Getting in before the mancs, chavs and bandwaggoners
Getting in before the mancs, chavs and bandwaggoners
anyone who hasnt heard of it yet
good website and awesome LFC podcast
adidas saw liverpool as a lost cause so went with sunderland.
is that third liverpool kit from warrior, the purple/tribal one, happening?
you mean this one?
Last edited by boz-monaut; 27-06-2012 at 03:00 PM.
no, that's just how they do things at Liverpool FC
furns or jeterpool - you're probably involved with a liverpool forum or two, is that the legit third kit that will be getting used?
i read somewhere that it was a charity kit.
presumably the match was played in front of blind people.
having been in bali for two weeks - I am kinda behind the news.
That is shit, almost as bad as that toon away strip from a few seasons back. Banana yellow it was.
would still rather the yellow than the purple/grey/orange/tribal
Sort of PV4, the colours are right but the tribal stuff is wrong.
This was leaked, a-la the stuff up at the sports store in Brisbane that release Man City's new jersey before the official date (see the Metro newpaper website).
Attachment 12
To be honest, not a fan of any of them this year.
The red one is growing on me, but the 2nd kit looks like a wetsuit and the third one looks like a kit you make on a fantasy team game where you can't be a$$ed.
I know Liverpool got 25 million squid for going with some new shitfull company to make their butt ugly kit but I think it'll damage their appeal more than taking the 10 million less and going with a quality brand like Adidas
it looks as poor quality as the Jets shitfull ICS rubbish kit, which I will not buy as it's ugly and embarrassing
does the purple/grey/orange have any meaning/history behind it?
second kit looks like such a wetsuit, good spotting!
No mate. No history. Not likely to go down in history either. I'd rather the blue one from last year over this one!
Warrior, who now supply the kits, are an American lacrosse kit supplier. This is their first major gig. To be fair, the feedback I have read is the quality is good - better to wear than the Adidas gear, which I thought was ok.
Suarez staying put (y)
that mockup turned out to be basically right - but good choice on the purple and not orange shorts.
still is ridiculous though.
is the tribal-y stuff on the sleeves meant to be the eternal flames of liverpool, or warrior just having a laugh, or what? reminds me of that dragon inter had crawling up their jerseys some time back.
Last edited by pv4; 05-07-2012 at 11:41 AM.
Suarez doesn't seem to mind being surrounded by black anymore.
Racist dick, discrace to the modern game.