Quote Originally Posted by belchardo View Post
ran my first marathon last weekend. was doing well, on pace for 3 hours 45 mins through about 23km then hit the wall majorly. 4 hours 20 minutes for the whole run in the end, but hey, i finished, i didn't die and i then ate copious amounts on horrendously unhealthy food with not an ounce of guilt. got way too excited at the start of the event and was running 3 minute 30 second kilometres!

last 15km was just horrible, horrible pain. was saying to myself, "never again". Tuesday of last week i was already thinking "what can i do to improve next time"

running the sydney half marathon in a few weeks with a few mates, looking forward to it. aiming for sub 100 minutes. best thus far is 105 minutes.

my tip if you're starting out running for fitness, just enter an event and go for it. 10km is a good distance to start with.
aaaah, 3.5minute kms wouldnt that put you in the medals for city to surf?