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Thread: The Politics/Religion/Conspiracies Deathmatch Thread

  1. #1981
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Seriously, just kill me now.

    I dunno what's worse, Turnbull trying to be a man of the people or Shorten trying to look like he gives a **** about 'the werkers'.

    Can we vote for Trump?

  2. #1982
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    Seriously, just kill me now.

    I dunno what's worse, Turnbull trying to be a man of the people or Shorten trying to look like he gives a **** about 'the werkers'.

    Can we vote for Trump?
    yes but you'll have to deal with waleed, pickering and Q&A tissue brigades

  3. #1983
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    Seriously, just kill me now.

    I dunno what's worse, Turnbull trying to be a man of the people or Shorten trying to look like he gives a **** about 'the werkers'.

    Can we vote for Trump?
    Shorten is worse because he has a choice to oppose the government on policy issues and yet chooses not to.

  4. #1984
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    So today I'm reading that one side is going to cut the suicide rate by 50%.

    I mean jeez it's a noble cause and all but how the hell they gon achieve that?

  5. #1985
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Also Trump 'went there' with the Clintons.

    Truly epic times we are living in people, drink it all in.

  6. #1986
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    Great to see some intelligent discussion going on in this thread

  7. #1987
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    So today I'm reading that one side is going to cut the suicide rate by 50%.

    I mean jeez it's a noble cause and all but how the hell they gon achieve that?
    Creating jobs for them would be a great start.

    Or alternatively, change the definition of the word suicide.

  8. #1988
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    Also Trump 'went there' with the Clintons.

    Truly epic times we are living in people, drink it all in.
    Clinton's are pretty tight with the Rothschild clan as well.

  9. #1989
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stopper2 View Post
    Great to see some intelligent discussion going on in this thread
    Hey man feel free to contribute.
    What's on your mind?

  10. #1990
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
    Creating jobs for them would be a great start.

    Yeah I mean that's a pretty good start.
    It was just a weird policy reach and a very weird figure to pull out of thin air.

    Everyone would want to see that number at zero but it's like some pollie thinks there's a magic fix and things will be sweet.

    I mean how do they even know 'why' people kill themselves let alone think "ok we'll sort out marriage issues, custody issues, depression, rage, bullying, sexuality issues all in one big swoop".

    Done: vote for Bob!!!

  11. #1991
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
    Clinton's are pretty tight with the Rothschild clan as well.
    Oh it's all going down.

    If anything as Trump goes down kicking and screaming he'll have done so much damage to her credibility that the next GOP candidate in 4 years might look like a viable alternative.

  12. #1992
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    Hey man feel free to contribute.
    What's on your mind?
    Best thing about Waleed Aly winning the Gold Logie was seeing all the racists and bigots coming up from out of the woodwork like maggots feeding on a dead carcass ha ha.
    Fancy that a brown-skinned man of Arab heritage and of Moslem faith winning a mainstream popularity vote in Straya!
    Just not on, hey hawky!!!
    Squirm ya farkers

  13. #1993
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    Quote Originally Posted by stopper2 View Post
    Best thing about Waleed Aly winning the Gold Logie was seeing all the racists and bigots coming up from out of the woodwork like maggots feeding on a dead carcass ha ha.
    Fancy that a brown-skinned man of Arab heritage and of Moslem faith winning a mainstream popularity vote in Straya!
    Just not on, hey hawky!!!
    Squirm ya farkers
    You should be on isis watch list

  14. #1994
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stopper2 View Post
    Best thing about Waleed Aly winning the Gold Logie was seeing all the racists and bigots coming up from out of the woodwork like maggots feeding on a dead carcass ha ha.
    Fancy that a brown-skinned man of Arab heritage and of Moslem faith winning a mainstream popularity vote in Straya!
    Just not on, hey hawky!!!
    Squirm ya farkers
    So what is it with this dude?
    I only ever see him on Offsiders and he's never gone outside the norm of a sports talk show.

    But yeah I see him put up there as some sort of dissident, is it correct?

    As for the backlash, you realise there's probably more hate mail out there regarding some soapie starlets dress sense than the Oz KKK going after this dude.

    People are just shitheads, but yeah if he stirs up the bigots then nowt wrong with that.

  15. #1995
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    So what is it with this dude?
    I only ever see him on Offsiders and he's never gone outside the norm of a sports talk show.

    But yeah I see him put up there as some sort of dissident, is it correct?

    As for the backlash, you realise there's probably more hate mail out there regarding some soapie starlets dress sense than the Oz KKK going after this dude.

    People are just shitheads, but yeah if he stirs up the bigots then nowt wrong with that.
    He's an academic at Monash but to be honest I'd never heard him mentioned before he got the gig on ABC Radio and then later on Channel 10.
    Last edited by The Dunster; 09-05-2016 at 10:27 PM.

  16. #1996
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
    He's an academic at Monash but to be honest I'd never heard him mentioned before he got the gig on ABC Radio and then later on Channel 10.
    Yeah look I'm going to be honest I ain't reading all that so I'll remove myself from having any educated opinion on him other than what I've seen.

    Ta though Dunster.

  17. #1997
    in awe of baz GazFish35's Avatar
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    with this election campaign almost as long as the a-league off season I thought I'd take this chance to start my campaign for everyone to get a better understanding of the importance of the Gonski funding to the schools and kids of Australia.

    It's not about teachers being paid more it's got nothing to do with teachers pay awards, it's about kids education being funded to a level that will bring us up to the minimum needed to compete with international standards. Let that sink in.... We are playing catch up.

    It's about a system that is fair and supports kids based on need.

    A colleague has penned this, please take the time to read it and please pay attention to the Gonski campaign. It's imperative public schools and any school serving low-ses and high learning needs kids receive fairer funding and a much needed injection of funds.

    Hi there Facebook friends, Sedge here.

    I’d like to take a few minutes of your time if I may to tell you about why the Gonski funding at the next federal election is so important to the future of our great nation. If you can’t be bothered reading this post, then good luck to you, keep watching the Kartrashians; but if you’re interested at all in the future of our beloved Australia, please scroll down and keep reading.

    I know Facebook is normally reserved for light-hearted fluff, but I believe that what you are about to read is probably the most important issue in our country – apart from environmental sustainability – at the moment.

    I’ve taken some time in drafting this plea, yes a plea, to all Australian voters, especially to my friends who have kids or don’t fully understand the issue at hand.


    It’s that simple.

    Labor and the Greens have promised to commit to 100% of Gonski funding, while the Coalition have told us that they will gradually scrap this.

    What is Gonski, I hear you ask…let me lay it all out for ya!

    David Gonski is a super-smart dude who used to be involved with private schools, Coke and assorted big business. He is a financial whizz and understands national and international financial trends. He was commissioned to do a study where he looked at the projected growth of Australia and our Pacific Rim neighbours. His findings basically said that public schools are desperately underfunded and if something doesn’t change, they will sink! Places like China, India, Malaysia and Indonesia are rapidly growing and upskilling their students/workers. For Australia to compete with these emerging powers, we need to begin at the start – with our Public Schools. Currently, private schools get enormous amounts of funding from the Federal Government – I’m talking professional theatres, full gyms, heated swimming pools, MacBook’s for every kid, etc…whereas public schools don’t even have whiteboards or air conditioners in every classroom, let alone hot water in the staff rooms or basic equipment for student learning. Gonski was a poster boy for private schools and even he said that the current model is totally biased. Can you believe it??

    The big end of town looks after their own, and will continue to do so if Turnbull gets re-elected.

    David Gonski outlined exactly how much cash public schools need over the next six years to bring them up to scratch and “educate” the new workforce of Australia. We need this money to ensure that our kids have what they need to compete not only with rich kids but foreign workers that will – have no doubt about it – be temporarily employed to fulfil Australian contracts.

    (By the way, the full details of Gonski can be found at

    I’m not trying to scare people; I just want people to be aware of what is happening.

    We, as a nation, need to take steps to ensure that this does not happen. We can’t just adopt the “she’ll be right mate” mantra anymore, as she won’t be right mate, she’ll be anything but. She’ll be rooted!!

    Many people – still – believe that teachers are whining bludgers, that get holidays every few weeks and wouldn’t know what a real days work looked like if it bit them on the calculator. To those people, I say, open your minds and talk to teachers about what it’s actually like at the “chalk face.” I have worked in supermarkets, pubs, restaurants, offices, construction sites and theatres in my time and teaching is, hands down the most mentally challenging profession I’ve encountered.
    Could you imagine if a doctor or a lawyer had 25 people in their room at one time – all with different needs – and all speaking at once. Would that professional be able to do their job to the best of their ability?

    We have a practice in New South Wales classrooms called “inclusion” where children with learning difficulties such as dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and Asperger’s Syndrome are all in mainstream classes. When you add abused kids, NESB (Non English Speaking Background) kids, and lazy kids to this mix, you basically have to teach to 25 different learning styles. Did I mention that all of these kids in high school are GOING THROUGH PUBERTY and have to be physically separated from their mobile phones every lesson!! My area is also designated as a low socio-economic rural area. We have many students, who come from broken homes, have histories of physical and sexual abuse and who are “broken” by the time that they get to Year 7. We as teachers can only do so much. My colleagues and I go above and beyond and try to make our school a safe and creative space where we do the best that we can. We operate on a shoestring budget and we get creative with what limited resources we have. It’s the hardest gig that I’ve ever had and now the Liberal government wants to make it even harder!!
    The kids need more money so the schools can hire specialist teachers, SLSO’s, (also called Teacher Aides) counsellors and support staff.


    I welcome any debate on this matter – though what I’ve said is all true – but I would prefer if you please, in the very least, share this post and talk to your friends and family about the importance of Gonski.

    Every Australian should have the right to a great education, whether they choose to use it or not. It shouldn’t be limited to just silver spooners, or full fee paying international students. It should be one of the pillars of our Constitution and a birth right.
    I love my country and I love teaching in the Public School system, but we are about to be severely rimmed if we don’t get the Gonski funding.

    Won’t someone please think of the children!!

    Please vote Labor/Greens just this once, even if you normally vote Liberal. We need your votes.

    Time to stand up ‘Straya

    I’m counting onya.

    Sedge \m/

    PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE and sign the petition at
    …and remember
    Without teachers there would be NO professions, as we have taught every person, in every job.

    If you've got any questions about Gonski sing out.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackmac79 View Post
    I tend to agree with Gav.

  18. #1998
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    If Labor decides to help aussies first and not the rest of the whole world then they might have a chance

  19. #1999
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    If Labor decides to help aussies first and not the rest of the whole world then they might have a chance
    rofl, australia's foreign aid budget is disgracefully small anyway, the libs have savaged it but it's political poison, and i don't see labor pumping it up if they get in regardless. .

    you want to blame someone for not helping out the so called battlers, go look at the rich end of town. australia's record in domestic philanthropy is absolutely putrid.

  20. #2000
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Yeah look I think the whole education funding debate is a good one but some of the numbers getting tossed around are a little bit cheeky.

    Fed spends on private schools because the state takes care of publics.
    Overall state/fed combined it's still double the amount spent on public v private per student.

    And look I'm fine with ditching tennis courts and theatres for private kids in place of basics for public kids. 100% but then are we all cool with fed funding for universities being used for pools and theatres too?

    And then we'd all have to be cool with ditching any rebates for private health care too right? Because the Feds should only be funding public hospitals too yeah?

    I like the fact the education is a centrepiece in this election but this blokes assumption that 'labor will fix it/Libs will screw it' is a bit rich.

    Also, I don't remember this outrage when fed funding dropped between 09-12, and since Abbott got it it's actually on the way back up.

    And yes it's not Gonski money but that policy was never funded and promised so far out into the never never (and that's something that annoys me about all sides of politics).

    The biggest disc-race is the % of dollars that actually gets to kids (and in the same case as foreign aid) and how much is chewed up through admin on the way down the chain.

    Also: 5 star discussion point Mr Fish this is why I like this thread.

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