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Thread: 2016 Zone Premier League thread

  1. #201
    Senior Member
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    Good result for Mori. Must have sacked the coach

  2. #202
    Morisset vs newcastle Suns
    Res 0-1
    3rds 0-0

  3. #203
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    Another standard disgusting night out at Morisset. If my kids ever spoke or behaved that way I'd be embarrassed and ashamed. I think they guys out there really need to get over the fact that we are a proud multicultural club and that we actually prefer kebapi rolls and not kebabs. Banter is banter, but the rubbish we hear from that lot over years is really getting a bit old. In this day and age the hole stereotyping race bullshit doesn't have a place in football, sport or society.
    It's football, not s***er!!

  4. #204
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    If you hear racist remarks at any ground, report it to the referee and have your coach report it the opposition coach, get it sorted there and then.

    If you're still hearing it have your club report it to the association.

    If it's just banter, then walk away and laugh it off. Everyone knows where the line is, if it's crossed then you need to say that the line has been crossed. If someone continues on with it then it's your responsibility to do something about it.

    Not having a go at you Lofty. I'd rather these things dealt with properly than turning into a slagging match on the forums. If you were genuinely offended than you need to do something about it.
    Last edited by Frodo; 19-05-2016 at 10:14 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    If you hear racist remarks at any ground, report it to the referee and have your coach report it the opposition coach, get it sorted there and then.

    If you're still hearing it have your club report it to the association.

    If it's just banter, then walk away and laugh it off. Everyone knows where the line is, if it's crossed then you need to say that the line has been crossed. If someone continues on with it then it's your responsibility to do something about it.

    Not having a go at you Lofty. I'd rather these things dealt with properly than turning into a slagging match on the forums. If you were genuinely offended than you need to do something about it.
    Fair comments Frodo, but have been down that path before and the time that goes in to proceeding that way for nothing to eventuate even in situations when referees hear everything does make you want to not bother. Trust me, I'm all for banter on the pitch and from on the sidelines. But to single out people during the whole match due to their physical appearance and or background, then that's what I seriously don't agree with.
    At the end of the day when it's happened from the same group of people for so long and we are taught to forget it and let it go because that's just the way it is. You can take it to heart or the easiest thing to do is just pretend it's not happening.
    Maybe at these particular fixtures there can be officials at the ground to monitor in future.
    It's football, not s***er!!

  6. #206
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    If it makes you feel any better, I get called old and fat at every game. And that's from my own supporters....

  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Spy View Post
    If it makes you feel any better, I get called old and fat at every game. And that's from my own supporters....
    Haha I'm dreading the days that lie ahead for my older football years.
    It's football, not s***er!!

  8. #208
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lofty View Post
    Fair comments Frodo, but have been down that path before and the time that goes in to proceeding that way for nothing to eventuate even in situations when referees hear everything does make you want to not bother. Trust me, I'm all for banter on the pitch and from on the sidelines. But to single out people during the whole match due to their physical appearance and or background, then that's what I seriously don't agree with.
    At the end of the day when it's happened from the same group of people for so long and we are taught to forget it and let it go because that's just the way it is. You can take it to heart or the easiest thing to do is just pretend it's not happening.
    Maybe at these particular fixtures there can be officials at the ground to monitor in future.
    I have no doubt you guys cop a lot more shit that is out of line than a lot of other teams, and mocking the Kebapi Roll should an instant send off. That's like insulting boobs!

    For future reference, when it inevitably happens again at another fixture and this is just my personal opinion. I would ask one of your coaches to approach the 1st grade coach and tell him first, then tell the Ref. Some of the idiots that yell out stupid crap at games will at least change the tone of their banter if the 1st grade coach has a word to them..

    If it doesn't fix it on the day, i would think it wouldn't be impossible to get a hold of the club president via phone or even email, let him/her know. I know the Morisset President personally and i know that he, like my current club's President, would be very unhappy to hear that someone was offended by something said by one of their players/supporters.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  9. #209
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Spy View Post
    If it makes you feel any better, I get called old and fat at every game. And that's from my own supporters....
    I'm 30 and i've been getting those comments for the last 2-3 seasons... and that's just around the house.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lofty View Post
    Another standard disgusting night out at Morisset. If my kids ever spoke or behaved that way I'd be embarrassed and ashamed. I think they guys out there really need to get over the fact that we are a proud multicultural club and that we actually prefer kebapi rolls and not kebabs. Banter is banter, but the rubbish we hear from that lot over years is really getting a bit old. In this day and age the hole stereotyping race bullshit doesn't have a place in football, sport or society.
    Hi there first time user. I was also at this game between Morrisett and the Suns . Yes there was a little bit of banter being thrown around like it does in all games I've watched.but it definitely was not one sided from where I was standing I heard on numerous occasions players from Newcastle Suns yell at Morrisett players something in there own language which I can only assume if it was a derogatory remark ,or why wouldn't they say it in English go figure ... Yes racially taunting some one has no place in this great game . But when someone tells only part off the story it sort of gets up my nose ... They throw accusations towards another team that paints them as club full of racist and bigets which is not correct .ive been to most games this season and yes Morrisett are a team that plays hard but fair .. They only give what they get ... So finally if your going to post something on the forum make sure it tells the whole story off the game not snippets that show other teams in the competition as bad sports .... Rant over cheers waldo

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    I'm 30 and i've been getting those comments for the last 2-3 seasons... and that's just around the house.

  12. #212
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beeen View Post
    I don't know if this is a compliment or an insult... Actually i'm pretty sure i can guess the answer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waldo View Post
    Hi there first time user. I was also at this game between Morrisett and the Suns . Yes there was a little bit of banter being thrown around like it does in all games I've watched.but it definitely was not one sided from where I was standing I heard on numerous occasions players from Newcastle Suns yell at Morrisett players something in there own language which I can only assume if it was a derogatory remark ,or why wouldn't they say it in English go figure ... Yes racially taunting some one has no place in this great game . But when someone tells only part off the story it sort of gets up my nose ... They throw accusations towards another team that paints them as club full of racist and bigets which is not correct .ive been to most games this season and yes Morrisett are a team that plays hard but fair .. They only give what they get ... So finally if your going to post something on the forum make sure it tells the whole story off the game not snippets that show other teams in the competition as bad sports .... Rant over cheers waldo

    Well thanks for coming. I'm glad we finally found Waldo
    Firstly, I was on the pitch and there were only two players on the pitch that speak Macedonian. I honestly didn't hear anything being said from those players. In saying that, I was not really close to either of those positions, so I can't confirm, nor deny.
    My issue is that over the past 9 years I have been at the club, the only club that we constantly have these incidents with is Morisset (FYI; there's only one R). Now I'm sure if you attend or speak with the majority of clubs we play against week in, week out and especially clubs like Garden Suburb, Kotara, Mayfield, New Lambton, etc whom we have played against for a number of years you'll find that incidents like last night do not occur. Now I'm sure you may find it hard to believe, but maybe if you just put yourself in someone else's shoes and if you are being constantly taunted, insulted and provoked. Then maybe, just maybe you'll react. Now I don't condone abusing people whether it be in English or another language - as far as I'm concerned, there's no place for it. Our club over the past 10 years particularly have done a lot of hard work the clean up their name that was tarnished in the early days, and I think that the club is very well respected by most these days. If you honestly think that our teams go around to every ground and just start hurling abuse towards the opposition players and supporters in different languages, then maybe you need to attend a fixture that doesn't involve Morisset to get a true reflection and then you my friend will actually see the WHOLE story. Rant over. Cheers, Lofty
    It's football, not s***er!!

  14. #214
    Senior Member Bon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    I'm 30 and i've been getting those comments for the last 2-3 seasons... and that's just around the house.
    Stop complaining, you young bastard..
    Could be worse, you could be Rabbit's age..

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    I have no doubt you guys cop a lot more shit that is out of line than a lot of other teams, and mocking the Kebapi Roll should an instant send off. That's like insulting boobs!
    Kebapi rolls - better than Lego!
    It's football, not s***er!!

  16. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bon View Post
    Stop complaining, you young bastard..
    Could be worse, you could be Rabbit's age..
    You shouldn't be having a crack at peoples age.

  17. #217
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    Of course age is an insult. Walking on grass is environmental murder. Keep up the good work you old c**ts

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    Of course age is an insult. Walking on grass is environmental murder. Keep up the good work you old c**ts
    I thought grass was a weed and we were doing the environment a favour by trying to wipe it out.

  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by sammydog View Post
    I thought grass was a weed and we were doing the environment a favour by trying to wipe it out.
    me too but society has gone crazy

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo View Post
    I don't know if this is a compliment or an insult... Actually i'm pretty sure i can guess the answer.
    Yeah man must be all that meth you've been doing.

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