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Thread: Wanted: Tifo Crew

  1. #1
    Occasional Podcaster furns's Avatar
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    Jun 2012

    Wanted: Tifo Crew

    Article will be going up on front page in the morning
    With the move to a new active area, people's changing circumstances and the continuing refresh of The Squadron operations we find the need to put the call out for expressions of interest in joining Newcastle's tifo crew.
    Tifo is an essential part of visually supporting your football team across the world, and it covers everything including flags of all sizes, fence banners, two-stick handheld banners, pullovers, choreographies and any other number of ways to create a visually striking active support area at the stadium.

    The Squadron has been responsible over the years for a large number of tifo displays at Newcastle Jets games (both home and away). The giant gold banner at the 2008 Grand Final and the NEWCASTLE drop down display against Victory in 2011 are still 2 out of the 3 largest tifos ever deployed in the A-League even today.
    A lot of volunteer time, effort and expense goes into creating these displays and it takes a committed group of supporters to ensure a quality display is designed and produced. The gameday flags and fence banners also require repairs or replacement as time goes on and they become damaged through use.

    So, if you are an artist or designer, handy with photoshop (or similar programs), have access to a projector, are handy with a sewing machine, able to trace and/or paint or have some great ideas that could be used as a tifo display or on a banner or flag, then let us know by emailing us.

    We are also after a large space (preferably undercover) where we can produce these tifos, we used to use the Tennis Club which has unfortunately closed down so we are on the lookout for somewhere else to be able to sew, trace and paint, some on a fairly large scale. Please email us if you have a space or know where one may be available for us to use.

    If you are keen to become involved in any way, please email us with subject line "Tifo Crew". We have a number of projects we are looking to get designed and produced this season, so we really appreciate any time and help that people can spare.
    Never Tear Us Apart
    The Squadron FSC, Committee
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Needed a stall here:

    Plenty of worthy contributors

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