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Thread: Newcastle City Council Elections

  1. #1
    Senior Member Retro Jet's Avatar
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    Newcastle City Council Elections

    And what about on the local scene, eh?
    I hear there's this Horsie Gnome, running with another Gnome in the Little Man's Disease Party.
    First Gnome doesn't know what a book is.
    He thinks we should shut all those book storage places and save money.
    Second gnome must agree with Anti-book policy, 'cause he associates with 1st Gnome, being a 'strong man' and all
    'cause 2nd Gnome "only associates himself with strong men'"....apparently.
    2nd Gnome going for Lord Mayor too I believe.

    Then there's this 'Bob the Builder' twat.....or is his name really Jeff?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retro Jet View Post
    And what about on the local scene, eh?
    I hear there's this Horsie Gnome, running with another Gnome in the Little Man's Disease Party.
    First Gnome doesn't know what a book is.
    He thinks we should shut all those book storage places and save money.
    Second gnome must agree with Anti-book policy, 'cause he associates with 1st Gnome, being a 'strong man' and all
    'cause 2nd Gnome "only associates himself with strong men'"....apparently.
    2nd Gnome going for Lord Mayor too I believe.

    Then there's this 'Bob the Builder' twat.....or is his name really Jeff?
    ahhh, prat Bumman

  3. #3
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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    moved to new thread as:
    a) local government infighting and stupidity isn't really politics, it's just idiots
    b) there's going to be a lot of talk, mostly about how all candidates are idiots
    c) Buman has to be the biggest idiot in the city, he's a disgrace to Newcastle and to short, ugly, stupid, inadequate and insecure men everywhere

  4. #4
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Gypo McKinna running for gypoland council.
    As if local govt couldn't be any more of a joke.

  5. #5
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Also, Buman. Seriously the most un-Newy bloke ever.
    Dead set pelican.

  6. #6
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    Tate's jumped vote quimby

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    Also, Buman. Seriously the most un-Newy bloke ever.
    Dead set pelican.
    apparently has people working on a Newcastle bid for a rugby league state of origin game, good idea ****head

  8. #8
    Senior Member Retro Jet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skippy View Post
    apparently has people working on a Newcastle bid for a rugby league state of origin game, good idea ****head
    Smacks of desperation and a try-hard

  9. #9
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    Sharon Waterhouse
    Amigos Aarau

  10. #10
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    hey did these ****s actually get something past a DA stage?

    would seem so

  11. #11
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    It doesn't matter who gets elected. Local government will always be effected by inefficiency and be held to ransom by various "lobby groups".

    How long did it take them to remove a bloody rock from South Newcastle Beach? There was dozer operators writing into the Herald to do it for nothing.

    The Tree saga. A small vocal minority literally held up this decision, caused a street to be closed for how long and made it bloody hard to visit the major art gallery in the entire region?

    Development applications take way to long and cost way too much money.

  12. #12
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    Can check out the candidate info sheets

    At least live in the area you want to serve, geez.

  13. #13
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    Any of the clowns there that didn't want those stupid figs cut down needs to be shown the arse. Deluded idiots the lot of them holding up democracy

  14. #14
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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    this from someone who thinks that his opinion on risk is as valid as a professor of risk management...

  15. #15
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    Mayoral form guide
    Buman = rat
    Nelmes = latte sipping merewether dweller & will pretend to care what the central suburbs want, and why is she so orange.
    Haines = threatens free entry to pools, will create a summer mecca for dealers.
    Sutton = tried to say train crossings are the same as traffic lights and wants more, moron.
    McCloy = lol, needs a DA man

    Hope the other 2 have a sensible plan.
    Last edited by hawk; 04-09-2012 at 12:34 AM.

  16. #16
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    The problem with people who go for council is that they just don't have the strategic nous, and are too busy worrying what others think.

    Rarely is a decision made because it's the "right" one.

    All it takes is one person to audit the books and say right, this is what needs to be done...

  17. #17
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    CANDIDATES pulled no punches last night, as seven potential lord mayors fielded questions on council amalgamations, Hunter Street, cost-cutting and council processes.

    The contenders for the top civic job faced about 400 residents at the Newcastle Lord Mayoral Forum, organised by the Newcastle Institute and the Newcastle Herald.

    Debate was often heated as candidates presented some often conflicting visions for the city.

    Candidate Jacqueline Haines, a Stockton resident and outsider in the field, summed up the mood: "Do you want infighting, because it's already started before we've come to the table."

    Prominent businessman and developer Jeff McCloy was booed by some members of the crowd while responding to criticism from Labor and the Greens.

    "If I have to hear [Greens candidate John Sutton] talk once more . . . about the community, I think I'll throw up," Mr McCloy said.

    "The community isn't 100 placard-waving smelly individuals.

    "If you make decisions for 100 people and you don't make them for the whole city, you don't deserve the job as mayor."

    Earlier Mr Sutton had called on Mr McCloy to publicly disclose the sum of money he had spent on the campaign, the properties he owns in Newcastle, and the extent to which he had financed the visits of "climate change deniers".

    "I can't recall a previous council election where we have faced the prospect that one particularly wealthy candidate may effectively be buying the election," Mr Sutton said.

    The candidates were split about whether the council should move to cut costs or invest in social and cultural services.

    Cr Nuatali Nelmes, the Labor candidate, said facilities were "built to be shared, not sold".

    She said Labor would defend child care, parks, pools, libraries and other community services.

    "We need to get the key infrastructure right," Cr Nelmes said.

    Cr Aaron Buman said he would cut costs, including libraries, and that the city should brace for "pain and a lot of pain" under his leadership.

    "The budget has to be balanced," Cr Buman said.

    "I call it the yellow pages policy, council should stop doing things you can get from the private sector."

    Candidates spoke about the need for a new process to engage with the community.

    Bryan Havenhand said the council's culture needed to change.

    "Council has built a structure for itself, it's like a fortress and the longer they can keep the community out the better," Mr Havenhand said.

    "I think there is a structural problem, a systemic problem that needs addressing."

    Mr Sutton said the next council must be "seriously engaged" with the community.

    Mr McCloy said decisive action was needed to improve the built form of the CBD.

    "People don't go to businesses or do business when things are run down," he said.

    Cr Buman said he wanted lower Hunter councils to amalgamate, Cr Nelmes said she supported voluntary amalgamations and Mr Havenhand said the idea had merits.

    Col Peebles said he would not support any moves to amalgamate councils.

    "I don't think it's a sensible idea if you haven't got your own house in order," he said.

    Online betting agency Sportsbet has framed a market for the Newcastle lord mayoral race.

    Mr McCloy is the favourite at $2.20, followed by Cr Buman at $3 and Cr Nelmes at $3.50.

    A bet on Mr Peebles will return $8, Mr Sutton is paying $12, Jacqueline Haines is at $26 and Mr Havenhand is considered the outsider at $41.

    there are also videos of the candidates opening remarks if you follow the link.

    Nuatali for Lord Mayor.

  18. #18
    brutally rapes small, cute dogs parksey's Avatar
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    what kind of a name is nuatali? i bet she's not even from round here.

  19. #19
    Senior Member Hamma12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    what kind of a name is nuatali? i bet she's not even from round here.

    I'll bet $10 she's from adamstown area...

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    Sutton = tried to say train crossings are the same as traffic lights and wants more, moron.
    Well they are, Railcorpse just needs to fix the timings. More crossings would be fantastic; make it much easier to get across the line.

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