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Thread: Our new club - what do we want?

  1. #101
    Also, watching Sydney FC play Tottenham and Chelsea on the weekend, I was delighted to see Sydney FC play their way out of problems on the field in an intelligent way. The main difference in teams was that each Premier League player was about a foot taller and about 5 km an hour faster and marginally better touch, but Sydney FC competed very well in football intelligence.

    That is what I would want from a Jets team, not seeing them play to rote but taught to solve problems on the pitch. I assume you need both the quality of staff and quality of facilities to achieve this. So that is what I would wish for.

  2. #102
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    5,612 about somebody else do the two trips to both Perth and Wellington in the same season for once.
    It has looked like we have been used to fill in the gaps in the draw sometimes.

  3. #103
    The Dez Geraldi comments should be taken seriously. Not about Stubbins but about the treatment of players who come to the club. No player on trial or newly arrived at the club should be treated like this: offerred at $20 note for the train? It's disgusting.

    It speaks to me of a situation where someone else wanted to give the player a trial and GVE didn't, so basically ignored him when he turned up. All of these things matter to players - how they are treated on trial, how they are treated when they arrive, how they are treated when they leave, and players TALK. The club should be clear about who is responsible for looking after players in these situations. It shouldn't be left up to Craig Deans and his wallet.

    A book on Performance Excellence that I read basically said that you should remove all obstacles to player performance so that can concentrate solely on playing at their peak. That involves the club officals and admin trying to anticipate what these problems might be and intercepting them, whether they be paying salary and superannuation on time, or delayed contract negotiations, or lack of concern over the upcoming birth of the players baby while they are playing in Wellington, or lack of concern for their mental health, or whatever.
    Last edited by tha_hauss; 05-06-2015 at 03:32 PM.

  4. #104
    Senior Member Thomas477's Avatar
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    Re the 5pm kick offs, give them to the nix, it's about 7pm their time. Problem solved.
    Middleby Gone

    Lawrie Out

  5. #105
    Senior Member BodyNovo's Avatar
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    5pm is a shit time in the summer end off

    Friday nights are by far my favourite fixture
    Quote Originally Posted by militiamon View Post
    Body gets Stretch drunk, miracle occurs.

    Hail Body!

  6. #106
    Join Date
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    One thing the NSL did that shits over the HAL.

    Night time KO's

    By the back end of it they all KO at night time

    I can understand the need to cater to TV but for some reason we went from a 5:30pm KO to a 5pm KO on a Saturday last year. Why??

    The heat playing conditions etc are always gonna be worse at 5pm and that effects spectacle which effects product etc

    We should have went the other way and went 6pm KO with the later game KO at 8pm

    Generally speaking the sting of a summers day is gone by 6pm 90% of the time. Ie that's why it is pleasant to be outside at this time of the evening as opposed to 3pm etc

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by tha_hauss View Post
    The Dez Geraldi comments should be taken seriously. Not about Stubbins but about the treatment of players who come to the club. No player on trial or newly arrived at the club should be treated like this: offerred at $20 note for the train? It's disgusting.

    It speaks to me of a situation where someone else wanted to give the player a trial and GVE didn't, so basically ignored him when he turned up. All of these things matter to players - how they are treated on trial, how they are treated when they arrive, how they are treated when they leave, and players TALK. The club should be clear about who is responsible for looking after players in these situations. It shouldn't be left up to Craig Deans and his wallet.

    A book on Performance Excellence that I read basically said that you should remove all obstacles to player performance so that can concentrate solely on playing at their peak. That involves the club officals and admin trying to anticipate what these problems might be and intercepting them, whether they be paying salary and superannuation on time, or delayed contract negotiations, or lack of concern over the upcoming birth of the players baby while they are playing in Wellington, or lack of concern for their mental health, or whatever.
    That last paragraph hauss sums up the deficiencies of the club to a tee and why we are essentially still run like a semi-professional outfit as compared to most of the other clubs. Players sole focus should be FOOTBALL and when you have a club like the Jets who has half the support staff that of your Victory's and SFC's all of a sudden all these "minor" things away from the football are starting to add up and playing on the player's minds.
    It's also about getting the right people involved, people who are there for the players first and foremost. Heard a story about the former physio...think it was Rob Dingle....who had running battles with GVE over the players. He had the player's welfare 100% in his thoughts, as a result there were times when GVE would ask for a player recovering from injury to resume training. If Dingle in his position as team Physio thought the player was not ready, he would literally argue with GVE to the point where GVE would back down. This is the sort of people you want involved with the club, people who will do what is right by the players (and the club), not to just plod along and collect their paycheck every month and not step out of line because of fear of consequences. This is the culture of fear that Muppet was trying to instill at the club.....thank God he is gone!!!

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    One thing the NSL did that shits over the HAL.

    Night time KO's

    By the back end of it they all KO at night time

    I can understand the need to cater to TV but for some reason we went from a 5:30pm KO to a 5pm KO on a Saturday last year. Why??

    The heat playing conditions etc are always gonna be worse at 5pm and that effects spectacle which effects product etc

    We should have went the other way and went 6pm KO with the later game KO at 8pm

    Generally speaking the sting of a summers day is gone by 6pm 90% of the time. Ie that's why it is pleasant to be outside at this time of the evening as opposed to 3pm etc
    In the hot months of between November to at least March, there should not be any games played before 6pm. Like you said Member the sting is usually gone by 6pm and as well the shadows from the Western Stand are prominent by then over the field.

    In the past when I have had seats in the Eastern stand, for a 5pm kick off the heat has been unbearable and I have just gone and sat in the Western Stand. Reckon that sometimes the temperature would easily be mid-40's on those stinking hot afternoons in the stands facing the sun full-on and with the concrete reflecting it back.

  9. #109
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    Ahh...the famous 3pm kickoff v Wello in 45 degree heat a few years back. Eastern Stand was like a pizza oven.

  10. #110
    Senior Member lquiquer's Avatar
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    That will definitely be new
    Dare to Zlatan

    Originally Posted by Grimario

    He won't make that mistake at Newcastle since our team is full of number 2's.

  11. #111
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    Cast your mind back about 6-7 months ago, FFA had finally done the right thing and taken over the reigns, yes belatedly but still at least some hope was restored. The new coaching staff was announced, some new players were also announced and finally there was to be Forums whereby the Business community, Members and the general public were invited to discuss with then CEO Murphy, De Bohun and others the future direction of this embattled club.
    Overall heading into the season there was a good feel about the place and the engagement between the players and the club in general was at the highest it has been for years. The last probably 6 weeks or so I am just starting to get that nagging feeling that the club is back in a rut and normal service has resumed.
    Shouldn't the lines of communication that were opened between the club and fans/Business community during the 3 Forums be an ongoing thing?
    This is just another example of how the FFA treats it's stakeholders as just customers. The discussions that were held back in May/June need to be revisited where we can at least look back on positives that have been achieved and what we need to improve on and keep working towards plus any new ideas from Members.
    Wasn't it mentioned that Members would be voting on the colours for next season? As far as I was aware this was very high up on the agenda from both De Bohun and Murphy. If that's the case it is nearly January so when will this decision be made on the colours? As of yet I have heard nothing as such from the club. I believe there needs to be a time-frame of quite a few months so the kits are ready for the following season so wouldn't you think this should be getting sorted out very soon?
    Another thing that I think we need to have answers about is why have we still got an "Interim" CEO in David Eland who as we all know doubles as the NNSW CEO??? I don't care what BS anyone tries to feed the media about this but a professional A League club needs a full-time CEO who gives 100% of his attention to his club. A short time-frame of maybe 2 months maximum doing both roles but not indefinitely.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by stopper2 View Post
    Overall heading into the season there was a good feel about the place and the engagement between the players and the club in general was at the highest it has been for years. The last probably 6 weeks or so I am just starting to get that nagging feeling that the club is back in a rut and normal service has resumed.

    The forums are to make the supports think they are included in goings on. They arent allowed to address the most important issues and feedback takes weeks or not at all and info is treated like an asio document. yes we have won the right to run onto the filed. its pandering and is kids stuff. no offence to the committee they are bound by some pitiful rules.

    the club has recinded alot of the proposed hype at seasons start. We are better then last year but i could have achieved that

  13. #113
    Senior Member lquiquer's Avatar
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    Don't tell me they sold us a dream again??!!!...
    Dare to Zlatan

    Originally Posted by Grimario

    He won't make that mistake at Newcastle since our team is full of number 2's.

  14. #114
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post

    The forums are to make the supports think they are included in goings on. They arent allowed to address the most important issues and feedback takes weeks or not at all and info is treated like an asio document. yes we have won the right to run onto the filed. its pandering and is kids stuff. no offence to the committee they are bound by some pitiful rules.

    the club has recinded alot of the proposed hype at seasons start. We are better then last year but i could have achieved that
    What big issues would you like the committee to bring up with the club?

  15. #115
    Senior Member lquiquer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GazFish35 View Post
    What big issues would you like the committee to bring up with the club?
    Committee not allowed to discuss football ( squad, coaching, tactics, recruitment), I think that's what Hawk refers too... Nothing negative against committee, just the rules....
    Dare to Zlatan

    Originally Posted by Grimario

    He won't make that mistake at Newcastle since our team is full of number 2's.

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by GazFish35 View Post
    What big issues would you like the committee to bring up with the club?
    1/ How long is David Eland's "Interim" role as CEO going to last; next month, rest of season, till we get a new owner??? He can't do both roles idefinitely.
    2/ Members were promised there would be a vote taking place for the team's playing strip for next year and beyond, some may not see this as an important issue but once and for all we have to decide what our colours are going to be; in 11 seasons we've gone from gold/navy to blue/red to now predominantly blue, compare this to most of the other A League clubs, apart from Roar and probably the Gypos (ha ha that palm tree kit) the rest have virtually remained unchanged in that time.

  17. #117
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    They only had the forums so 9004 suckers signed up as members again. #moneygrab

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by GazFish35 View Post
    What big issues would you like the committee to bring up with the club?
    team recruitment. And they know you guys have the answers but they/ffa cant bare to hear it.

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