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Thread: Why Rugby League is crap

  1. #1001
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    The only heads that will roll are the morons who put this idea up without asking the stakeholders.
    Like it or not NRL players by and large (especially the polynesian folk) are hugely religious and this was never going to fly.
    There was a way better way to do this but when you leave out your most vital component (the highly paid front facing labour) then youve made a massive mistake.
    and us sockah folk better not be too loud about it, there are a lot of clubs in certain demographics that aint wearing those colours either. We (so far) have been smart enough to read the tea leaves before opening our traps.
    No one's head will roll, they've already completely sold out the jersey, and could have sold a tonne more if they wanted. There's talks underway for a pride round next year, with some high profile players already giving their approval. PLUS everyone has now completely forgotten about the tigers game.

    Unfortunately, it's been a massive win for the NRL and a big loss for the bigots crawling out from the shadows yet again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  2. #1002
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    So a bunch of white dudes calling a bunch of dark skinned chaps all types of names is inclusive?

    Ian Roberts, the coach and the club all know they cocked this up and understand the folly in spewing more hate in the name of tolerance.

    Bigot is a hell of a term to throw around in these circumstances.

    The problem is when both sides are saying "but its just a jersey" then y'all might need to rethink all of your positions.

  3. #1003
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    No one's head will roll, they've already completely sold out the jersey, and could have sold a tonne more if they wanted. There's talks underway for a pride round next year, with some high profile players already giving their approval. PLUS everyone has now completely forgotten about the tigers game.

    Unfortunately, it's been a massive win for the NRL and a big loss for the bigots crawling out from the shadows yet again.
    How is it a massive win for the NRL??
    It's a massive self inflicted gun shot wound to the foot

    Also it's quite apt the number 7 is how many players pulled out and how it is a number of God

  4. #1004
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    So a bunch of white dudes calling a bunch of dark skinned chaps all types of names is inclusive?

    Ian Roberts, the coach and the club all know they cocked this up and understand the folly in spewing more hate in the name of tolerance.

    Bigot is a hell of a term to throw around in these circumstances.

    The problem is when both sides are saying "but its just a jersey" then y'all might need to rethink all of your positions.
    Settle down the left have a hard time seeing their own bigotry in their delusional world view

    Can't expect that much from them

  5. #1005
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    I guess nobody truly understands the clubs motive or aim for the jersey idea.
    Was it a PR initiative to be the “NRL’s first team to celebrate inclusivity and support for LGBTQ+ community”.
    NRL allowed them to be the scapegoat for the idea, NRL must approve the jerseys and idea before it goes to the old printer. This concept or idea wasn’t made in 6 days followed by a rest day.
    Did they just wanna make some money off of a new jersey.
    Regardless. It’s a PR nightmare for the club and the game.

    Frodo mentioned the plan to have an inclusivity round next year. I feel like when Vlandys was asked would the NRL consider it for next season, he joins the 7 players (rumoured to be 8 that initially complained) in being alienated and publicly perceived as homophobic if he says no. Or he says the NRL will consider it, and buys himself an infinite amount of time to “consider”. Especially if 7 players from each club sit it out in protest.

    Rumour has it, 2 other clubs floated the idea with their playing groups who ultimately decided the concept was a bit too controversial and political for the club.

    The aim was inclusivity and now they have 7 players on the outer for not being on board with it all.

    NRL media constantly dribbling the “this is all about lack of consultation” angle. Which is a good lesson in management 101. But if they can get traction that this is the big issue or talking point from this, they’ll consider it a win.

  6. #1006
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    Why did the players need to be consulted? It's 4 rainbow stripes on a jersey. The NRL always has 10 different kits throughout the season for all sorts of reasons (ranging from women in sport to Marvel tie ins) so it's not likely they have ever been consulted before.

    Gambling is against their religion but plastered all over the front all season without any issues. It's not an issue about the NRL not being sensitive towards religion, that needs to be made clear. It's about these 7 blokes using a simple initiative to push their agenda on to the rest of the team. They caused this problem, not Manly.

    Which is why Manly are still wearing the kit, fans are happily buying the kit in droves now and why they'll have a full round of it next year. Israel Folau already tried to use his position to push his homophobia and lost, considering none of these guys are as talented as him I can't see this going any better for them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  7. #1007
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    Why did the players need to be consulted? It's 4 rainbow stripes on a jersey. The NRL always has 10 different kits throughout the season for all sorts of reasons (ranging from women in sport to Marvel tie ins) so it's not likely they have ever been consulted before.

    Gambling is against their religion but plastered all over the front all season without any issues. It's not an issue about the NRL not being sensitive towards religion, that needs to be made clear. It's about these 7 blokes using a simple initiative to push their agenda on to the rest of the team. They caused this problem, not Manly.

    Which is why Manly are still wearing the kit, fans are happily buying the kit in droves now and why they'll have a full round of it next year. Israel Folau already tried to use his position to push his homophobia and lost, considering none of these guys are as talented as him I can't see this going any better for them.
    Can you point out where in the Good Book that gambling is against their religion

    Please draw our attention to this please as no one would want to accuse you of making shit up

  8. #1008
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Why should the players be consulted?
    Because they are being used as the billboards to make others feel good about themselves.
    You think its just some stripes on a jersey?
    Not even kidding but if the Jets turned up with a blue and yellow strip with palm trees and sauce bottles on it everyone would be like "oh well its just a jersey"?

    Like it or not having some low level disposable Chad in marketing trying to tell the highly paid front facing people what to do just isnt the way to go about your business.
    Alex Ferguson spoke about this decades ago he understood how these things worked better than anyone.
    Again, id wear the jersey i dont give a shit. But until someone sits down with these people and understands their point of view then talking about being inclusive is stupid.
    I guarantee that if the ground, the fans, the goalposts and the sky above was covered in rainbows the 7 players involved would be playing (its already happened in a different sport). But they took exception to being forced to choose between their beliefs (however backward they seem) and their employment and to do so in public without consultation was the wrong way to do it.

  9. #1009
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    It does remind me of one of the early indigenous rounds where a club didnt wear their special jersey on the actual round because they wanted to do it the next week at their home ground. Looking back does that make the club racist for not wearing the special kit on the special day?
    For 364 days of the year Manly players wont wear rainbows, dressing up for a day doesn't make you any more or less of a bigot.
    Its symbolism, and its important, but its not a cure.
    Cant wait til someone doesnt wear the beanie next year and gets accused of being pro brain cancer.
    The next outrage is just around the corner lets hurry up im bored of this one already.

  10. #1010
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Can you point out where in the Good Book that gambling is against their religion
    The only 'Good Book' is Griffs autobiography.
    All 36 volumes of it.

    I dont care if you weirdos consult your dungeons and dragons gospel for reference but you can keep it to yourselves.


  11. #1011
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    2 things.

    1) players have never been involved in discussions with team colours, kit designs or sponsors. It's got nothing to do with them, they can choose to not wear it if they want but they don't get control of their work uniforms. Just like everyone else in the world.

    2) No one should show tolerance to the intolerant. You can explain to them why they can't be intolerant in today's society, but showing tolerance just moves everyone further away from tolerance towards hate.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  12. #1012
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    2 things.

    1) players have never been involved in discussions with team colours, kit designs or sponsors. It's got nothing to do with them, they can choose to not wear it if they want but they don't get control of their work uniforms. Just like everyone else in the world.

    2) No one should show tolerance to the intolerant. You can explain to them why they can't be intolerant in today's society, but showing tolerance just moves everyone further away from tolerance towards hate.
    Again, its not a kit design, its a public show of support for something they are not comfortable supporting. Theres a difference.

    As for tolerance, you do realise that right now, those 7 players are doing as much for gay rights as you, your workmates, your family and your friends. Which is nothing. The fact is for 80 minutes this weekend can determine whether we get to call them bigots or homophobes for eternity is just a tad depressing for me. Considering as of monday morning, you me and them go back to the exact place we were before kickoff.

    Personally i dont think thats fair on them.

    Also remember the Falou thing was different, he was out there publicly saying hurtful shit to some poeploe who were just minding their own. To my knowledge none of the 7 players have ever said anything public, not shown any actions that were in any rational way harmful to the LGBT community. If they have then ill stand corrected but so far theres been nothing. Does that not count for anything in your book?

    If not wearing some rainbow stripes for 80 mins on one day of one year qualifies them as a bigot and a homophobe then we'll just have to disagree on our definition of those terms. Just be mindful of the standards you have all set for yourselves though, dont go slipping up or that shit may just bite you all on the ass.

  13. #1013
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Also, for the record i still love you Frodo and have no shame saying that as a burley man person. Spread the love I say.

    Except for the Member hes a ****ing weirdo.

  14. #1014
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    2 things.

    1) players have never been involved in discussions with team colours, kit designs or sponsors. It's got nothing to do with them, they can choose to not wear it if they want but they don't get control of their work uniforms. Just like everyone else in the world.

    2) No one should show tolerance to the intolerant. You can explain to them why they can't be intolerant in today's society, but showing tolerance just moves everyone further away from tolerance towards hate.
    1 The law is pretty clear in this country about the inability of employers to force employees to violate their religious views

    Probably why the Manly club aren't pushing the players to play

    Also it might be apt to point out that when the AFL had their rainbow mafia round a female player sat it out and wasn't condemned for her stance but was in fact applauded. Her being Islamic and objecting to not supporting sodomy was ok then.

    Can you care to explain why these Christian boys can't refuse to support the same cause that she did or is this just more of your own religious bigotry ??

    2 The intolerant would be the woke cult pushing this garbage.

    Anyone who rejects their ideology is and vilified and ostracised

    Yes you leftists are pretty.tolerant of anyone who doesn't share your cult like views aren't you ??

  15. #1015
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    Also, for the record i still love you Frodo and have no shame saying that as a burley man person. Spread the love I say.

    Except for the Member hes a ****ing weirdo.
    I'd say i'm personally more chubby than burly, but we can make it work.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  16. #1016
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    2 things.

    1) players have never been involved in discussions with team colours, kit designs or sponsors. It's got nothing to do with them, they can choose to not wear it if they want but they don't get control of their work uniforms. Just like everyone else in the world.

    2) No one should show tolerance to the intolerant. You can explain to them why they can't be intolerant in today's society, but showing tolerance just moves everyone further away from tolerance towards hate.

    you will find that most if not all clubs have had there indigenous players, help design the indigenous jerseys, for the indigenous round in the NRL and AFL.

  17. #1017
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    Unfortunately a bit too much forced virtue signaling in sport atm - it is just starting to grate a bit.

    I watched one of the festival games live last week. In the 10 minutes before kickoff you copped a welcome to country, presentation of first nations flags, rainbow light show, big screen ads on misogyny, and then take the knee.

    They didn't say anything about the emissions from fireworks though
    Only one bloke on this foz constantly makes me laugh Plague and it ain't you - MFKS

  18. #1018
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Can you point out where in the Good Book that gambling is against their religion

    Please draw our attention to this please as no one would want to accuse you of making shit up
    I'd wondered the same thing so googled the phrase "bible passage gambling" here's a few results:

    while we are at it "bible passage alcohol"

  19. #1019
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    All opinions expressed here are my own.

    "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." -Benjamin Franklin

  20. #1020
    Senior Member Bon's Avatar
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    Can't wait to hear the "interpretations" of those passages...

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