like it doesn't happen from them.

Side rant. What happened to all the England players who said they'd walk off as soon as they heard any racist jeers or chants from the crowd? Did they realise it could hurt their qualifying campaign if they walked off and the ref classified it as forfeit? Maybe next time don't act like you're bigger than UEFA if you don't have the backing of your employer (FA) and can't actually go through with it.
Spot on - dunno what the other outlets are like but the BBC has three "agenda" items it likes to push daily - women's football, racism and Manchester United.

I'm from a "sticks and stones, turn the other cheek" generation. It's wrong but the way the English media handles it inflames the situation.