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Thread: Running Thread aka Havent even done a half yet?

  1. #181
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    I have been getting a bit of parkrun tourism done. I aimed for, and have successfully gotten to a new event for me at least once a month so far this year. Starting to need to get creative for the next few months though. Belch I will almost definitely be making a mad dash down to Coombes in the next few months, I'll hit you up before I do.

  2. #182
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    Completed the UTA50 last wkend, what an amazing event!

    I spent a lot of time ignoring people telling me how much more fun and satisfying trail running was but I am unashamedly a convert now.

    A few mates and I are taking on the Oxfam 100 in Sydney in August, if anyone is keen to donate to the charity hit me up with a PM and I will shoot you our donation page or you can join our 100 club to try and win some coin back.

  3. #183
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    Anyone interested in doing a Virtual Run in aid of Bushfire support:

  4. #184
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    What watches do you guys use?

    Looking at Garmin mostly.
    Tossing up between the 245music and Venu.
    Want to just run with a watch and earphones.

    Ideally would like to track swimming also. But the running features on 245 look impressive. But is it all necessary/useful?

  5. #185
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bremsstrahlung View Post
    What watches do you guys use?

    Looking at Garmin mostly.
    Tossing up between the 245music and Venu.
    Want to just run with a watch and earphones.

    Ideally would like to track swimming also. But the running features on 245 look impressive. But is it all necessary/useful?
    Most people use Garmin. I know a few people with I think the 645music and they love theirs. A pal of mine loves the Fenix, he uses it for a lot more activities than running.

    I use a Garmin 235 (I always get a model or two behind as they're just outrageously priced). I love it, but note I don't synch it to music, don't monitor HR, and am satisfied with the levels of tracking it gets. Mine also lasted me my entire 100k run battery wise, which is the biggest plus! I am very much in line with your thoughts that a lot of the features in many, even mine, are unnecessary. As long as it lasts battery-wise and uploads to Strava, that satisfies me. Although I've started to play around with the intervals settings and that has honestly really impressed me also.

    If you're doing a lot of trail running/hiking and want extremely accurate GPS and tracking, my understanding Suunto is the winner there.

    Belch almost definitely has more in depth knowledge of this kind of stuff. His running is far more scientific than mine!

    Earphones I have to recommend the Aftershokz, I think my pair are Trex Air? Unreal to run with, no problems with also wearing sunnies and a hat, etc.

    Give me a buzz if you're ever keen for a scoot pal.

  6. #186
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    lol, scientific. I just do what i'm told to do. most of the time i'm running to a perceived effort rather than a heartrate.

    I have a forerunner 945. cost me about $750 from rebel (don't tell my wife). they price-matched the watch from pushys online store.

    does multisport, oxygen saturation seems like a gimmick, as does body battery and stress. optical heart rate gives you some funny readings - it can be out by 60 odd beats sometimes (but that is every optical heartrate monitor as far as i am aware). if i'm doing a session i will wear my heartrate strap. the heartrate strap gives you running dynamics, but i've only ever looked at them in passing. interesting but i've never studied it in detail or changed anything about my running as a result of it. you would need to get the swim strap for more detailed swim dynamics.

    one of the attractions was the ability to put music on it. i bought a pair of JBL underarmour sport wireless react earphones ($120 i think) to go with it and have been very happy with the combo. it will drop out for less than a second every now and again, but not often enough or long enough to be annoying. and way less annoying than carrying my phone. they're waterproof as well - wore them this morning in driving rain with no issues. stay in the ear nicely with the little wing things that come with them even in the howling wind. sunnies/hat also no issue.

    one feature i might get around to eventually is setting up the watch with payment details so that i can use it for buying a drink on the run if i ever need it. no certainty that i'll ever do it though. could be good for something like city to surf where you know you are going to be about 90 minutes before you get back to your gear.

    I replaced my forerunner 735XT maybe a month ago when the screen cracked across the entire face. probably had it for about 18 months and it got the occasional bit of rough treatment. it did everything that i needed it to do. think you can still get them, but doesn't have the music functionality. haven't swum with the new watch but the old one would miss the occasional turn if you just touch the wall and go (rather than tumble turn).

    for me, it's worth getting something that can do multisport. i like looking back on rides, swims, kayaks etc that i've done while on holidays.

  7. #187
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    Thanks guys!
    Ended up going with the Garmin Venu. The Forerunner 245 appealed with its pace setting and race predictor (May have given me some motivation to do a race and train for something).
    Had a look at it and it just didn’t totally appeal to me.

    Went with Venu and while it lacks a few of the high end running features, it passes as a simple everyday watch.
    Have taken it for a swim and performed pretty well, HR seemed accurate (I wore it reasonably tight to prevent water getting underneath) and it tracked laps well. Was able to use the touchscreen with no issues when wet and underwater.

    Went for the first run with it today and enjoyed it without carrying my phone, listening to music, was exactly what I wanted.
    Tracks the basics of Pace and HR which I was more interested in. Gives some good graphs at the end.

    By no means will it change what I do at this point, I’m not that into it, but it gives some good feedback and look forward to improving my VO2 and SWOLF scores as a bit of motivation.

    Got swooped by a f***ing magpie the other week, so I’ve been a bit wary of venturing out. Bastard chased me for like a good minute and wouldn’t let up.

  8. #188
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bremsstrahlung View Post
    Got swooped by a f***ing magpie the other week, so I’ve been a bit wary of venturing out. Bastard chased me for like a good minute and wouldn’t let up.
    My advice is don't run on the Fernleigh Track, if that's the case. Between magpies and completely ignorant cyclists pushing their lanes + the speed limit, that place is a disgrace.

  9. #189
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    Parkrun back in the ACT from the 31st of October! Can't bloody wait.

  10. #190
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    PV4 - do you know restart dates for hunter parkruns?

  11. #191
    aka WLG pv4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belchardo View Post
    PV4 - do you know restart dates for hunter parkruns?
    Nothing confirmed yet as far as I know.

    As far as I know.. LM and Newy want to restart as late as possible, and I believe Newy want all other RoR events to align with them.

    From what I can vibe - Newy (start area), Nulkaba & Callaghan (private property) are the trickiest events to get restart permission.

  12. #192
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    i saw that Callaghan had said not until next year.

    Fingal were saying 19th if they can.

    why would newy want all other events to start as late as they do? who made them kings of the world?

  13. #193
    Senior Member Jeterpool's Avatar
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    Wait, I know this one
    Quote Originally Posted by belchardo View Post
    i saw that Callaghan had said not until next year.

    Fingal were saying 19th if they can.

    why would newy want all other events to start as late as they do? who made them kings of the world?
    The biggest and the original, I suppose...
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimario View Post
    Great. He's gone from Liaoning Whowin to Newcastle Wholose.
    The Championship Chronicles - The Jetstream's review of the 2007/08 season.

  14. #194
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    Hey folks,
    You guys got any good running programs or ideas to up my kms?
    My limit is probably 10km and that’s dying in the back end. Can do 6km reasonably comfortably and keep a steady pace.

    Do I just need to keep dying on my 10kms and eventually it’ll be easier? Haha.

  15. #195
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    buy a pair of alphaflys. taking the piss there.

    I think you're saying that you currently run up to 10km at a time, rather than you're dying in a race. None of this comes from anything other than my experience

    number 1 - patience - as long as you keep working, you'll get better, but it will take time
    number 2 - consistency - it's better to run consistently than do it in fits and starts. try to do roughly the same distances each week and add additional distance/load gradually.
    number 3 - run easy/slow - do most of your distance at a conversational pace to avoid injury
    number 4 - find a training group or go to parkrun. social running is a hell of a lot more fun than running every single run solo, but be careful not to get caught up in somebody else's pace too often

    If you can handle four runs a week, you'll want to get an interval session in (fast and like 8/10 intensity max), a tempo (moderate, like 6/10) and a long run (easier, keep it less than 4/10 if you can, but some days it just gets away from you) with another shorter easy run slotted in somewhere that suits. A fun interval session is 5min at 10km pace, 4min at between 5km and 10km pace, 3min at 5km pace, 2min at 3km pace, 1min at 1500m pace with 90s rest between each one (plus warm up and cool down). search for mcmillan calculator and chuck a recent run into it to get a feel for what your paces would be (you don't have to give them your email details).

    You save your 10/10 efforts for a race.

    my week is generally about 8km easy on monday, an interval session on tuesday (depending on what i'm training for, anything between 1500m pace to 10km pace), wednesday is 12-15km easy, thursday is about 8km easy, friday is a longer session (for example, 4 x 5 mins or a 20 minute tempo at 10km to half marathon pace), saturday is 10-15km easy, sunday is a usually a 2 hour long run. everything other than Tuesday or Friday is pretty easy.

    Other things that will definitely help is running specific strength (or hill repeats), strides and drills. and getting a coach if you can afford it and are that serious about it.

    Where are you based? might be worth looking up either a physio or a running store, a lot of them have free run groups. a lot of social running groups out there too.

    How far are you running each week and what are you doing for your steady pace 6km?

  16. #196
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    Running more consistently now and it’s nice to reflect back on these “struggling to do 10” posts.

    Bel, you were bang on with consistency and it was a bit of an eye opener to hear off many people that you don’t always have to run fast to improve.

    Some other things that probably are overlooked, I definitely underestimated the benefit of a good pair of socks. My feet sweat quite alot, so thinner socks were resulting in “pruning” of my toes and forefoot making it very uncomfortable to run once the sock was wet. Switching to some more cushioned socks really helped negate that, and also provided some cushion.

    Switched to Brooks Glycerin from Adrenalines (from Kayanos), and it’s made running a lot easier. They suit my run style alot better. Nice cushioning that’s really helped absorb some of the load that otherwise was going through my forefoot and knees.

    I got some Endorphin Speed 2s on sale a little while ago after reading a lot of good things about them. Took them for their first spin today and these bad boys legit dragged me along at pace. I’ve never really encountered something like that before. Not sure if it’s the “roll” design or what. Rather impressed, might keep them for ‘special occasions’ haha.

  17. #197
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    good to hear man.

    If you're salivating over a pair of speeds, wait until you try something with a carbon plate. modern foams plus carbon plates make for stupidly fast paces and quick recovery. you've just got to be a bit careful that you don't over-do it otherwise you'll do yourself some damage.

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