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Thread: drugs and gambling in sport

  1. #21
    Senior Member snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Biggest drama for OUR game will be if the rumoured drug issues surrounding Barcelona prove true.

    What would happen to all the titles they have won and Spain's success on international front???

    Would really pale into insignificance Lance Armstrongs TDF issues
    messi IS a confirmed drug cheat
    we will loose

  2. #22
    The use of drugs in Semi Professional as opposed to Professional levels will simply be the actual drugs used.
    Local NBN/New Fm, local League and Union, AFL, Netball, basketball, baseball etc are all in the same poition. NO ONE KNOWS AND NO ONE CARES!

    Recreational ........ for gods sake, if any stands up and claims they aren't being used they are totally removed from reality.

    Performance enhancing .... does any local players actually know the number to call to see if a medication or suplement or food is on a banned list or contains something banned? How many actually checked if their asthma spray is okay or not? Did we ask the physio exactly what was in the rub/lotion they used on our calf that time?

    Does it occur yes, does it help.. considering the lack of knoweldge of the person using it I doubt it.

    If football ahs a concern it needs to direct its education at our teenagers on the talent identification systems. They are the real risks because they are both too young and too nieve to know the consequences but see the dream of a professional footballer and are willing to do what might ne thoght necessary to get there. I 16yo being told by his coaches he needs to get into the gym and build up his upper body strength is a vunerable person. Forget the amatuers, test the professionals and educate the future.

    For those parents out there, most of our kids nowdays during primary and infants attend the Life Education out at Edgie or have the van come to the sschool and they do touch on the topic and possible health concerns already, so the first step is there, the code just needs to build on it.

  3. #23
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    what about the semi-pro player trying to get into the pro leagues? they would also be at risk in my opinion.

    but i generally agree with your argument, and i don't think anybody would expect that testing would go down to those levels.

    i suspect they would find a lot of alcohol in the systems of all-age players

  4. #24
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    What's the go these days in the NBN State League?

    Back in my day at that level we were all subject to the pissing in a bottle plan and had to sign some acknowledgement etc to say we understood we could be stopped for a piss test. Not that it ever happened but we were eligible.

    Are the current players still required to do this??

    Plenty of blokes I played with would have failed a breath test every week before games and a few of them would have been failing a drug test also.

  5. #25
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    asthma spray is on band list, you must have clearance from doctor to use and the dosage.
    Amigos Aarau

  6. #26
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    never once heard of a drug/alcohol test in state league tbh. if i had to sign something saying it could happen, i obviously skimmed that part.

    a fair few clubs/players have big reputations on being on this & that, and it's noticeable who is doing what, but i was under the impression that nnsw just let what is, be.

  7. #27
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    "Eland said motivation to cheat in the pursuit of elite positions was only a minor factor in the Northern NSW State League because only a small percentage of players would still have aspirations to play professionally."

    Do I take from his statement that our top level competition IS NOT an elite competition?

  8. #28
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goaliepersempre View Post
    asthma spray is on band list, you must have clearance from doctor to use and the dosage.
    **** me I'm a drug cheat, just like fellow cancer survivor Lance

    my take on the whole drugs in football thing

    Cocaine - not very good, you tend to have too much energy in short bursts, confidence obviously higher than ability, leads to **** ups and too much talking
    Amphetamines - gives you good engines for a bit, though you tend to overheat, over sweat and just overdo everything - heading the ball can really hurt your jaw if you're a tooth grinder
    Ecstasy - similar to amphetamines, obviously - tends to feel better, particularly the running around and light breezes on the back of the neck and arms - diuretic effects can lead to issues
    Marijuana - really good to play on, improves performance, is a bronchodilator which helps breathing - tends to make you quite relaxed and calm on the ball, you care more about fluidity of movement and virtuosity and feel like you've got more time
    Alcohol - awful, makes you uncoordinated, stupid, lairy, loud, aggressive and vomit
    Heroin - never tried it, but probably would make you steal things and run off to sell them

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by goaliepersempre View Post
    asthma spray is on band list.
    hope they play a good set.

    What about LSD boz?

  10. #30
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  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz-monaut View Post
    **** me I'm a drug cheat, just like fellow cancer survivor Lance

    my take on the whole drugs in football thing

    Cocaine - not very good, you tend to have too much energy in short bursts, confidence obviously higher than ability, leads to **** ups and too much talking
    Amphetamines - gives you good engines for a bit, though you tend to overheat, over sweat and just overdo everything - heading the ball can really hurt your jaw if you're a tooth grinder
    Ecstasy - similar to amphetamines, obviously - tends to feel better, particularly the running around and light breezes on the back of the neck and arms - diuretic effects can lead to issues
    Marijuana - really good to play on, improves performance, is a bronchodilator which helps breathing - tends to make you quite relaxed and calm on the ball, you care more about fluidity of movement and virtuosity and feel like you've got more time
    Alcohol - awful, makes you uncoordinated, stupid, lairy, loud, aggressive and vomit
    Heroin - never tried it, but probably would make you steal things and run off to sell them
    Definitely the best thing ive ever read on here (Y)

  12. #32
    Senior Member Buddha's Avatar
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    Jaliens gives me the horn

  13. #33
    Senior Member Schultz's Avatar
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    So it looks something like this running out of the tunnel

  14. #34
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    Boxing kangaroos, tables n chairs, black dots, and microdots.

    See pic above.

  15. #35
    Senior Member howardyou's Avatar
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    From my experience most (not all) of Newcastle football has a problem with party drugs. not sure about PEDs - nothing would surprise me though.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Biggest drama for OUR game will be if the rumoured drug issues surrounding Barcelona prove true.

    What would happen to all the titles they have won and Spain's success on international front???

    Would really pale into insignificance Lance Armstrongs TDF issues
    Llega la peste, llega el madridista, con esos cuernos que saltan a la vista, el madridista, hijo de puta, los Boixos Nois con su muerte lo disfrutan.

  17. #37
    Media outlets connected with the NRL are in full-spin mode when it comes to the current crisis.

    Most of the stories so far lead with 'massive bet on soccer game' - referring to the alleged $49m placed in Asia on a Adl v Victory game - but this game is not even under investigation. Moreover, massive takings don't automatically equate with corruption. It may have just been a plunge and the market has followed. You see bigger 'goes' on Wednesday night meetings at Happy Valley. $49m sounds like a lot of money, but HK races can see pools of bigger than $200m across all bookies.

    So, the story leads with some random note about the $49m but does not say anything else; essentially avoiding hot water but giving the impression to the 92.8% of Australians who are clinically stupid that something fishy is going on. Then, buried at the end of the story is the line (with metaphoric hand over mouth and mumbling through the teeth): 'oh, and by the way, lots of NRL clubs are embroiled in a in an actual doping scandal and have a real history of betting scandals.' But back to that $49m, let's imply that it is typical of those effnix to do dodgy betting on their sport.

    Have a look at Fairfax and Murdoch publications - they have brooms and carpets ready. They'll also be preparing the fire to burn the witch that is football the second they see a slip up. Not conspiracy theory, watch it happen. And it will be coordinated...the world is a sinister place.

    Enjoy the sunshine, Capt VJ

  18. #38
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    the real surprise is that it's taken this long to realise the entire country is on the juice

    go out in newcastle and it would appear that the local pastime for the common man is crushing rocks and lifting anvils

    every man and his dog is jacked up on testo-max or hyper-bulk or some kind of supplement that no doubt makes your willy smaller, you'd expect your professional sports playing dullard would be in on the act as well, most probably on an industrial scale

  19. #39
    Senior Member Buddha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by q-money View Post
    the real surprise is that it's taken this long to realise the entire country is on the juice

    go out in newcastle and it would appear that the local pastime for the common man is crushing rocks and lifting anvils

    every man and his dog is jacked up on testo-max or hyper-bulk or some kind of supplement that no doubt makes your willy smaller, you'd expect your professional sports playing dullard would be in on the act as well, most probably on an industrial scale
    dont forget your beefcake 200

    But have any of these guys been tested for DMAA?
    Jaliens gives me the horn

  20. #40
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Dont know what anyones on about.
    Clearly no match fixing in football.

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