Quote Originally Posted by sapdad View Post
agreed,but watching SAP games has exposed a few issues.good teams having 3 or 4 very good players by comparison and seemingly happy to let their stars win for them.plenty of players in good teams unable to shoot pass or control very well with weak foot.a lot of players/teams winning by athleticism rather than skill.trials at 13's will expose a lot of this and kids will wonder where it all went wrong.kids will come from other areas with similar levels of athleticism and skill level.they will get their chance.i agree with most parts of your comments so please dont think im coming after you specifically but watching a lot of games over these past few years has shown me how different peoples understand of "skilled" is and i disagree with most of them.
If a kid has athleticism thats ok dont cry they are learning to use it and dont be jealous because your kid cant handle it.

If a kid cant use their other foot yet have a cry. Theyre still learning.

Dont worry I dont have a kid playing but jealous parents are a cancer. Theyre all doing their best with their current skills and learning new ones.