I went along to see what happened & my observations were

The Newcastle Lord Mayor spoke first & I got the impression that this was aiming up to be a total takeover from HSG. I also got the impression he didn't want to piss Nathan Tinkler off in anyway. After the other speakers had finished, I also felt that he had a better understanding of how supporters' trusts worked around the world (as did I) and any trust would be complementary to the A-league licence holder.

The second speaker Melina (?), from the International Year of the Co-Operative secretariat had limited football knowledge, but spoke with enthusiasm & showed what could be achieved. It was also good to know that there are organisations out there that can offer support.

Blackmac then spoke extremely well, outlining what he had researched over the past 18 months/2 years. I wasn't previously aware of how supporter's trusts worked or how common they were, even in the large leagues. (Barcelona anyone ?) Congratulations & thank you for all your hard work. I can't imagine the hours he'd spent researching this.

There was a call for volunteers to start a Steering Committee to begin drafting a draft plan/constitution, but I'm not sure if anyone did. (I had to leave straight away)

It was also interesting to hear that a group of supporters from Western Sydney has also started this process for the WS Wanderers.