Quote Originally Posted by belchardo View Post
i'll extend a metaphor: "no honour amongst dopers". quite happy to have cheats turning on each other. but i also see you're point. then again, the police do this kind of thing all the time. greatest good and all that.

interesting down here in canberra at the moment. stephen hodge has admitted to doping during his cycling career, he's on the ACT hall of fame and has written a letter to the ACT government saying he should be removed from the list. he's also got a track at mount stromlo (big cycling area down here) named after him, and he's said he is happy to let the ACT government decide if his name should be removed from the track. now, the cynic in me says this is a great PR move from him to garner sympathy/support. another part of me thinks, why only come out now if you're so wracked with guilt? the rest of me thinks "what a guy".

i wonder what response armstrong would have got had he gone down this path?

the whole sport (elite level) stinks, and it's going to take a long time to clean it up.

there are no winners here.
that is very true. i know what you mean though cheats dobbing cheats in. It will eventually bring the whole sport into disrepute.
yeah i know about stromlo, i have a mate who i hung out with since i was 14 competing at world level for 4X and downhill, stromlo is such an awesome setup

i agree completely at the end of day cycling is going to come out worse off