Quote Originally Posted by Bremsstrahlung View Post
Still unpredictable what happens when you contract the virus. You play roulette.
It’s not all about you. There’s more people in the world than just you. Everyone’s being affected worldwide, celebrities the famous and the rich.
Limiting the people infected, limits the deaths.

We are starting to limit the new infections and the death trends will continue for some time and will probably.
As I said early.
There’s 5000 Australians who have not died, and not recovered from the virus. They can still tip the numbers either way.
More people are being affected by the consequences of locking people down in their homes than they are by this Pandemic BS

Locking everyone down is the approach for the weak and fearful

You scared of catching it you do have a choice of staying out of society if you want

This approach is like burning your house down as you set fire to it because you used a flame thrower to kill a fly in your lounge room