Quote Originally Posted by Bremsstrahlung View Post
What watches do you guys use?

Looking at Garmin mostly.
Tossing up between the 245music and Venu.
Want to just run with a watch and earphones.

Ideally would like to track swimming also. But the running features on 245 look impressive. But is it all necessary/useful?
Most people use Garmin. I know a few people with I think the 645music and they love theirs. A pal of mine loves the Fenix, he uses it for a lot more activities than running.

I use a Garmin 235 (I always get a model or two behind as they're just outrageously priced). I love it, but note I don't synch it to music, don't monitor HR, and am satisfied with the levels of tracking it gets. Mine also lasted me my entire 100k run battery wise, which is the biggest plus! I am very much in line with your thoughts that a lot of the features in many, even mine, are unnecessary. As long as it lasts battery-wise and uploads to Strava, that satisfies me. Although I've started to play around with the intervals settings and that has honestly really impressed me also.

If you're doing a lot of trail running/hiking and want extremely accurate GPS and tracking, my understanding Suunto is the winner there.

Belch almost definitely has more in depth knowledge of this kind of stuff. His running is far more scientific than mine!

Earphones I have to recommend the Aftershokz, I think my pair are Trex Air? Unreal to run with, no problems with also wearing sunnies and a hat, etc.

Give me a buzz if you're ever keen for a scoot pal.